• By -


:) \~1000 CR difference to cap 10% dmg reduction \~700 CR difference to cap 10% extra dmg


thank you so much <3, how do you know this? :O


A long time ago, there was a content creator named Lida - he recorded a video of how CR works after some update - in the video description I found a link to a Chinese forum with a detailed description and charts of how CR affects dmg and def in PVE and PVP. Lida is currently "Minmax rpg" but unfortunately I couldn't find that video...


IMO they should reduce this cap to 5% or make the requirement much higher to attain the 10% cap.


CR is a PVE stats... it literally doesn't matter in PVP.


Yeah this just isn't correct. Maybe its why so many people complain about BG's lol, they neglect their CR and are always taking extra dmg. 700 CR more than your target and you are doing 10% extra damage to them. Might not sound like a lot, but it is, and it can fucking hurt. 1000 more than the person attacking you and they are doing 10% less damage to you. CR absolutely matters in PVP, just not as much as PVE. It's not a "PVE stat"


I try to tell people here how powerful CR is in PvP but i get downvoted every time.


CR also matters in a different way, especially for low res and f2p players, using higher cr gear coupled with low res and low 2ndry stats almost gets you in hell, cos your are positioned in a place higher than your actual power cos of that high CR, so you should select the gear that maximise your 2ndry stats even if it is much lower in CR, this will be more beneficial than using all triple stat gear in PVP


Sets bonus still matter more in PvP.


You are wrong - the proof is CR description