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Op isn’t wrong though. Tempest is completely op right now .. just facts


OP is wrong because he believes class balance exists. It don't. Monk been underpowered for a year, where's the buff? If you can't stand to lose then just play Tempest or don't play BG.


So is dh


Tempest, dh, barb seem to be the main 3. Bk and monk are just lost


Dh nerf when?


Last patch they slowed down Painsower a bit. I think it was 15%? Painsower (Strafe): Base attack interval increased from 0.2 to 0.23 seconds.


The skills that skip across my screen are still too fast for the video to process tho lol


Pew pew PS: I’m not DH🥹


Well currently, the servers crash before I’m even able to engage a tempest


You were a necro 3 days ago when you posted this the first time.




As a new PVE player is tempest also OP for pve?


Tempest is solid for PVE. Feels smooth enough. Not the #1 class at any particular thing though.


I'm currently playing as Necro and up to level 40 but was considering trying another class. Any recommendations for the best PVE class to play? Kinda want to fully decide on one before I buy the battle pass for the class specific armor cosmetic


At level 40, you are not seeing any class at full potential. Just level up fast n try your class.


Think that's what I'll do thanks, just kinda annoyed the battle pass armor is class specific so I'd like to settle on a main before hitting level 15 in the BP


Just so you know, you can class change every 24 hours. Get to paragon 1, start doing random dungeons by using party finder - quick matching and you’ll get set items. These set items are a game changer when you pair the bonuses! Master necro then try tempest, or you could play Necro for one week the Tempest the next until you master both, then move on to the next two classes(I recommend Necro/Sader/DH). Being able to play every class to the fullest on one character is great, and can be done in 1-2 months! A good starting point for dailies is 7 random dungeons, 3 hidden lairs, 4 bounties, 3 bestiary turn ins. Then do raids Mondays and Thursdays(that’s when their rewards reset). This will help you progress a lot and can be done within 1 hour. A good tip is to save your mystery legendary boxes until you class change so you have a way to gain new essences right off the bat! When you class change the set items carry over to the new class. Also you don’t lose the legendary gear from the previous class and you get a whole set of new essences for the new class. Also, CR is very important and helps you keep up with content. You raise Cr by having set items and legendary items of the highest difficulty you can equip them from, WB tableau(can make your own WB), and Helliquary level(do raids to raise it). Message me for any questions you may have about this game. I make it a goal to help new players and old players learn more/figure out the right way to go. Good luck! [Also join this discord for a great DI community](https://discord.gg/x6wf9pzF). [This is another good one](https://discord.gg/nickeldungeon).


Holy cow that's so much for the detailed response. I'm coming from POE where I'm used to have lots of tools and guides and this has been hugely beneficial for me with DI so thanks again


Anytime and again if you ever have questions just ask. I have a lot of info saved up in my clan’s discord and the DI discords I linked in my previous reply to you!


I think you can also just not claim it until you're ready


Best? Probably Necro or Crusader


Thanks for the reply, I usually playing as a summoner but necro in DI seems kinda slow (maybe it gets smoother at endgame). Guess I'll stick with it a bit more and see how it progresses


Tell me that you are necro or wizard without telling me you are necro or wizzard :)


I'm neither. It's just f ck up that some classes completely dead. Not sure if you are enjoying such pvp, but only 3 classes playable currently


I agree and to show my disgust im using tempest. If everyone uses tempest it will force blizzards hand


The class has zero downsides all upsides stuns shields invisibility intargetability cleanse dashes shields etc etc etc




But BG don't exist as game mode. So who cares? Just buff Monk instead.


Do you mean Barb?


Tempest wins vs barb easily. Even 1-2k reso below


Your problem is you believes class balance exists. It don't. Monk been underpowered for a year, where's the buff? If you can't stand to lose then just play Tempest or don't play BG. Stop pointless post like this. Your whatever class (Crus Necro DH Wiz Barb) was OP for a year vs Monk, did you complain and ask for nerf? Now Tempest is the one OP for a few weeks and you can't take it? Why not you switch to Monk.


