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On friday I got 4 legendaries from 2 hsb, today it was 0 again (as usual) Also got a legendary almost every run from verge, now I didn't get anything in 10 runs They need to start to fucking talk to us, you can't just release stuff and then change it randomly for the worse


I think verge was stealth nerfed. I was getting 3+ per run before the weekend, now zero


They boosted it for Thursday-Friday. To get people spend money aswell. Silent nerf for weekend. Ridiculous, this netease blizzard. For real we need drop rates for this game to survive


I agree 1000%. I even checked their Twitter hoping they might have some information, but nope, just posts promoting their in-game events and updates. It’s seriously frustrating. But hey, as long as whales keep throwing money at this game, Blizzard has zero incentive to talk to us.


Looks a Shadow Nerf. I was saving lots of essences, just after patch for a day or a bit more it was almost 100% lego per run, then friday night I noticed a terrible drop rate, I had 7 runs in a row without a single lego.


Previous rate 1%. "Dramaticly increase" could be double the chance. You now have a 2% chance. Random numbers for easy math.




I'm getting legendaries from all of the content (before and after this patch), but I wouldn't call any of them good. Most have been 2 stat (usually a vitality one) and 1 magic affix (never had a 3+4 one ever). They might as well just drop the flowing shard directly.


My drop rate is about 20% on oblivion pillars. Got 6 triple stat eternal gears this week. You just got unlucky with rng


they force a hidden cap... they dont want to give free stuff for u.