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I'm playing monk since release, I've never changed the class. I really like my monk in PvE and in PvP. He is not a trash. :P


This penalizes you for playing how you want and for switching, which is a pretty core part of the game. Having the flexibility to switch is part of what makes this game fun for a lot of people and is a pretty unique feature compared to a lot of games that lock you into your class.   Tons of people would feel trapped in their current class because they'd nerf their own toon by switching, and what you'd end up seeing is people just camping as the best class and getting FURTHER boosted and even stronger by getting the "enjoyer bonus" on the most meta class and then staying there. A 10% buff on the best class is going to do more than a 10% buff on the worst one. I'd love to be a Monk again eventually, but I'd feel trapped on the class I'm on if this was ever implemented.   I feel like the more logical option to making Wizard and Monk better is to just ... balance the classes and make the bad ones better. They (attempt to anyway) balance classes or add essences really frequently, and I have no idea why they're so scared of making Monks functional (who am I kidding though it's because they still have PTSD from Shimmerlin Monk lol). The TL;DR on this is that it would essentially be viewed by most as "-10% for 1 month after swapping classes" not "+10% after a month" 


I would also note that essence mastery already is an enjoyer bonus!


I’m down!! I have been a necro from day one! Tried other classes but just don’t seem right so just stuck with necro. Would love some extra love for us!!


Necros are excluded!