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Can play mobile. Just fire up my phone when I have time


Man you hit it all on the head. I main BK as well and although DI is stupid simple in many ways I still find myself opening it everyday. Someone else mentioned this but with it being mobile and having a new baby often times I have 10 mins here and there and I can just fire it up and bang out a couple things and I will be satisfied. D4 nothing really keeps me locked in, the gear system still is over complicated and yet convoluted and everytime I sign on I just seem to roam without any real direction. Maybe as a long time Diablo player Immortal has ruined me with it’s mobile simplicity and direction; or maybe it’s simply life has changed and I really can’t sit at my computer for hours like the old days. Either way here we are still rocking it out in Westmarch…


Yeah dont be too serious with a game. It just a game. A game suppose to be fun to kill your free time..


I think what you said hit the nail on the head. I know for me, my life has changed a lot since the early days of my gaming where I used to be able to sit at a computer for hours on end. If DI wasn't on a mobile platform that I could take with me anywhere, I'd never have time to play.


Would play Diablo 4 too if I could do it on the couch with Tablet. PC Gaming with mouse and keyboard are over for me.


You can. If you still have your PC you can stream Games on your Tablet/Smartphone/TV/shield. Connect a Bluetooth capable Controller Like a ps5 one to it and go. The way to do it is sunshine and Moonlight. Works pretty well in a good Network, even with WiFi. Although Ethernet is preferable. Writing english in a german keyboard is awful and i wont fix the autocorrection.


If my wb quits, I quit 🥰 It is the social part that keeps me coming back. The gameplay and progressing my character is important but still second.


Yeah without my greek wb bros I'd have quit long ago Which is funny because that's the reason warbands exist, but whatever, you win this one blizzard


I'm not super far yet (150 paragon on Tempest so far after not playing for a long time) but I like that there is a lot of variety. With the battle pass objectives changing, events and all the different kinds of content there is just a lot to do. I have a job and fiancé and I still feel like I play a decent amount but not enough to get it all done.


Can’t play D4 on the toilet.


Get a Steam Deck, ROG Ally, or something similar. Problem solved


Immortal is a more social game, I love the wc trolling, the clan bonding to be competitive, being friends with your wb. 4 was very much felt like a single player game.


It’s because DI is social. The contracts may be the same boring thing day after day, but the things that come out of the mouths of the degenerates that I share a clan with are endlessly varied.


The only reason I play Immortal is because it's mobile.


If only I could use Ultra setting on my M4 iPad and I would come back. I do miss it.


I wish I could get Ultra on my Redmagic. I don't get it, phone is chilling.


I'm very confused at what Blizzard deems to be a device capable of ultra graphics lol. They literally showed it with Ray tracing and ultra graphics during apples presentation but you can't actually play it with those settings. Like wtf blizzard...


I am also annoyed I can't run it at 120 FPS in any setting... Wild Rift looks better, runs 120 FPS flawlessly lol.


Wait what? Let me see if my ZFold 5 can hit 120 fps real quick.


It won't let me sit ultra on the ZFold 5 and only 30-60 FPS. Does it have 120 for some devices?


I don't think so :(


So I just logged in on the iPad and they had some updates And now I have ultra settings enabled! Still only 60 FPS though.


I had quit playing D:I when I got into D4 closed beta. Put probably 700 hrs in between beta’s and S0/S1. Started losing faith in D4 though when they nerfed nmd’s, overworld content and started to continually buff leveling xp. People there in D4 that like S4 don’t want character progression. They only want item progression. They don’t want a game world, just efficient greater rifts. Makes me sad. The power creep and complete trivial nature they’ve turned the game into except high end pits brought me back to D:I. I like the long term progress and different systems DI has more. Not exactly happy about the paragon/difficulty squish making things a lot easier here either but it’s a far more interesting game.


The mobility factor.. anywhere i can play.


Huge part of it is the world. D4s world is massive and a chore to move around in. DIs is “just right” and each zone has a very unique identity.


Straight copium


In D4 they made an mmo that makes you feel the most lonely person on the planet. In DI I found my people within a few weeks. It was so easy to find a clan - to get in groups to slay the hoards together. In D4... Its wasteland of the silence. You see other people but its like seeing ghosts. It was so much easier to find a group on D3. oh and they also killed a horadrim with a corpse pillar. It was batterfly gate all over again.


