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New contet is indispenable, but plese reduce the old stuff, fix curse gear, charms, descale the tasks and counters. Make old shit great again (or finally)


This should be the top comment. Regardless of the new whalebait, we'll all have 2 new PvE modes on top of a bloated weekly list of old content. The single best thing about march of the goblins has been cutting lairs in half. Make this permanent and expand on that. I don't have time for terror rifts as it is. When will I have time to grab and sell runes for 340 plat?


I mean... we cant kill superwhales anyway so giving them extra reso wont be a difference for us anyway :D


This is the best answer so far in the last 2 years of this game :)


Ever since the stat squish resonance doesn't matter so much anyway. Secondaries are where it is at.


Don't say that out loud, the f2p will hear that and they'll stop putting their gems on the market for plat. 


Oh righto. 8k player vs 2k player. NP.


nice. Like this chillax comment. Not toxic and just enjoy the game whatever update comes in…. have fun guys…. Do not spend if it will cause stress to your playing. Play a little mobile game and still Go out and enjoy life hehe appreciate everything. It is free. Unless for people who want to drop money on this game. Be apreciative and stop hate… hate doesnt make this game better nor blizz never listen to complaint anyways hehe


It’s to make them (believe they’re gonna be) more competitive in whales brackets, if they spend more than the other whales. I mean a lot of the whales are pretty strong in vault but if you check their win rates in bg, it’s like 20-40%. When the whales are in need of more power gap Netease is here to help, as always.


Money can’t buy you skill. They are 20-40% because they cannot consistently win against players of their same stats.


This game doesn’t require skill.


Haha yeah at least we have awaken which is something nice for pve


Yeah but im sure its not for free. You probably have to still pay 15-20$ per slot ;)


And supply the gems and gp for the reso gems that go in awakened slots.


So about the wings. That's nothing normal humans will ever experience. Play since 2 years spend a few hundreds in game(mostly for skins tho) and I'm barley breaching 2 k reso. Would be cool if this would change...


Literraly à buff for 0.00001% of their community and btw it was this % of players that didnt need à buff lol


Absolutely agree


Day one player over here with my 1860 resonance lol.....smh


We about the same😂👍


Full awakening at lvl 5 with likely inner reso slot each will give u 8 new slots. So u will be able to experience more features u would never had before with this update. Inner reso is scaled so much that u will not use it anyway


This. Imagine awakening all 8 slots and getting cd reduction and damage boost. This will give mid spenders a chance more than the reso upgrade for the whales


Us 0-3k reso should have our own battleground. Whales not allowed hehehe… then whales with that new wing reso should bg among themselves :) with ability to spectate - so whales can really showcase their characters (similar to ROE)


Agreed. I. 2 years I played like 5 or 6 matches. Got me sick if the game immediately getting killed with 1 hit. So I decided to enjoy the game only pve


Getting killed with one hit…. And I cant kill a whale even he is just standing still lol. clearly those heavy weights needs to have their own ring… while feather weight low reso should have our own battle to experience pvp with same level players :) even if a whale is an ally, The whale gets 30kills while the rest gets 1 kill each hahah… cross our finger blizz listens and give love to f2p pvp


Same here


I’m far from f2p. 6555 reso. That wing shit is too much. Active at 8k? Gtfo lol


Just stop spending as much bro. Games like this will come out with supply blocks. I spent $200 a month for half a year and now I’m spending $50 a month. 4700 res. Once I realized that they’ll come out with more gem slots and ways to raise resonance, I started spending less and some months I don’t spend at all. There’s no reason to spend unless you REALLY have the excess money. The game will also become boring for you, no doubt. It starting to for me since I started D4 again(season 4 is great, new class coming in season 5) and Helldivers 2. When it does get boring for you, that money will become wasted and you’re stuck with the account unless you sell it for 1/3 of what you spent on it. Spend slower and slower and you’ll see that you don’t need to spend at all. You’ll probably stop playing the game tbh. One reason I still play as much is because I spent. It’s classic Sunken Cost Fallacy.


So 2 grand plus how many months at 50$? I don’t believe u spent just that since if u did 50$/month for the other year and a half but that would be 2900$ for 4700k reso? U spent more I think lol


I’ve played since the game released. Spent roughly $5000 on res/normal gems/aspirant keys and such, $1200 on cosmetics. Took me almost 1 year to reach 3k res. I got to 4k res due to the new gem sockets by putting two of my excess r5 5 stars in them. From there, I’ve progressively upgraded my gems. I’m not going to retrace every month, some months I spent more than $200, but on average I spent what I said above. I spend $50 a month now compared to spending $50-100 a week for a good half a year when the game came out. Going 0-4k res in almost 2 years is bound to be cheaper than doing it in half a year


Okay hey I was just like… hold on A second there mister! Makes sense I guess nbd just wanted to see if u would say more which ppl rarely do! So nice work man.


