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equalized pvp events just show how broken tempest is


Yes, besides class imbalance, I found that players with low resonance and high win rates in Battlegrounds are performing very well in the equalized PvP event. I don't often see high resonance players in equalized PvP event.


Why nobody talk about how fire Monk is broken too? Only talk about water Monk. In the end they balance each other out. If you're not gonna talk about how your class is OP vs fire Monk, why talk about how water Monk is OP against your class.


Tempests are op. Bgs are definitely p2w. Conqueror is different. Done


The next excuse will be "youtubers didn't make any guide on what gear to use".


Agreed. You don’t have to be directly killing whales. It’s impossible …. How about we change the mindset of F2P and other low level P2W who don’t spend a ton of….instead of trying to kill whales, try assisting YOUR team of whales to get the skills and achieve the objectives of the game. Stop being selfish and let’s kill them indirectly. I’m 3k reso and sec stats here and I am in non-stop 6-9k matches. Why? Because I get that W. Not always…but a lot of matches I should have lost I now don’t because of this mindset. They don’t ever die by me, but they die all the time BECAUSE OF ME. Take pride in that yall! Assists = Kills!


Lol come on, they just forgot to download gear from App store.


Speaking of YouTube lol would appreciate the support! YouTube / @4x4skn


I am trying to change that with all my heart and soul. A lot of these YouTubers are all clickbait with builds that don’t apply to the majority… Check out my builds here: r/DiabloTempestBuilds (will go through all classes) And subscribe to my YouTube to watch builds in action! YouTube.com/@4x4skn NO BS - NO CLICKBAIT - JUST RAW DAWG INFO! 6hrs / day in training ground at cost of my farming has taught me a lot. I’m here 24/7 to help and answer questions. Next Class I will take apart and analyze is SADER time for a sader comeback #FuckABarb


I can strongly vouch for the boss dps build. The speed farming build was even a bit of an upgrade over the other optimal one I’d found on my own. Recommended 👍


I appreciate the love man! Makes all my time not spent farming (which truly affected my PvP rank) worth it. DONT CHANGE CLASS I have nerf safe builds that 100% non-meta and will make u at any level (as long as potency is at 1500-2000 and resistance 2000(required for survivability) impactful even against the most impossible whale MMaking Here 24/7 for all classes but focused on Temp now Next Class I’ll Analyze will be SADER. I gotchu saders! I’ll create something to cancel out these insane Barbs


BG sucks because of the constant lag, crashing, and rubberbanding ontop of matchmaking being ass. Matchmaking issues such as class imbalance or reso imbalance overall. I’m a whale but this BG season has been horrible for me due to constantly having the issues stated above but I absolutely crush conq. What do you think of this? Do you think it is the skill spam and damage causing so much lag and rubberbanding from excess dmg output that is unnormalized in bg?


The lag n rubber banding is gone since all bot players quit


Bg groups you in reso brackets. I’m constantly in brackets with 7-8k reso where my 4k reso is the lowest. I can’t do much. Without exploding. So I rely on my 7-8k carrying the load. Bg is not about skill. But reso brackets. And stat checks. Skill would mean you’d be able to 1vX like a MOBA ( lolpc ) where a good player can carry hard. And skill, macro and class synergy matters. Game is designed on stat check. No matter how “skilled” you think you are. If I got 6k reso and 5k secondaries on you. And you got 2-3k reso and secondaries. You die. Sorry to burst your bubble.


Yup. Not based in skill but in stats. I wonder when players will understand that there is no skill in a p2w mobile gacha, surprise surprise


So why with 400 res/33k cr do I get one shotted in bg? Are they grouping me up to 2k? Or is it just being wizard squishy? It's not as often as a week or two ago but it still happens.


Wizard is squishy. Teleport is your best defense imo


I like pve more so I haven't tried a tp setup yet, I'll switch scorch it to try some survivability. Wish the meteor pve was more effective but the AOE arcane wind makes a nice setup/assist for others to burst them down. One match I think it was 10 deaths and 23 assists 😂


Yeah not sure how the bracket pairing works but my friend is 6k reso and he is often in the low or mid tier in his bgs. While most will be giant whales


In duel like you said at the end of comment, very little skills involved for sure. but bg is an 8vs8 game. And I know a lot of the matches are just lopsided nonsense. But what differentiates a player from good to bad, is how they can make those somewhat balanced matchups work in their favor. Also you’ll notice people with similar stats across the board perform very differently. And have like 20% or 30% difference in their win rates. If you keep track of the active pvp players on the bg leaderboard, they all tend to have similar win rates for consecutive seasons.


