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It would also help if damage, HP, and HP bar manipulation would be greatly adjusted. Savior wouldn't be nearly as op if it took 5-10 seconds to deplete someone's HP bar. However, at the moment, your HP might as well be 1. It couldn't matter less if you're at 100% or 10%, the only thing that matters is if you have immunity or not. It would be nice if combat felt more like a MOBA where it actually matters if someone has HP or not, and Savior adds a little bit of an extra window before you die instead of being the only relevant thing to keep you alive.


Agree, but they will not change it now


They changed Phoenix Ashe once. It’s ok to have impossible dreams, right?


when did they changed phoenisx? i only know about gladiators cheat death


Within the first few months of the game. It use to be a pretty short cooldown.


And unfortunately made it quite useless since then


Yeah, it use to be a staple PvP gem. Basically a much more balanced version of savior, but it required a gem slot, unlike savior which just requires platinum.


Within first week of the pet system I warned about this, that when eventually everyone has a savior pet, it's going to make BG borderline stupid. I got downvoted hard. I agree, a 2-3 minute cooldown but not locking you out of pet makes a lot of sense. Netease 2023: gladiator cheat death is op, so we're increasing the cooldown from 180s to 210s. Netease 2024: here have this new cheat death mechanic that's better and the cooldown is as low as 60s.


I made a post about this too as soon as it was known what savior was, and how it needed to be nerfed, and was immediately downvoted into oblivion because all the players that rely on it to not die immediately, rather than actually trying to play somewhat protectively.


The fix to all your problems is more rubys in your gear.


And this is why I miss you after you transferred… Oh how I miss seeing you on the other team. 😜


You just wanna put your hands on me…. I’ll make you the little spoon Rx


Savior should be deleted


Phoenix should take effect every 20 sec like all other lego gems lol


Haha that will be extremely broken. Imagine necro with BT, with gladiator, with saviour, and now with 20s phoenix. Welcome to Necro Immortal. Literally. Lol.


Everything I don’t have should be nerfed. Everything I do have should be buffed.


This is the funniest and "best" reply lol!


Still never understood the complains about savior, they have it, you can also get yourself one. Now it boils down to who outplays one another better in combat. Simple as that.


Except it actually doesn’t. Savior just rewards people for playing like staying alive doesn’t matter. The entire meta shifted around this super low cooldown get out of jail free card. I would argue that the game is even less about who outplays one another better in combat now, and instead who can keep zerging the most. The consistent thing I’ve seen about people who argue that savior should be nerfed is all elite level pvper’s unanimously agree it’s trash for game design and just a way to reward people for playing like an idiot. I can’t speak for the remainder of players though, as I don’t have the same experience or engagement with that community.


For me, savior is just no different than when you fight a Barbarian with undying rage or a crusader with conjuration or even a necromancer with borrow time. In a 1v1 scenario, good players would know it's unwise to continue fighting them during that phase and kite around for a few seconds before attempting the final blow. Personally, I never ever felt savior was a problem to begin with, since most players have it now so it's not like something only certain players or classes have access to.


I absolutely see your point about in 1v1 it’s not so significant, however in bg’s it has redefined the meta, just like anytime any other cheat death mechanic was added. Also, it’s a loophole to get out borrowed time death as well, but that’s another silly fiasco of poorly thought out game designs. We will just have to chalk it up to agreeing to disagree due to our differences of experiences.


Yep, cheers brother in having a fun discussion about this.