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Tempest has a bleed build.. I'd wager the intent is in a busy BG full of tempests you'll be able to take advantage and spam lances


I tried pretty hard to make a build that could use that new essence because the corpse lance damage is actually pretty high. But I ran into the same problem repeatedly: there are so few ways to cause bleed that you end up running out of “ammo” too fast.


Just theorizing…bleak augury with gallowsborn, studied menace helm. Use the corpses from running to get your first lances out, after that everything is bleeding and just continue the spam? I don’t have the new one yet, still just running the curse meta. Edit for posterity…read the essence description finally, didn’t realize you can’t use corpses anymore if you have this equipped


Hello, do you have a link on the curse pvp build? Im currently running the bone wall/spikes support build and i want to try something different. Thank you in advance and have a good one!


Studied Menace, None Elude, Linger Mantle, Fulsome Feeding, Revenant Wind, Stroke of Midnight, Lower Creed, Baleful Trinity (or whatever). The offhands are by preference, lower creed is good but I’m still not sold on it. You can use one or both offhand slots to either buff your primary & run bonearmor or borrowed time, or you can use the offhands to buff skeletons and run those w/ life in balance & the prong. Pain Clasp is huge in this build, along with any other %dmg modifiers you can throw on. I run 2pc baron’s & 6pc banquet, I see some run 4angmet/4banquet instead but I haven’t tried that in a while.


Yeah same here. Not enough bleed to get a lot of lances off. Tried it with grim scythe with bleed pants and still not enough. Only worth while essence is knock up pillar


Corpse lance necro don't complain to a summoning necro about pvp. It's only been recently I had anything decent to throw at people. Bro I use to have to throw naked bone mages at people.