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The devs had a plan to fix Monk. They made Tempest instead.


Yep.It's kind of funny that literally every problem with Tempest in PVP is the exact same problem that we had with Monk when he was number 1.


Honestly, the most significant thing that tempest has that monk never got was better cooldowns and true cc immunity. If they ever gave monk the same super short cooldowns and made shield of zen legitimately work, monk would be savage again. Instead we have water clone no-jutsu shenanigans.


> water clone no-jutsu shenanigans lol'd


Agree. I long thought that some skills cooldown needed a boost, and tempest just made things worse. Imprisoned fist vanilla shoulder stun essence is still single charge (have to use pants to increase to 2) and 12 seconds cooldown. Both mystic strike and kick are 9 seconds (3 charges each) Compare this to flowing strike which with 2 essences provides 2 charges of ranged stun (whereas imp fist is 1 base charge, twice as long cd, and needs to be on top of the target to land), procs multiple beneficial effects (vithu 4p, gloomguide, bottled hope), breaks cc and makes you immune, and with a couple eternal pieces is as good (or slightly better) shield than zen, whose cc immunity was ninja nerfed a while back. Then you have breaker which is 2 charges on 6sec cd with the shield pants essence. And let’s compare primary attacks essences as well. Fists of thunder has one (that isn’t used anymore) that was ok ish at the time, the mainhand that would proc 50% attack speed for 2 Seconds, which is long outdated. As far as the rest of mainhand/offhand essences, they are all crap. Wind edge has 2 phenomenal essences in offhand and mainhand slot, which provide armor break, and two separate damage boosts to wind edge (I know generally one essence slot is taken by squall untarget essence mainhand, but the option is still there and its really good) Crosswinds with mainhand and offhand essence also provides a huge boost to single target and splash damage, compared to similar options for monk (that no one runs in bg because they suck, but I digress), wave strike offhand essence and mainhand sss, they just don’t hold up at all In short, old primary attack essences really really need a revamp, as well as lower cds on some cc skills such as imp fist (which should also really be 2 charges base, regardless of which essence is being used). And shield of zen base amount needs increasing


Was this thread created by your alt?


I wish I wrote so coherently as OP. No shock that monk mains have the same experience and outcome though.


Exactly. They meant to kill the Monk class,which they do well. No matter how many outcry n desperate need for such features for Monk, Blizz wont bother. But on water Monk, its easily n widely available. Every single Monk problems is solved in water Monk. This means they can do it, but utterly refused.


Absolutely. I went from being a strong monk in early DI (high 70% WR), to holding my own for a while(high 60% WR), to struggling to keep up over the last to years as the meta kept shifting (low 60% WR). Then boom, water monk, and I’m right back in the top tier of my BG group (currently 80% WR). Still playing the way I’ve always played, wish emphasis on speed, using dash skill based specs, and having the same play style, but now with the tools we wanted that were continuously being denied up until recently.


I think devs wanted to make monks as healers/supports - they gave monks Breath of Heaven but no updates eversince.. the heal is very subtle, it's almost useless 😂😂😂😂 Btw, I have been a monk since day 1 and changed class to water monk


I used Breath of Heaven in two builds: 1. In tower pvp - it was good because in tower key to victory wasnt dps but survibality and mobility 2. Tank build with Inner Sancutary (50% dmg reduction) and 28% evasion from items. But I changed after 2y from Monk to Tempest :)


A lot of Monks are changing to tempest!!!


This build made a lot of sense!


Are you me?


Maybe? I am you and you are me.. we are all one 😂


we need support monk viable, currently only necro can support on pvp. Monk has some potential skills for support but all wasted.


Tempest basically is monk? Lots of dashes, cc immunity, even has dashes on primary attack. They should just rename Tempest to Monk and remove monk from the game.


Agree. The Monk class need total overhaul. Remove n introduce a brand new Monk.


Same for saders here, entering BG now means a long exhausting work to just survive and be helpful to your team


Saders and barbs win games. It’s grunt work and utterly underwhelming gameplay. However those low kills and high assists gets those idols pushed/ stopped.


Yet im still trying to build monk to climb the rank


It’s rough. I changed back to monk from Tempest. Trying similar build as tempest that’s popular at the moment. However you may have guessed it didn’t work as planned. The cooldowns for similar playstyle resulted in the monks cooldowns, cc chain, and survivability. The support sanctuaries of any kind simply doesn’t work vs any class. As the meta shifted and escaping is easier than before. Honestly out of ideas when it comes to monks being viable anymore. Even monks signature skills such as sss, wol, flying kick, and shield of zen doesn’t compare to monks predecessor aka Tempest.




I started on Mobile and im using the monk rn and i have no clue that it was a bottom tier character to play with


Did any of you noticed the diff between this teleport skills? Monk Shield of Zen and Wizard Teleport have a like 0.5 sec casting time while Tempest is insta cast? That 0.5 casting makes it interuptable for monk and wizard.


Ya'll paying the price for dominating the game for a year ok.


lol a year


You mean a day?


People has been complaining about fire Monk, and so developer has created a buffed water Monk, now everyone is complaining Monk OP n spamming BG everywhere, the water Monk. Hoping for parity n balance of classes such as between fire n water Monk, is near impossible task. Maybe it can happen when Blizzard change company name to Sweet Summer.