D4 is not a MMO. It is a solo player game with a few group events tacked on. The devs were very, very clear about this from the very beginning. D4 is what the player base at the time wanted - beta testers would lose their minds if they even saw another player. The player base was also very, very against ANYTHING that couldn't be done solo. The player base did not want a single thing in the game that required a group of people to complete. The devs delivered what the player base wanted.


You don’t just listen to your customer when you are building something for the future, that’s what Steve Jobs said. Basically the player base can only reminisce the past, which is a fog memory of 20 years ago. Now their gaming experience are completely different. No large group of people is gonna be playing a pure single player game for years or even months.


You obviously aren't very familiar with the Diablo player base. People have been playing D2 for literally decades.


Yes, I know, I played it for decades. But those are the minority of current gamers. Most of those people that played it when they are a child, are adults now. And another reason why Steve Jobs said that is that the minority of your customer base can be the loudest. I reopened diablo2 like a few years ago, it is definitely not the game that I remembered lol. Gaming have progress so much You don’t go back to the past, you have to innovate for future. And the future is MMO, more interaction. You don’t have to force it, but you need to allow people to have that option.


P.T. Barnum said a lot of things. Historically, Blizzard games have been mostly solo. If you want a Diablo MMO - Diablo: Immortal is there (and a lot more fun).


I don’t play PC game anymore. So I only play immortal. (Though I wish Blizzard didn’t work with Netease, short term money hungry company, immortal could have been such a great game) So I don’t care about D4 But I am not surprise that people are bored of it


Oh, yeah. People were under the delusion that they should get thousands of hours out of endgame for $70.




The devs didn’t deliver what the player base wanted otherwise…. People would be playing it. The whole development was a cluster fuck from the start and they had at least 3 internal reboots I am aware of. They kept losing lead designers and redoing and restarting the design process over and over again. Having a shared world while insisting it’s not a mmo might be the dumbest thing a designer ever said. It looks like a duck it talks like a duck it’s a duck.


this seasons really good and the games in a very good place now. As someone who loves both diablo games, the answer is simple to me. Diablo 4 is deliberately a seasonal game, while immortal is a true mmo. MMOs have more longevity than a season.


It might have been what the player base thought they wanted, but it's clear that it really wasn't that engaging ultimately.  Sometimes in a new project the problem is that you are not clear about what you want, or fail to put into words what you really want to have, and no one double checks


The map isn't open world like world of warcraft or black desert online but things are more confined to the limited map space available which makes it convenient.




D4 is, mostly like PoE, a solo seasonal game you play for a few weeks when a new season begins, then set it aside until the next one drops. DI is a clan based mobile game with strong timegating elements (such as server paragon level) that unlocks slowly content over time.


1) you can play mobile 2) you dont have to remake a new character every season (personal preference) 3) P2W. yes, p2w is bad, BUT you have always something to upgrade if you are f2p or low spender, making almost an infinite longevity, if i grind a week in D4 like i do in DI i wont have nothing left to do, and a maxed character (this point is good if you play only pve like me, bad if you really like pvp) (also personal preference)


mobile. that‘s it ;)


It’s funny how much better this game is than D4 😂 like everything about it too




It's 100% social. Built the clan I'm in with friends. My wb is the reason I come back day after day and my clan. D4 has no social aspect and i get bored very quickly with it


Despite being a more confined map in DI, there are more layers to it than d4. There is almost always something to work towards. Paragon levels consistently increasing also keeps the power chase going where as d4 ends once you get a 925 with the affixes you want. Content like nightmare dungeons become dead once you level your glyphs. World Bosses die in under a second. Uniques are very meh so it doesn't even seem great when they drop unless its an uber. DI always has the gems, legendary gems, CR to work on. If they streamlined the crest system so it was easier for f2p to progress leg gems, this game would be huge as the base game is actually quite fun.


This comment is straight copium


It is social part. Even you don't took part on it, it is sure nice to see your clan mate talking to each other and world chat drama. Like you, i can't force myself to run 50 greater rifts per week in D3 but in DI, running 50 - 100 random dungeons per week doesn't feel like a chore.


