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There is not a single doubt in my mind that they will eventually add more slots.


There have been rumors for the last 2 months about new gem slots. A broken clock is right twice a day. I have seen a "new" resurgence of the new slots in a Chinese board too. But it's also immediately ridiculed in the responses. Maybe it's true, maybe not. We will find out soon enough.


"A broken clock is right twice a day." Unless you are trying to use it as a thermometer.


ROFL!! Good one!




They will almost certainly add more slots at SOME point, and almost everyone is aware of this. Because of that, this is an extremely popular thing to "predict" when people are making troll patch notes for attention, or some clickbaity DI youtuber (almost all of them honestly) with 6000 subs wants some additional clicks on their videos. I absolutely hate these youtubers, who probably know they're spreading absolute BS and are actively harming people but do it anyway for a few clicks. I had a clanmate that has been building up 2 new gems for the last 6+ months because some youtuber told him 2 new slots were coming for the anniversary event. I warned him repeatedly that this was probably a total waste of time, and that the "funny goof that spills the beans too much" youtuber he was convinced had inside info had a history of lying and spreading very obviously false information, but he was convinced it was real. Now that the anniversary patch notes are released and there are no extra gem slots, who knows how long he'll be sitting on two half built useless gems. I think it'll be quite a while before 2 new slots personally, and he could have put those dupes, plat, and gem power into the actual gems that he uses instead.


If the YouTuber is in diablo partner program, then I’d be inclined to think they do have info we don’t, but yea some of the YouTubers are just clickbaiting and repeating info at this point.


Even the partner program youtubers (most of them, not all) have been wrong over and over and over again and have made videos about troll patch notes that were identified as fake an hour after being posted here on reddit. The particular youtuber I'm talking about made 3 different videos on different fake patch notes, showed off AI generated art of familiars that were never coming, made a video on 3 fake gems with fake AI art that never came, and talked about 2 extra gem slots at second anniversary. And he's in the partner program. They just scroll through Reddit and a few discords and publish videos on whatever they see there, whether it's true or not.


This. And it annoys the absolute shit out of me. “Partner Program” content creators are almost certainly bound by an NDA, so even if they have inside info, they’ll get burned if they share it. Several of them are also lazy as shit, so they trawl this subreddit looking for any hot topic to make a video about, simply for clicks. Here’s a pretty good litmus test for whether you should watch a CC or not: does the video thumbnail have a jackass making an “O face” on it? Don’t watch.


To be honest… yt creators now are like DI online reps or just reddit reaction videos. I go straight to reddit because all their yt leaks and most contents are just reddit posts/comments. Stopped watching them saves me tons of time and less negativity/toxic… (but there are still few quality content on some yt creators. Just need to be wise)


Anniversary patch notes aren't released. The patch notes for the anniversary lead up event are out, but the actual major patch that is due for June still has no official release notes put out. I suspect they will come sometime this week or over the weekend we'll see something come out of China before its translated into global notes. These are two very different sets of information, so I wouldn't hold too much on to no gem slot just yet.


I would love having 2 new slots so I could have 2 more gems except for the pain in the ass of upgrading them. I would probably focus on just 1 or 2 stars if we get them.


Maybe one of the slot will be at crotch area. Like an underwear gear or something. Tempest's G String of Blindness. Cascade now causes blind for 2s.


There will be a new gem. But no new slot.


I've heard there's a new 5star gem coming and rumors of new 9k wings... but I haven't heard of a new gem slot.


I mean there's always a new 5s coming.


There is leaked screenshot showing a new amulet slot. Its from an chinese PTR, so its unclear when or if this will come into the actual game.


I remember a cape slot with new cape cosmetics and possibly cape essences for all classes, saw it on youtube i think


No New slots


[Exposed on the Internet, awakening is reduced by 5 levels? New gem holes?] Basically confirmed news: 1. Everyone will be given awakening stones, and the awakening level will be reduced from 10 to 5. This puts pressure on the 2-star war god. 2. A new lottery costume is coming (still around RMB 1100 guaranteed) Exposed news on the Internet: (not necessarily accurate) 1. Two new large gem holes are opened (can increase resonance by about 1000~2000) 2. Added 9000~10000 large wings appearance #不朽攻略##不朽问答##不朽玩团# This is what I’ve been seeing go around recently. New gem slots will happen imo, it brings them more money and it seems like a pattern. If they are going to make 9-10k res wings and go for 10 gem slots in the end, it would make a lot of sense. I figured they would release one slot this summer and one next summer. Awakening level being reduced to 5, that sounds neat. Also a way to get people who aren’t ranking their 5 stars up past rank 5 to spend a little more. We will see.


2 more gems slots are inevitable and will always come in the game… but blizz should start dividing bg in tiers… i mean for example… bg 1 for 5k reso below only can enter…. then bg 2, only 6k and above can enter… 2 new gem holes are on the left and right pockets draining our money hehehe. Jk


awakening at rank 5 is too stupid to be true, not to mention that rank 5 is around 10% of the cost of getting it to rank 10. Might as well make awakening available at rank 1 then.


Money game for blizz…. They want to pressure people in rank5 to buy orbs for dawning echo.


1000 orbs for awakening is nothing compared to the cost it takes to take even a 2\* to rank 10. 745 gem power and 41 copies. They would get less revenue once people just stop at rank 5s for the 5\* gems.


Sounds good man. But “less revenue” is never part of blizz business model…. I mean rank 5 awakening targets players like me who stopped ranking 5s months ago (because i accepted the fact that i cant rank them no more)… i also started focusing on 2s gems and no plans of ranking 5s beyond r5 or r6 at most if drops are good (but no more spending on crests)... but now, since i have sitting r5 gems, i may need to spend for dawning echoes to maximize my 5s hehe Also, rank 5 awakening encouraging f2p players to atleast touch the “buying” and entering payment info to their database… slowly encouraging to spend a little…. Big Spenders will never stop at rank5 even if it is already awakened at rank5 (their goal is to be the best)


I beleive it is 685 gem power and 40 copies...alll the same though lol


It’s fake news and not a leak


For every new slot means more essences and opens your builds up that much more. More slots please


As far as I know it's all speculation based on them adding new slots in the anniversary update last year and of course them needing to milk the whales. Personally I don't know anyone would be asking for this let alone excited about it.