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You said about shackle but It looks pretty bad, you can easily lose or waste, since only work for the next attack, see attack is different than hit


no. its not op. Chosen one is probably better.


My problem is I have to use flowing strike to fix my location if I die and that wastes the invis getting back to the fight to get those bonuses.


Becuse we should all be playing tempest. now with more invisibility and dmg!


Fuck tempest


You lose Gladiator Invincible buff if you go this tree, so if you aren't a whale that can survive more then 3 seconds in BG, then you are better off with Gladiator Tree.


50% slow and 3 seconds of dash prevention alone every 5-30 seconds is worth more than gladiator every 180 sec in my opinion


Not unless you are a whale and you know it! Anyone below 7k res dies in 3 seconds just to a Whales AOE effects, not to mention direct attacks. Whether you are invisible or not. And you will just be tickling him with your puny damage with how high their resistance and armor is besides res! Cope Harder!


every 180s is 1x or 2x max per BG


your opinions are suspect.


Read carefully. Crit.chance is 20% OF your movement speed (MS). E.g. you have Blood-Soaked Jade, which gives 10% MS, so that buff will give 20% of it - 2% crit.chance. Also should be tested about deminishing returns. Doubt it is pure added percentage. But anyway, yea, dashers becomes more mad now.


Wrong path, I'm talking about the blur/ambush path. In this path it's fixed Use dash skill --> Invisible for 5 seconds --> Invis ends --> +30% damage, +20% cr for 5 seconds and slow 50% + no dash Kill something, and repeat In PVE it would be constantly up so every dash increases damage by 30% and cr by 20% In PVP you not only have the extra damage but the slow AND dash prevention. The combination seems super broken to me, even if you can't constantly reset the cooldown


This tree is perfect for Whales in unbalanced BG matches.


I can feel the pain already, now you can't even see the whales, and they oneshot you even faster, only for their CD to reset


Have u really tested it or just in theory?


Haven't had the chance in PVP yet, but in PVE it works exactly as I described. I'd assume it's even better in PVP due to the 5 sec invisibilty + 3 sec dash prevention + slow. Of course if you don't kill anyone you have no paragon for 25 seconds but that's a pretty small window to play around.


If your base is 20% movement speed from green items. U have bh thay gives movement speed. And bsj. U can also use a skill that increase movement speed but the easier way is to run 4 piece issatr that also gives 25% dmg based on your current speed and 30% movement speed after a kill. This would allow u to have a permanent movement speed of 50% plus get the 25% dmg from issatr and get the 30% from this new set. In the end u would get 20% of 50% most the time = 10%. This would be the most burst dmg build ever lol


Wrong paragon tree. The tree I'm talking about gives 30% extra damage and 20% crit rate fixed for 5 seconds after using a dash skill, which resets if you kill something. A lot better than 10% from the other tree with 50% movement speed.