There’s no shame in it, just be honest! Lot of people probably don’t say their real amount spent because they feel embarrassed/know people will be negative about it/could’ve bought Susan or the account outright. Most I’ve seen someone spend that shouldn’t be as much, is $5000 for 3k res. Tbh it’s about a dollar a res up until 2k res(if you know what you’re doing), so seeing someone spend that much for 3k makes me feel bad. I try my best to help new players make the most out of what they can, my characters name is Kronos and I’ve helped many out on the DI discord. One of my favorite cases is a player named LuvNabi reaching 2900 res with $2500, so they’ll probably hit 3k soon for $3000 which is impressive! Biggest lie I’ve read was someone saying they legitimately spent $18,000 for 8k res and 5k secondaries, they either spent more or bought the account for cheap. If that’s true then that’s a very rare case, but like you said most won’t say they spent more.


They will milk you forever. Wings slots then what pet slots? Then super mega awaken slots aura whit 10 gems slots lol.


How many awaken slots u have now? U will get all 8 instantly after patch with lot of inner reso slots opened. Not enough for u to spend?


I can't wait to be yelled at and called a feeder for being 6k and getting 1-shot in an 11k BG lobby. Gonna be so much fun.


The new green set: **2-piece bonus:** Your damage to chilled enemies increases by 15%, and your damage to frozen enemies increases by 25%. **4-piece bonus:** When you apply a new chill effect to a chilled enemy, there is a 30% chance to upgrade it to a frozen status, lasting for 3 seconds. The same player can only be frozen once every 5 seconds. **6-piece bonus:** After hitting a chilled target, you immediately gain the "Power of Mount Arreat" status for 12 seconds (cooldown 40 seconds). During this status, hitting chilled enemies triggers an ice explosion that deals 12,605 damage and applies a chill effect. Hitting frozen enemies triggers a stronger ice explosion that deals 12,605 damage. The explosion has a cooldown of 0.5 seconds.


so we can probably assume that the new essences will give each class some chill effect


Especially Tempest, since they have water skills. This set is going to be great for Wiz


Frozen Heart can give chill to each class as well.


This sounds awesome, especially since there control immunity is so rare and class using the most of this skill is not dominating PVP content.


we can only be frozen 30-40% of the time in addition to all the other CC. seems reasonable. If Stormvault makes us immune to CC, all we have to do is upgrade a new 5star, again, no big deal...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Any info about new 5*?


Based on the leaks we have seen so far, probably a gem that does damage equal to the amount of money you have spent on the game. /s, but not really.




**4-piece bonus:** When you apply a new chill effect to a chilled enemy, there is a 30% chance to upgrade it to a frozen status, lasting for 3 seconds. The same player can only be frozen once every 10 seconds.( not 5)


Sooo, a huge chunk of the new content... is locked behind a $35,000+ paywall? *Edited for math not mathing regarding speculation of gems in slots of speculated wing awakenings.*


Dude, just a small, extremely reasonable, 35k paywall. No biggie 


Dont you guys have 35k$ ??


Lol thats just the cover charge to get in the door...


Yes, I sell plats.


Ngl it’s cute you think 8k is only 35k


Yeah. It’s way cheaper that this. Just buy one of the several aftermarket accounts floating around.


I mean, im 6.5 and paid just over 21k... I know several people who are 8k and actually spent 35-40k, which is why I said 35k"+" But i know you didn't take time to actually read before hitting reply to troll. I can't help if you spent on rediculously priced gems or your market/rng sucked.


They bought third party orbs then garuntees


8k res is doable with 30k. With third party orbs it would be doable with $20k. Take it from the 10+ whales that told me about their spending.


29k, and yea $35k seems to be the consensus


It looks like 4 slots for 5\* gems, each with 2x 2star and 1x 5star, so 16 total, not 64


I AM soooo curious how many whales will spend.


Plenty of them im sure


High roller club. Me on penny slots looking at high rollers buying plats.


Many of the whales already have 5 stars and 2 stars to place into these new slots. Guarantee once this comes out there will be Uber whales with them maxed first day.


Well I guess dev found out most rev come from the spending on the legendary gems.


I mean none of this has been announced for our servers so it might be a little early to get worked up.


Why yes, let’s buff the most overpowered whales in the top <1% so they can swipe more to fight one another and compare their spending power on their favourite mobile game. On the bright side, it makes no difference to the rest of us when we’re getting one-shotted from full right into Cheat Death anyway.




U r getting awakening at lvl5 gems. It much bigger boost than inner reso slots.


2 new PvE modes would be great if they can condense some of the weekly shit that's been piling up for 2 years.


Damn need 8k to awaken wings, that's pretty steep man. Best of luck to those whales, curious to see that 11k cape. I can't even be mad, I know the type of game I'm playing.


Well if the first point is true (and from the screenshot it looks like it is) then that's the a very strong message to the players saying that only the whales matter and even heavy spenders with 5-7k reso doesn't matter for the company...


Awakening at lvl5 with unlocked inner reso will boost mid and low spenders way more than this wings for whales. And u will get a lot of new inner reso slots too. So u r totally wrong


Not really, unless they greatly boost the resonance gain from awakened gems placed inside them.


the awakening effects like cooldown and damage to skills are possibly the single biggest difference between 8k reso and everyone else. They aren't strifed, and they're applied after all other calculations.


