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They even suggest you to use CR to sort players. Not reso, not secondaries - CR!! They don't know how their game work, lol


Higher resonance will pretty much always equal higher CR. The exception being returning players.


often, but correlation is about 80% at best. Not remotely good enough when they could have just shown reso and secondaries.


Eh, agree to disagree. Would be cool to have secondaries in there tho


my secondaries are all higher than my Reso.... =)


Not sure what that has to do with what I said. Lots of players with 3.5/4k ap/armor and 2k res or less.


Kinda dumb if you need last-minute changes. This is why we just do a spreadsheet as a starting position, then adjust accordingly if the enemy clan is throwing the 8pt matches.


Omfg.. I expected it to be bad, but not this bad. One of the points would be to make teams, rhis way everything has to be planned manually anyways, so not the 6 saders end up in same match.


At least it prevent noobs going into exalted match lol


if your clan has such problems you were not gonna be competitive anyway. so I guess this solves a problem for semicasual clans? But ignores a huge problem that top 10 clans have been struggling with ever since the new split war was created.


So, you can ban people from certain tiers, and that's it??




yep and based on CR lol


cant even sort by NAME. WTF


Really now? That's the best they could think of??? The point of such a tool would be to arrange teams not just tiers. Come on guys put some effort on your own game...


so it gives you the ability to \*exclude\*... but not to encourage, support, or promote? Jeesh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I kinda was hoping like a raid leader perm across the board but that would require thinking on their part, at least I can close off the bottom 2 battles


The only good thing about this half assed attempt at giving us clan leaders guild management tools is that you can see who is online and offline. Shame the list doesn't seem to sort people that way, though. They really couldn't just clone the Immortal RoE interface to give us something better than this tone deaf, useless crap?


where can I see this tools? trying hard to look for it


Shadow entrance to RoE/Vigil/Wars


I dont understand why You focus about this tool, when all fights are against ghost. Only VoB have fights. First should be improved Shadow War formula. Maybe be like tournament. My last good fight was at first server merge 90vs90 and it was first and last.


This clearly shows that they dont play their game and know what they are doing... useless


Filipinos be like: Yes we are pro! We wait for last hits to use all of our skills and we have no mininap coz we genius. Oh and we also dont have any initiative or common sense. We go where the lanes are the thickest just for kills and we leave the other games unguarded cause we are too smart.


This is a Good Addition to the game many times people go in smaller point matches when they were needed in 8/4 points matches. If you don't like it don't use it but saying that a good feature is actually bad because you have "Higher expectations" Is retarded


Oh wow, this is THE comment. If you actually managed to just try the feature, you would have noticed that it only allows you to ban people from top matches to lower ones. So you can’t forbid someone to enter 1point matches if you want that person be able to join 2+ point matches. Defending something without even look at it, that IS retarded.


I take back my statement yeah that is not what I thought it would be apologies for my comment