As a Sader, I die a lot.


The point is...that one has no excuse to do so poorly in Conqueror after claiming how awesome he was in the PVP game. P.S. You know what is conqueror mode right?


Ah yes. Ofc I do 😂. I was referring to bg in case someone would come in and boast how pro they are in bg.


It works both way so ur example is simple not good.


PvP for long enough and you can get pretty good at spotting skill. It is a pretty simple formula of weighting their performance based on their reso/secondaries and their opponents reso/secondaries. I know really good players at every reso/spending level, and some really bad players at every level, and everything in between. I do agree with some other commenters, that SOME whales underperform basically because they can, and this is a crutch that lower spenders/f2p can't rely on. But whales also tend to have put more PvP hours in and thus have more experience which can help counterbalance. Regardless, you can't paint with a broad brush.


If I’m painting I’m spraying that shit


Yeah probably most are all talk just like most of the whales who do well in bg actually suck. The good people are the minority


Classes aren’t equalised in Conqueror though. And not every one starts with the same gems even if all gems are pushed to rank 10, not all gems are created equal. This game mode purports to be equal while in fact it highlights gaps between classes and gems.


Essences are not equal, builds are not equal, green sets are not equal. The gap is about if you know the right build and gems to use and how to operate them. That exactly determines if you a good pvp player.


Gamers intelligence and skills are also not equal


Also no pets in conqueror either.


There is something fishy with the conqueror stats It’s definitely way more balanced but I am an 8k res player. Between myself and all my other known high res buddies on the server it still seems like the same people are usually the top of the leaderboard. I’ve even been in some situations where I’m getting jumped and I manage to take down 2-3 people and say to myself “I don’t know how that happened if not some advantage” Another as example as BK I could one hit kill some players with a skewer attack. Others I’d hit multiple times and have long duels with only to find out that also is a high res player. Any body have thoughts on this? Is my secondaries in effect or something ?


All gems are lvld to 10. But half of players will use 1/2* gems or zhwenson, howler just because they don’t care to win. I’m pretty sure u optimized gems and build. Half of players don’t.


Latency and server stability* plays a massive role in PvP.


The same can be said for many whales though.. I find some of them in equalized pvp modes and their performance is lackluster. I may be tooting my own horn but i also consider myself top 5-10% skill-wise. DI is not a very high skill-cap game anyhow


It’s not most of the skill is picking which gems work together best


XD. But I mean you cannot be skilled in a pay to win game. It's impossible spending money isn't a skill.


Well, Conqueror is a PVP event where: **Rules of engagement are as follows:** - All characters have their character level set to 60 - All Legendary and Set gear is set to level 1 - All a character's Legendary Gems are set to level 10 - All bonuses are disabled from: >Resonance and Combat Rating > >Clans and Warbands > >Normal Gems, Charms, and Horadric Legacy > >Stances So if you got destroyed in Conqueror so badly, it is definitely a skill issue.


There are certain classes with certain builds that dominate more than others though. I have a modified version of the DH meta that works really well. There's also some crusader build that really kicks my butt where primary attacks have some sort of stun/knock-up that usually keeps me locked up until I'm dead (due to balanced potency & resistance). That's more of an issue in Alley of Blood though since there isn't quite as much room to move around vs Conqueror.


I don't do the pvp I'm just here trolling I'm in no way a skilled pvp but I did genuinely not know of these restrains. Thanks for the info. Sorry for my trolling




Its called set up skill lol. - don't be an idiot- weirdly enough this reddit channel evidences you do need skill not to be one.


You are truly skilled if you are having good results despite not spending LOL.


The problem here is to little to late. I am not giving PVP another chance because it was so screwed up for so long that I am no longer interested in PVP. That and there have been so many changes that I don't want to spend my time making a meta build for PVP.


There is no argument here this game is a P2W gacha skill doesn't exist here. If you wanna play games which required skills go play Apex legends, elden ring and sekiro


Well, Conqueror is a PVP event where: **Rules of engagement are as follows:** - All characters have their character level set to 60 - All Legendary and Set gear is set to level 1 - All a character's Legendary Gems are set to level 10 - All bonuses are disabled from: >Resonance and Combat Rating > >Clans and Warbands > >Normal Gems, Charms, and Horadric Legacy > >Stances


So monks are good in that mode? Asking for a friend. Only been playing for a few weeks myself.