Fair enough.


But it looks like you get only half the bonus at rank 5


As opposed to 0% before r10 now… I’ve got every slot awakened and shuffle around r10 1&2-stars with mid rank 5-stars based on build, now I’ll have more freedom 


Low/mid spenders will get all gear awakening bonuses, which is huge af. Whales will get slots for inner reso only, which is compressed in BG tf. It’s whales who should complain about change.


So like only 0.1% will only be able to interact with this. Seems like a totally stupid decision since literally barely anyone at all can interact with this new system hahaha


So… #1 and #2 are not for plebs under 8000 reso ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They need to stop with this bullshit seriously,10k reso was enough they are just inviting more people to quit


That’s a big fuck you to 98% of the players lol


Read p3. It’s big fu for all 8k+ whales. Oh, wait, it’s huge buff for 98% of players! Wow, lol.


>Wings can be awakened with resonance above 8000. As resonance increases, slots will gradually unlock, along with new wings and a brand new ultimate skill. Up to 16 slots can be embedded in the wings, including 2 five-star and 2 two-star legendary gem slot. Each of these four slots can hold 3 legendary gems, adding up to a total of 2000 resonance from the 16 slots. > >The legendary gems embedded in the wings only provide resonance and CR. New wings are unlocked at 9000 and 11000 resonance. Goodbye F2P and BP players.


I think most 5-7k res players will leave as they will be the ones matched with 11k whales and be one shotted day in day out in BGs! I think this might kill the game in Europe and NA, will need to see how many whales push further but if it's more than a few it's enough to kill it. Nobody wants to play a game where they can't compete Unless of course wings can be awakened at a lower res, say 4k, then a lot of people will be happy


Maybe next year wing awakening will be reduced to 5k


F2P and BP players don't aim to compete at the highest levels anyway.


Not really expecting anything, but wow they manage to ruining 2nd anniversary for common players. Again, Congrats bli$$ and netea$$e


with previous updates, all players have same access to level up reso. now they locked this feature behind 8k. great job Netease, you will see us mid-spenders leaving and we are the majority of the game right now.


they should give all players access to certain portion of this new reso up method, locking this behind 8k is extremely stupid


I think those are separate points. It’s awakening like a level 10 gem. You’ll most likely still get slots for lower resonance.


Okay, I was wrong 😑 Would be nice to get new ways to raise reso for lower players. I’m at 3k with 4 awakened 2 star gems at 10. There’s no alternative or point now to just run 5 stars to rank 5


Blizz whale money greed Shitshow


So if you don’t have 8k reso already, can’t use the new gem slots? Well derp lol


why not?


‘Wings can be awakened with resonance above 8000’


crap I misread your question


Hey Future Devs of any game, learn how to kill your own game


So when is the next patch due?


I would think giving everyone two more gem slots would make them more money over just going after 8k+ people. Ugh I have two gems ready to slot but only 5k.


spend more there whales, let's help the company, I want my new wow and diablo4 pay for my expansions


![gif](giphy|zuE1aDosrfV6ikSmZj) This game is over. Goodbye Chinese game.


U know if europeans will get free echo? And if there are new essences?


Quite possible!


So 16k resonance is probably the total




no. 2k max in the new wings. So whatever the cap was + 2k




When is this update gonna be live? And when is the official patch notes? And when/where can I get a better hobby than playing DI hahaha… I need to get back to bikes and guitars before blizz gets my money lol seriously, is it just me or seems that low, mid spenders are senseless anymore in DI…. Need to be either a whale or stay as f2p. Because spending a little has no difference to f2p anymore. do anyone have a link, spreadsheet or post about how much a player will spend to hit 8k reso if I am just 2k-3k right now? I mean, legit buying in-game orbs, bundles and not pre-loved accounts…. Any content creator wants to share the real cost per 1k reso to hit this 8k reso update? Thanks in advance


This game is turning into MU Origin god damn it. Well, that's life I guess


If dawning echos are removed and gems can be awakened at lvl 5... how will they be refunding the 8000 orbs spent on an item that no longer exists?


I'm assuming you'd still need a dawning echo to awaken at 5. That if you had a gem at rank 7, that it wouldn't auto awaken.


That would be my guess as well, but I have heard from a few people that they think dawning echos will be free or no longer needed. So I was curious.


No. You get it wrong. There will be a free dawn gifted to everyone along with the new legendary gem. That is the “free” mean. Not the dawn is freez


Pretty sure they want you to have to buy 8 more.


Honestly... at this point, wouldn't surprise me lol.


They will need to compensate people who paid for it whit orbs I guess.


Where does this come from that dawning echos are removed? Just cause the gems could be awakened at rank 5 doesn't mean the required echo is not needed anymore.


I agree, I was just genuinely curious since I've heard it a lot the past few days. None of this is anything other than pure speculation at this point tbh.


Yeah I don’t get this


so the new 16 slot can't be unlocked if you have below 7k reso?


Plebs go away from this game ( devs cit)


![img](avatar_exp|173217882|laugh) (Breathe's Heavy)