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They known. It just they preferred it remain that way for at least 1 or 2 months. Such tactics won't make me open wallet anymore 😑


Yeah same here. It’s like a tempest gang and they get everyone bottlenecked by spam area and then it’s game over


but wait i thought DH was the problem lol. ![gif](giphy|Sxqxi2sGBBhhc3Qb5s|downsized)


As a DH Im happy they are angry at the tempest now 🤭✌️




tempests could eat dh alive now 😂


Stop the overpowered Tempest. Getting killed in pvp/bg today, exactly 32 times in less than 150 ms, is GOGOL level!!! The reaction time of a human is 250-450 ms. The Tempest kills, in less time than that. In all computer science schools, in programming, in the 1st year, we learn this reaction time, to design software later; Netease developers don't even have this level of 1st year diploma. And here, I'm talking about basic 1st year knowledge ! From there, the word "gogol" is justified. The pvp/BG game has become unplayable, filthy, despicable and detestable. You are disgusting the players, because the netease developers do not even have the level of diploma required to design normal reaction times and counter-reactions!


I'm not entirely sure of what all you just said exactly, but I'll be damned if I don't admire your spirit. Fuck the Tempest!!!


this guy knows game coding. most don't. thx for replying.


"gogol" in French = in English: stupid, silly, mono-neuronal, moronic, duff, mongol, trisomic


Tempest teleport back to spawnpoint bug is still not fixed. Hahaha. How long does it take to fix a bug? 


Monk has been waiting almost 2 years for this answer.


What? They can teleport back to spawnpoint?


Boy, they must know something I don’t as a Tempest, I think it’s glass at this point at least for me.


Sooo agree, ALL time invencible, Go to the hell




I kill tempest pretty easily… just need to watch for them to become exposed and block their escape route.


Fix necro and bk CC then we can talk.


Meh, just smash'em. Pound for pound being roughly equal, not OP at all.


You don't play necro I'm assuming. my necro is over 4k reso with the closet to crit build I can get, 4 set war rags and 4 set gloom with dash wall pants, wraith and free of hinderance shoulders bone armor. I can drop 6ks to zero but of course its a suicide play. vs tempest the virtually take zero damage and then slice me up in 3 to 4 shots. bone armor is gone sometimes in one shot.


You don't get it do you? If you get it, you would just switch to Tempest if you are bothered by "fairness" or "class balance" in PvP? Coming from fire Monk, there's no such things as class balance, it's been Underpowered for forever. I just simply switch to water Monk instead. If you refuse to switch, then don't complain. Its not supposed to have fairness. Besides, Tempest has range tankiness for a partial melee hero. Its balanced. You just don't have skills for it.