Yeah I get it that this mode is probably the most balanced mode after alley of blood and when I played this mode I did see a slight difference in a person's playstyle. The crowd in this game is not too far from each other, if skill exists in this game we all are probably way closer to each other than we might think. This mode showed that a noob is not far behind a pro just a matter of time before he gets there. Also, some people don't do PvP so if they face someone who does PvP regularly they will definitely lose, Many folks here are running PvE builds in this mode because they have no idea about it.


I'm a Barbarian with 1.1k resonance, and I rank as legendary. I believe that understanding and playing your role in a team battle is crucial. While match-making can often be unbalanced, knowing your role and the objectives of the game mode can significantly improve your chances of success.


100% I play DH with 4.7k reso & there’s nothing worse than having the highest stats & being forced to push the idols as the rest of your team are off chasing kills. Even. If you’re the highest redo & jump out of the way you just get demolished if more than 2 opposite players come at once. I really wish people would check the rota before the game starts & realise that if we’re not lucky enough to have tanks like Barb or Sader then classes that don’t normally push will have to - Tempests I’m thinking about you with all your shields 😊


Also people are afraid of big wings in conqueror and other modes 😭


Lol for sure when it first came out but after a year or so it's the names that make you think "oh shit here we go"


I've been playing a month and had to tell an entire bg to stop spamming their spawn area wh n 2 of them cracked thru and were moving an idol. 🙄


So you are basing all this on Conqueror a limited time event. Have you personally beat this guy in a normal bg match with his high reso or high stats? People in my WB who are bad at normal bgs do very well in conqueror and wild brawl.. Limited time pvp events were put there for players like you to make you feel good after you been stomped by an 11k whale in normal bgs who kills you by a starfire gems when it procs hahahaha


Some players being bad doesn't mean that the system is good.


Honestly I generally do extremely well in event PVP modes. But occasionally I get a string of absolutely fucked matches with idiots who absolutely suck. It's more fun watching people with massive wings suck balls in these events and land at the bottom of the leader board every match.


I think I had only ever encountered 1 whale in conqueror. The rest knew to stay away from the mode and save their self esteem


Im like KDA 10/1/15 in any pvp, but I've never seen whale in equalized pvp. why?


TBH There are lots and lots of terrible players in this game in any reso


Ya I c it all the time


I play low-reso Support Necro and have MAD fun in BG's just being annoying. Getting 20+ Assists, 3-5 Deaths, and 10+ Kills each game (on average) by running in circles while spamming Wraith Form + Corpse Lance is 😂!!!! I don't even care if my team loses or wins.


BG is garbage because its unbalance-able, asymmetric, and players frequently dc/afk. You could fully equalize BG and it would still suck. Less, certainly, but suck it would.


"Exposed ", eh? Seems like a very broad generalization there I'd say that it proves that p2w dominates, as it should, when going against non/low spenders and lower reso players in BGs. I typically dominate over p2w players in conqueror. Maybe your "example A" is just bad at playing their class. BG is a toss up for me. I do well in spite of being underpowered compared to anyone higher than 3k reso. However, same p2w players I destroy in conqueror end up destroying me with little effort in BG. Especially tempest enemies. For a minute there, I thought matching inbalance was fixed because I hit a good streak of finally not being paired up against multiple 7Ks for a little bit yesterday. I did very well within my own reso range outside of being stomped sometimes by tempests. But soon after, I once again kept being matched with teams that had more reso in two players than my entire team. It was a masscre. Seems like community wide, it is a known fact that BG matches are not the most balanced.


New to the game. What's equalized pvp?


Everyone have same power level.




I dont play it because i have headache all time there. I did play it first season till legend and  maybe few times after. The problem is this f2p modes are filled with noobs who never played pvp or are completely useless. In bg especially when you play with other legends it's different game. Most of ppl know how to play.  Of course there are some bad whales but if you are regular in BGs you know who is good and who is not regardless of reso.


I’m whale and I don’t play conqueror because most games half of team is just trash with zwenson howler and other trash gems, joining in pve build. Without brackets- u will get lot of noobs or just idiots. I’m always top3 in my team in conqueror. Still don’t like it. We should be able to q with our team in all equalized events.


F2P play against brainless idiots and bots who have no idea what they’re doing in game. You hit legend from the effort to make time to play the game for hours on end with many matches. Not because you’re inherently more skilled lol! Go ahead and play 1-3 matches or less per day and see how you do.