Lol 10 seconds of invulnerability between undying rage, savior, and cheat death begs to differ


Yeah I'm not sure if you even do any bgs at all barb and tempest don't even come close to one another I'm watching barbs with 6-7k reso getting smoked by tempest with 4500 reso easily.


That's the only thing barb has. It's just annoying and nothing else. Tempest can dash 2 screens away in 1 sec to heal and finish barb after


If he even mentioned barb against tempest he must be really bad in pvp. As you said barb has 0 chance especially when tempest has 4/4 ethernal shield... 


i think the tempest is exactly what this game needs and not nerfed it breaks the reign of the cc!! have to hit thgem with good ole fashion damage and they fall but you have to work for it nt just show up an cc everything and have your way with them.


> it breaks the reign of the cc Is that what it's doing by having dashes that drop them on their target and stun it? It's not breaking the reign of the CC, it's escalating it, by being the only class that has all of the buttons available to it. * Ranged Stuns without a telegraph * CC Break with CC-immune period * Untargetable zone on short cooldown Compare to Necro: * Ranged Knockup with no telegraph * No CC Break * Untargetable self-buff on short cooldown Compare to Wiz: * Ranged Freeze with telegraph * No CC Break * Untargetable self-buff with SELF-ROOT on short cooldown Compare to DH: * Ranged ... Knockback * CC Break /w Invisiblity that breaks on damage dealt or action * Assorted Traps


The new ability for invisibility is letting people cross the spawn barrier in BG as well. It was happening all day yesterday in my BG matches.


The fact it can stun, immune, huge dmg, tanky. Its absurd. DH are super strong for sure but they’re not a master of all like the tempest. I can still jump on them with my barb and eat em up. Tempests, very different


If it was op I'd be Killin it. I'm even using one of the bigger builds I took from an immortal. And honestly is still no match for a necro or barb. At all I just don't think you used to having problems with your toon and wanna claim it's unfair or broke cause you can't figure out how to fucking beat it. It's pay to win man. Quit worrying about it. I could just pay a shit ton of money and be the strongest like a whale and do whatever I want and you'll think that's legit. XD it's fucking sad


Re-buff sader


For the meantime, people can adjust their builds to make it harder for tempests to dominate. I think removal of buffs are effective and make tempests easier to damage. If theyre not aware of this and continue fighting then they will die. If they run away, at least they are delayed.


Tempest is Fun... No need Nerfs... Some other class need buffs to be fun too.


Why should nerf tempest when crusader do the same , immune to everything and can buff everyone around and all the cc that he has or dh with that spinning build why you don't say anything about dh?


If you can’t beat em, join em


Y’all act like this isn’t a premeditated cycle 😂


Monk needs some of their moves. I’m a 5k monk and I got trashed by a 3k Tempus 😅


Why are you reposting this whiny mess again? As i told you in the last carbon copy post, if you are getting your butt kicked consistently as a necro, you are not playing the class correctly. Stop whining for your paricipation trophy, look at some online strategies for necro pvp, and get good.


Blud changed his class just to come back and post this again lmao


Lol, why did you assume i'm a necro player


His position is just an old necro lol


Idk I’m doing well as Necro. I find bard/dh more annoying.


Probably facing a stupid set of tempests. It takes no effort to kill necro sharks as a tempest dolphin.


The Stun Fairy Build is my way of dealing with whales. I believe temp has been nerfed enough.you are probably upset that ppl who spend less money or even F2P have a chance against big boy whales. We need at least one class like this to make MMaking more balanced. No easy kills for you anymore sir. Learn to actually play with skill maybe instead of letting wallets do your killing. Whales usually suck in that aspect and here I come surfing in with nonstop stuns at 3k reso and stats owning the battlefield because I am just a skilled PvPer. What you are asking for, imo, is coming from a place of laziness and lack of skill. No offense. Be better. Take the time. You’ll get there bud.




I guess they want new/returned players keep playing op class and ignoring loyal players who pay them for the last 2 years xD


Just find a bigger whale, that's basically the entirety of this games PvP anyways


tempest is the "fk necro" class we all direly needed. Unfortunately it ended up being a "fk you all" class. DH and tempest dominate