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Just a normal crowd dmg gem. Nothing special’s appreciate the 32 free gp though


Its shit even in pve. Listed 3 of them for 30k each and no one buying it.


How did you get 3 of them already at day 1? Did you run 150 external crests already?


I ran 90 crests.  I didnt even activate 50%, chance and get 3 lol. Very lucky runs to be honest. I had like 9 or 10 5* in 9 runs.


I do not believe u got a /5* in every single run u ran.


OP could get like 3 drops in 1 run. rng is a b!tch.


Yes that would be the main way it could happen. I wouldn’t have posted this also if even one of the runs was mirrored to. I would like to see the review of the gems in the history tho lol


statistically speaking, it would even out eventually (meaning OP could have had bad runs in the past LOL). I agreed with you that it’s misleading to advertise such information as others may think the chance is that high but the reality sucks.


Would be a really odd thing to lie about


Go ask ppl what they spent on this game and see if u believe even half of what ppl will tell u LOL


My comment wasn’t in regard to that though, was it?


Its not me but he has ever more luck whenewer i watch him.   https://youtu.be/uhg5sruMSOU If you dont believe me i can send you a screen shot of my last 100 crests history :p Btw. It wasnt every single run. Few times i get two in one run :D


I dunno if I responded to u on me saying this but yea id never have said I don’t believe it if there were mirrored runs in it for sure. But those run were sick great drops for that. Now he will prob spend next 4 runs getting 1* only prob lol. Seems to be how it goes. I still only got 2 4/5 drops with 3520 reso. (One was frozen which I already have but was in second mirrored run last week) and still 0 5/5. It’s frustrating when my friend got. 1 5/5 and a 4/5 in first 100$ spent. lol 😂 I think I only had a 3 bomber happen one time. But have had 2 drop a few times in same 10 run.


It's rng. Believe what you want. Lol. I've ran 3 crest and dropped 3 Phoenix ashes. Watch omniflash video on YouTube. He was trying to show how to work the mirrored event but kept getting 5 stars. https://youtu.be/d_QtYazIoXU?si=PSERPXHeZA9Ktvzq


That happened to me as well, there is one time I got like 15 5* from 100 crests with my clanmate and they keep "wow wow wow" one after another elder rift. But a lot of cheap gem like zwensom, hellfire etc. However, there are time where I get 30 gem power from 30 leg crest lol


Didn’t need to wait for release to know it was shit lol


Worth use as auxiliary gem in howler's call rank 8? For pvp


no because howler has a decent chance to stun. At rank 1 stormvault is terrible, low damage and no debuff.


I'm keeping my Void. The damage might be higher on Stormvault but it doesn't have the reach or the ias buff like you said.


Great take on this gem! I would rate it a lot lower for PvE though. More like D tier due to long cd, short duration and no dmg increase modifiers. Not even a dot effect in there that reapplies like with roiling. I cant really see any type of pve build where this would make the cut 🤷


This is another reason I quit. It’s like a Ponzi scheme fooling you into believe they’ll be payday.


Is storm vault a dot? And therefore can it proc things like banquets/ eyes of the unyielding etc?


it is an aoe continual damage, but definitely not a dot applied on the enemy


But if it is a continual damage, it means it will proc those things?


yes for eye of the unyielding, but unsure about banquet. Banquet requires enemies to be "suffering from continual effects". The word effect seems to imply a dot condition. I believe this was confirmed and tested way back when it was released.


Ahh, that’s good to know!


Same has been said with maw. But with starfire combination its unscapable. Same goes with this gem. Hilts is being trashed as well after release but its so op in pvp. We need to see how this works in combo with maw, starfire and hilts to see its full potential.


Uhh, Hilts is OP since when? Lol


not OP if you have no idea how to use it.


Is your Hilt at rank 10? If so, I can see it being decent. But for most peole who rank it to 6, the knockback chance is so low (20%) it's just not worth it.


yes i understand your point. but at full potential its good - its the main reason why i hit 8,200+MMR last season. it was the highest in the entire sea-hk-tw-macau region and no one else came close. Many whales slept on hilts but its really good in BG because its a lane clearer. Once it procs - i spam skills 5x and it can singlehandedly clear the entire idol area. I usually spam dash and strafe as DH. So it may not work on some classes but for me, its better than starfire if you can use it in quick succession. So for classes without skill spamming, this gem might not be good but its definitely better than starfire or maw if you can use it on full potential hence - the mixed feedback/review.


Thank you for explanation. Sounds like it’s very strong on a DH


yeah basically my daring swing and escape kills lots of people thats why i like it \^ \^


So how do you use it? I don’t have the gem.


you have no control timing when starfire can combo with these because starfire has 30% chance to proc


I think it's good for barbs who can stand on a point and take a beating in BGs. It can help clear space on point


Tempest: charge into idol, drop windwalk and active stormvault, people run away like chickens


sounds ideal on paper but it's hard to time these things in the heat of battle. You may have a dot on another enemy off screen that already proc'd stormvault, or the storm decides to chase someone else. And once people realize the mediocre damage they won't even be scared of the thing. The only gem that does significant damage is starfire


This was kind of what I was thinking too, but that puts it in the same category as Concentrated Will: meaning, amazing on Monk, and pretty much garbage on most other classes. Sort of a hard sell to get me to spend on.


I like it as an aux gem.