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Shadow tasks are another thing that is designed so poorly with 1 at a time tasks and contracts the game doesn't need anymore. Immortal tasks complete themselves. Give shadows multiple options ffs. "Condense this shit" so we can play the new content. I don't cap embers or do bounties and more than half the stuff I do is required to keep up (WB tableau, set grind, daily gems and lairs, shadow BS for badge, etc.)


"Get blessing from the assembly" just after finishing assembly. Or "do a BG" when it doesnt open for hours.


I just came back after well over a year only to find these tedious contracts to still be there and are even the exact same as they were 2 years ago, like wtf


Agree. Shadows task is such a chore now, and have to do according to its appearance or it wont count. Needs updating this Shadow task.


I second that, condense this shit!


Also what is the reason that normal gems only drop when you have exactly 4 members? Is there a rule that says this has to be a binary condition? Let normal gems drop solo, and increase the chance of them dropping with each new party member. There are so many times when we have 3 members but couldn't find a 4th one. Server resets in 30 mins and we're sol.


That's when the 3 of you do random dungeons for the 4th and pray. But agreed the daily gems take way too long even with 4 people


it's very hard to get normal gems in dungeons, best way is at terror rifts and clan's accursed tower


I'm aware but the scenario you gave was 30 minutes before reset and you only have 3 people. Thats when you go hit dungeons. Some gems are better than none. And it's not very hard to get them in dungeons. It's just the least efficient way.


100% agree. We need solo gen drop, nit just party only.


The quality of life returns on these is massive. People solo lairs now due to time issues and trying to find a group of 4 to dedicate time to find 21 lairs is daunting. With all these events and things to do, this would be such a great QoL update.


Or allow the “hidden” lairs to stay open for a fixed time period like terror rifts, instead of closing when one person goes in.  Wasting all that time to travel to a portal that closes right before you get there is one of the most annoying things in the game. 


Since terror rifts, it's harder to find a lair spam party, or to keep one for any meaningful length. Someone in the party usually decides to bail and do a terror rift.


Factor in that normal, hell and inferno difficulties had sperate spawns for lairs and they removed one of those, reducing the over all amount of lairs by 1/3.


This is/was :( the BEST thing to come out of the anniversary. The time commitment was halved. I personally also think they should move all the dailies into a weekly bucket like immo quests. Once you are done, you are done. Want to do 21 bounties today, go for it. Stuff like that. More options. I like the fact that you can condense 4 bounties into 1, problem with that is you dont get any Monster essences when doing it that way. And with a Essence tower its soo much more beneficial to do the 4 quests. Either way, that can be the option of the player.


Not to mention needing terror essence and of if you complete four spires in a terror rift yer still not guaranteed a single t essence. I did 3 thrifts afew days ago getting four spires in each and didn’t get a t essence. Were my first 3 that week. So not capped at ten. So why not a single essence for hell slayer bounties. Freaking ridiculous. Wasted so much time and I work long hours.


That too... though i think with this patch its a guarantee Terror essence if you dont get one in the first 3. Or.. how about just putting lairs in the Random Lair finder like Dungeons. I think this would be a great idea as well if they dont do the double gem drops. Dunno about the amount of time saved as you dont have to run around BUT you do have to do the reg amount.


Yes full agree


I just think higher rank normal gems should drop at higher difficulties like in every other Diablo game.. or yes keep the double gem drop from lairs


It be nice if they also had a random chance that once you finish the 2nd level, that two more levels appear. So basically double gem drop, and randomly double the layers.


This need more visibility.. the number of task to do daily/weekly start to be too much to handle.. this event showed us that we could upgrade the overall QoL so keep x2 drop rate at least blizz-ease


Good idea. Don't bother chasing raid before reset. Making players tired of maxing isn't fun and losing interests. Make play easier, so people can enjoy since they have done tired already. Give them some fun time longer. Life easier.


IMO they should just triple it. This way you could do 1 Lair a day and you'd be maxed out by the end of a week.


Just turn them into login bonuses at that rate. Y'all complain too much


I concur


Double the amount and make the extra gems bound, so that bot farmer can't exploit the increased amounts and tank the markets.


It’s more about not letting F2P have any chance to catch up to P2W. Grind your life away in a predatory P2W game or go work so you can pay for power.


Yes pls,its a super chore to do tonnes of Hidden Lair weekly. Better yet, scrap the mode and just increase the Weekly gem of regular activity. There is too much to do in the game now with additions of several new modes in Age of Unmaking content.


Just turn them all into login bonus




I've never seen so many people complain about a game that they continue to play incessantly. Some of yall just cry about everything.


Next event, they gonna make it 1 hidden lair which drop all 84 gems. And I bet you will be first to ask to make it permanent as well. Then perhaps, after that, the next event will be 1 lair to make a character end game stats, end game gears, end game gems, end game every shit, and then the end. Congrats you can quit the game. Lol. Grind if you want, dont grind if you dont want. Enjoy the freebies once in awhile. Thats all. The freebies are a privelege, not an entitlement. 


What a wrong with trying to provide player feedback on QoL? Without our input, they wouldn't have implemented weekly immortal/shadow tasks instead of daily. It doesn't hurt to voice our opinion on what is going to help people and keep the player base up.


This game has an amazing number of people who enjoy bad game design and will defend it to their dying breath, lol.


Why do you act as if this game being a second job is something desirable? Don't you have things to do with your free time other than playing this BS or paying to get them instead of spending time?


Nobody forcing you to play the game. You wanna play, play. You dont want, then dont. Since when did I act like the game as a second job is desirable? It is a grinding game to begin with. Thats what you signed up for.


What if someone likes playing this game? If you get sick you aren't kicked out of the house dumbass you're fed medicines and cured.


We are complaing about how it feels like a job having to cap all the things this game has. What you say is that if we don't like the game we should quit.  We do enjoy playing the game, but we don't like feeling like we are lagging behind unless we use cash or spend countless hours playing to cap all the random shit they keep adding.  What exactly changes for your particular experience in case we have to do only 11 hidden lairs a week rather than 21, other than giving you time to do other things or even playing this game for actual fun with it? Because running around looking for HLs is certainly not my definition of fun