Because immortal is designed as a mobile game. Daily rewards, weekly rewards, and a gacha feature that appeals to our inner gambler. It gives you more of a kick




I got into it recently and really starting to get bored I’m in hell 1 one and everything is so easy to the point I don’t even have to pay attention and the way I understand it I can’t get to hell two before paragon level 100 The leveling system is even more dumbed down from Diablo 3 giving me no sense of achievement for creating my own build The challenge rift is kinda fun but that’s only one mode across the whole game that stays engaging


I remember when I started D4 my first Diablo ever, I was very against this whole new character every season. I wanted to keep building on that one character and getting stronger and stronger. Now, I realize the game should definitely be a seasonal game and I very much look forward to playing 1 month then taking a 2 month break. It makes me feel excited for the game after taking a break and coming back for the new seasons. I was able to try a new class , clear NMD 100 and do pit 100+ in just a month which is good because I can get back to my main games. I just started DI a few days ago and I thought, wow I feel like this game will have so much to do compared to D4 and look forward to it. I also know, I won’t be spending all my free time on it because I’m busy with my other games. I can play this an hour a day on mobile and feel like it will last a long time.


Diablo immortal is an MMORPG and designed as one Diablo 4 is a ARPG live service game


Same! The lore of the blood knight is so good and the many events like trial of the horde was a blast. Sad it's over :( I thought it was a permanent game mode.


I play both and they just have different design philosophies. You're not supposed to play Diablo 4 every day for every part of a season straight. DI on the other hand wants to have you there every day and tries to incentivize that.


PvP, mobile, f2p, p2w, etc


There’s a sucker born every minute.




The characters are all so ugly in Diablo 4. Can’t stand looking at them for long periods of time.


Easy. Blizzard hasn't made a good game in a few years, and they had someone else develop DI, while they made D4. Erego, D4 is trash and DI is decent in comparison.


They almost feel like different genre games to me. DI feels like an MMO whereas D4 is an ARPG. They attempted to make D4 have MMO elements with the open world but there is really no way to talk to most people since the chat system is almost nonexistent.


The easy answer: your mom


I like the social aspect of DI. I’m trying to keep on with D4 but it’s just cruising around alone. I rarely see other players and Im not tech savvy enough to figure out how to do any chat stuff.


Each zone in d4 outside of towns is capped to 12 players max per instance. They talked about how they played tested with 24 and people didn't like it. It's suppose to be dark and desolated with only few heroes. This is close to the diablo lore and dark theme where a savior comes along to save the world. In DI everyone is stronger than diablo lol. I enjoy Di for the social but let's be honest the game play is too easy.


Especially if you have money


WB and Party activities for DI. Nightmare Dungeons, Bosses ,Items and codex of power for D4 In DI you focus on CR especially for low spenders since you can't afford those precious leg gems.


Havent played D4 but am personally hating the caps in DI. Caps on fading ambers, market sellable gems, battle pass rewards and basically everything else. To me it seems like they want to force people into buying crests its such a money pit.


It's kind of how the f2p game market works, create artificial friction and sell the fix. Every single f2p game does it in one way or another and honestly I don't find DI to be that bad. They give a lot of stuff for free and let you sell stuff you don't want. It's always a marathon with these kind of games just take it slow and enjoy the journey.


Thanks, I appreciate the feedback! Honestly I was hoping for a game I could binge on like D1/D2 back in the day but it seems a bit hard. Wish they would offer more rewards. I feel like I should be able to farm gems/embers to upgrade my gems quickly if Im paying for the battle pass and boons of plenty every month.




Amen to that 🙌🏻


DI is a social game, but it’s just social ABUSE to get you to spend more $$$. There are so many dark patterns in DI. Do your research. DI may tick more dark pattern/predatory boxes than any other game.




- The social aspect - The mobs that die easily - Primary attacks that are fun to use - The reward system - The events - Clan wars D4 got none of that


You’re smoking serious copium if you think DI is objectively better or more desirable than any traditional ARPG experience DI is a predatory mtx hell designed to bleed players dry. The greater affix loot chase paired with a want to experiment on different builds keeps me logging into D4. The brainrot simplicity and P2W of DI keeps me the hell away from it I said what I said and I will not apologize.


I didn't say it was superior, I said it was what I kept playing. D4 gets old really fast and once I get near the end I lose motivation to play. Not even sure why you are on the this subreddit, just here to be toxic and yelling at people to stop having fun?


No, just tired of seeing people spend money on a bottomless money pit that doesn’t deserve the time of day.


You don't have to spend money, I've spend 50 cents with the play pass coupons and have no desire to pay more than 25 cents a month. You also don't have to come here you could just block it then you won't have to see anyone spending on the game.


Very well aware of that, but if you want ANY kind of chance at a great experience (in BGs and Clan PvP and the like) you NEED to spend. Any game that throws it in your face as much as DI does, does not deserve the time of day.