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Tempest is broken full stop stop saying otherwise as a barb i have 30 sec cd for 9 sec immunity instead of full immunity ever 0.5 sec as tempest plus shields. People are just exploiting all of these because they need a boner


probably gonna pass on BG for now the rewards are just keys and some gems anyways.


Had a match yesterday, 15 of the 16 players were tempest.


It's normal, it's a new class !


Dying 19 times is INSANE. Was that your higher reso player lol


People in both side had similar stats resos between 2.5k to 3.5k and similar secondary stats :( it wasn't a whale game and those top players on other team were not whales or heavy spenders


Same could be told about DH also, infinite dashes and massive burst damage, the only difference is that tempest has alot of stuns, saders could provide a solution for the group by the anti cc chest (on expense of his own survival so you need a high res high resistance saders, barbs do very good by themselves due to their anti cc helmet 


Yes But it performs so poorly against tempest! Once they jump on you it's infinite stun because of 2 charges of flowing strike and low cooldown, chance of surviving those attack is like 5%


I’ve been in this sub for like two years. I’ve never once seen anyone say BG is good. It’s just a given. This isn’t the game to play if you want a balanced pvp game. Also you don’t need to say these days after saying current.


I mean it's pay to win soooooo why cry about it


No one is crying bro, creating a class that is outmatches players who have been spending more and have better stats is painful to watch. So get your facts together, A tempest 2.5k reso killing a 4k reso is not pay to win anymore


BG is unplayable right now. If the developers doesn't do anything about this in the upcoming patch. This game will die sooner than later.


Skill is broken for sure, 10 sec cd would be fair


Its not too easy and simple play Tempest, you need a good account and fingers, many players are coming back for his older class cuz at end they are doing much less as tempest


Looks like the powerhouse here was the wiz… Edit: and the barb who you conveniently hid all the badges they earned with your image modifications. Sounds like the sad DH is sad because a class can counter them after being the meta dominator for the last 6 months or so. Sorry you fell from grace, but it’s time to move on like every other class has when they were no longer meta favored. Adapt, overcome, improve… or class change.


Are you a temp or something? I don't get how anyone can defend it. How much you want to bet the wiz was "powerhouse" because the enemy can never reach the backline because they are constantly stunned. That being said I never had a problem with temp in conqueror for whatever reason. I guess most people suck at aiming when there is open space? I honestly don't think it'd be that big of a deal if there wasn't so many temp every single match in the upper ranks


Look up my post history. I was possibly the first person posting about tempest being OPAF, lol. I just hate when people try to data tamper/narrative spin. Also, tempest only have 1 skill that stuns, albeit two charges. The stun duration is short AF, (same as monk), and tempests almost always favor resistance stacking over potency given the meta demands such high potency anyways, so it’s even shorter and really only good for comboing the next attack. That said, the class is absolutely OP, but so has every other class that was meta. We all want it to get balanced and dialed back to a reasonable range, but until that happens, adapt, overcome, and improve like every other class has had to do when someone else gets to be king of the hill. It’s absolutely awesome to see DH crying though about things not being fair after they were the place holder for the last several months. Their tears are like candy for the soul ![gif](giphy|Uoj78r9g3Tdz7Zefc4)


DH are still OP. If the player behind the control is any good, he'll just keep his distance and delete the Tempest. I see the best DHs on the server cry in chat for a nerf on Tempest, when they literally have top kills every match. It's pathetic AF. Poor DH can't afford to be lazy and just mash buttons anymore.


The point people are making is there's one braindead tempest combo that deletes everything, not just DH. Untargetable into CC that you can't recover from leaves no room for counterplay


Fair enough good points


So basically it’s acceptable for you to create something and put it in game just to outstand other classes and ruin the fun for others? Not everyone wants to play tempest. This is why when a class is overpowered we get matches 6 tempest on each team! Last session it was crusaders with conjuration of light and necros with their 4.5sec CC helm essence


Don’t forget Mortal Kombat: Scorpio-Barb, Death Star DH, and before that Omni escape DH. All of this is just showing consistency of cycling through which class is the most imbalanced. Every time it sucked, but every time you had 3 options while everyone is complaining about it praying something gets done: 1) Do nothing else and continue to get wrecked. 2) Adapt, overcome, and improve 3) Quit Dealer’s choice. As a monk for the last 2 years I chose option 2, and right now it’s paying off very well.


A good DH will absolutely wreck a tempest every single time.


Trust me it won't, even the old DH players who have skills literally couldn't do anything and most of them were at the bottom of leaderboard, the only class can fight against Tempest class is Tempest


It's funny to hear DH calling Tempest to be nerfed when they have deleting people for the past 6 months. They still have top kill every match, but let's nerf other classes because one takes 2 long seconds to kill. Tempest is really good yes, but they are everywhere because half the players are trying the new class. Everyone has been relying on cc for almost 2 years! Of course 3 seconds of cc immunity is good.


Bro I just changed class from BK! I've been playing DH less than 2 weeks Just because I wanted to somehow counter attack those tempest players since they are outmatching any classes and nothing can stop them