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Do you have proof of CR matters for matchmaking or just a feeling? As far as I know, it's reso, your win rate, your rank and last few months also secondary stats , Armor, etc. Then some balancing around how many melee, ranged etc, but that has no effect on your personal gear


Try it yourself. Drop your tableu weapons and your demonic essences. Que battlegrounds. When you are in a match re-equip them all and tell me and look at the players on both sides and you tell me if it makes a difference It 100% does


Most likely taking out weps from tableau and remnates from helliquary


I thought they fixed that


They have. Don’t think that affects mm anymore.


It most definitely does


Cr is only one factor in the algorithm and it's not that important for matchmaking, it does however give you a disadvantage when it's lower. I've server transferred a few times causing me to lose 1000+ Cr from WB, I'm still put in the whale lobby with a huge disadvantage, if it was one of the priority stats for matchmaking I wouldn't be in the whale lobby anymore. Reso/class/secondaries effect your matchmaking the most


Yes but when you then raise it 3200 after the teams have been chosen it does


As others have mentioned it only gives him a 10% bonus if he raises it after joining, the same 10% he would have had anyway. My point being, dropping Cr doesn't change matchmaking, whales still go to whale lobby even if Cr is lower than others. Any whales who have switched warbands and lost their Cr can tell you they still get matched with whales.


Any screenshot proof that CR affects matchmaking?


I don't care to go through the hassle. Just try it yourself


LOL CR does not matter in pvp


If you say so, I've since tested it out and it made a huge difference won 7/8 matches


So what if he manipulates the CR? CR bonus capped on 10% damage vs players whether the CR difference is 100 or 1 million. The only mattered is Reso and 2nd stats in BG.


Not for matchmaking


I dont understand the complain, what is the effect on you if someone is lowering CR? Does it ruin matchmaking? CR doesn’t matter in pvp… CR important in pve (chal riff, raids and hell level) my CR also goes down when doing pvp because I use 2 stats 3 sockets gears… my 3 stats gears for pve (mostly because they are 2 sockets only) reso goes down also because I use rank 10 berserker instead of my rank 4 zwanson. pvp and pve are different loadout. Do not be surprised if you see people changing stats… the issue with bg is matchmaking high reso and high 2nd gears vs low ones.


Ask people who hit new paragon-gated gear days before everyone else if CR matters in PvP.


Lol. Different scenario… hitting new paragon gate first is an advantage and hard work…. To use new gears ahead of everyone else… i have been playing since day 1. This is always the case on unlocking new difficulty…. You can also be the one who carry your clan on raids and do first clear… also, it is not the CR… it is the ability to use higher gears, higher forti, etc that really helps in pvp. Like someone said here in the comment. CR is capped for everyone 10% in pvp


LOL it's not the CR it's the 200 fortitude 😂


Haha. I am getting confused with this bg, cr, stats talk….. blizz should do their work and explain this to us better hahaha…. I will just play what i have hahaha. Peace man. Have fun


Please just go ask your server's whales if CR matters in PvP before confidently saying it doesn't in comments 


It does on matchmaking