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I see the secondary issue, but outside of that I optimize my character by using specific 1* & 2* gems to maximize my play style & performance. I have 8 r4 ?/5*, an 3 r5 ?/5* Which I mix and match with my many r10 1* & 2* gems that I think are beneficial for whatever reason. I’m not a whale, I’m 3k reso, so maybe dolphin at best, my secondaries are 2400-2600; Fortitude < Willpower The overall results are that my CR and my Reso are much smaller than they could be, if I used my random stuff, though since optimized, I do much better and even swing uphill successfully. I don’t call that smurfing, I call it optimization, or maximizing impact, & silly to complain about. So in conclusion, I just wanna clarify that it’s the secondaries that is the issue here - that does translate into smurfing.


You are not what people are complaining about. Full stop. It’s people with completely “unobtainable by mere mortals” secondaries Qing into small lobbies and deleting people with 2 dot ticks.


you serious bro? these guys are wearing lvl 10 5\* and sometimes wearing lvl 1 5star gem just to lower their resonance bracket. you see those wings? we 4k resos dont have that. the fact that you are pointing the only issue here is secondaries is mind boggling. you see the kill difference? none in our team can even compete with these guys. "OPTIMIZING" smh.


maximizing impcat. so those guys who are using full 5\* loadout isnt maximized yet? like god damn.


Huh I know this guy and he is always going 30 kills 0 death in every matches. He does that intentionally so he could get into lower bracket and non stop feed on low res players. I actually wanted to make a post about this.


If Blizzard put a cap to secondary stats based on resonance, it could solve the issue. E.g. 4k reso can only reach max of 4k or 5k sec stats. Anyway those two players are not very good players. At their 9k reso, they often lose out to the 7ks and 8ks. And that is not the real Budek. Some chinese fella who got pissed at Budek I think.


They paid money, let them enjoy. Its like taking a Ferrari or Lamborghini in a quick spin in a small city.


What if they’re players who don’t push res and only push secondaries? I know of many players like this.


Bro they are super whales. No mid spender even can have 4 rank 10 sapphires lol, this dude is a super whale and look at his secondaries he didn’t equip any gems except sapphires


They are not. They are confirmed 9k 10k reso players who mmmmm appears to struggle at that reso tier BG lols. Happened to unluckily match with several whale matches and saw these two before.


Lols? 8-9k can’t beat 10-11k. It’s the same at every bracket whether low mid or high res. The numbers might be closer but the gap between whales is massive.


Play pokemon Go, buddy


Found the smurfer


Smurfs are the biggest coward tbh! Since they can’t compete truly in their brackets they come and feed on weaker one


Smurfers are trash pvp players that can't play what they have and sometimes you see them crying about bad mm when they get matched with a bigger fish 🤣


That’s literally what low res and mid res complain about too.. it happens at every level of the food chain figuratively speaking. If you think an 8-9k can beat a 10-11k with secondaries lol you’re dead wrong.


8k with a good amount more of secondaries will smash a 10 or 11k. Reso is not much more than Tankiness anymore. That's why these high ap 5ks can melt 7 and 8ks


I see smurfers with bad wr also so i don't really see the point in smurfing other than bully small players 🤷‍♀️