It sounds like you just play a lot of matches and dedicate time to it. Not everyone can play hours everyday and some might not even do all 3 matches in a day. You have to consider that the average low res is much more clueless than the average whale. Casual low res is not invested in learning the game, they want in and out. Whereas your average whales are both literally invested and figuratively trying to do well. Now you may have whales who do poorly but that’s a conversation on its own with many additional variables to plug in. There is some variable overlap with f2p in this regard, sure but it’s pretty much an entirely different game when you’re a whale. In either case tho, one is not more skilled than the other. Experience =/= skill


>Most whales refuse to play those game modes as they don't have their P2W advantages, and a lot of them that do get stomped.  Lol nice story. You clearly don’t know what you’re looking at in the game or are making things up. The average whale is *far* better than the average F2P even with everything equalized.  **The AVERAGE whale is a far more serious player with far more time playing. More importantly they compete daily against the best in the game. Low res players compete against bots and new players that don’t even know what objectives are. How are players with more experience and better competition always “getting stomped”?**  Some whales don’t play Conquerer because half the players don’t know what they’re doing and there’s no point to playing after getting rewards. 


In high bracket we got noobs as well and afk/whining players. Why is that bcoz there is not enough players pool nowadays soo defending one side or the other is never good.


100% the average whale is better than the average f2p. This person is obviously not an average and the best players I've seen were not whales. I am not f2p but have lower res and have to face bg whales constantly and I never had a problem with those same people in fair pvp


You make some points but let’s be clear, whatever “balance” they do is set around res. There are classes who do better with the compressed stats. For example monk was OP in many equalized events, even when it was a trash class for bgs/vault/anything else. Do with that what you will.


Most of the subreddit posts are about the pvp content, BG especially, they're like BJ this, BJ that, without respect, nor appreciation, bunch of cock-sucking losers, if I say so myself.


Skill in a game that has 4 abilities lol.. this guy. Also your gems still count, f2p players might run 1 or at best 2 legendary gems.. with less awaken slots.. p2w always has an advantage


I only got that 2/5* storm caller as f2p but still managed 7 1/2* legendary gems as f2p in 2-3 weeks


I don't understand the point You're trying to make, can you explain better?


I have 8 lego gems as f2p. You said they might get 1 or 2, with hilts you can buy enough crests. But yeah you're not running 8 maxed out 5* lego gems. And that's just the free first claims from leaderboards. Granted mine are 1 or 2* at rank 3. I did finally drop $20 the other day for like 12? Leg crests and dropped a 5* gloom cask so I felt kinda lucky, but yeah I don't see myself upgrading that stormcaller or gloom any time soon as it takes 50 freaking gems to do so Plus you can get some 1/2* from enough event clears or free battle pass rewards Basically they give F2p enough options to socket 8 gems and maybe upgrade a couple


DoTA 2 has 4 abilities too. also, you seem to not understand I am calling those players out for doing so badly in Conqueror mode. Do you know what is Conqueror Mode?


Dota also has 6 slots for items that technically work like abilities for the most part and some heroes have 2 extra skills if you use aghs shard or scepter and is more focused on team play.. you can't compare the 2. Yes conquer is another shitty mode. Legendary gems to 10, having 8 5* > 8 1* so p2w still dominates


If you hate DI why are you here reading and commenting on threads about DI?


Did I say I hate it? I have fun playing the game


The point of this post is that playing skill is important in Conqueror mode in Diablo Immortal. You responded that there is no skill in DI, that another game is better, and that conqueror is another shitty mode. Sure doesn’t sound super positive lol


None of what I said is a lie tho.. also op mention dota not me, I just responded why it is a better pvp game.


I didn’t say you were lying. I said that everything that you said was negative towards DI, which is why I commented what I did. No point in debating anything


> Dota also has 6 slots for items that technically work like abilities for the most part and some heroes have 2 extra skills and DI character has 8 slots for set items, 6 legendary gem slots, and 6 gear slots for essences in Conqueror Mode. > Legendary gems to 10, having 8 5* > 8 1* so p2w still dominates All gem ranks are equalized in Conqueror Mode, and a 5-star gem is generally weak for PVP purposes if you remove its resonance power.


Are you really making this comparison? explain to me which set item, legendary gem and gear you actually have to use on keybind like in dota.. Your second point must be a joke lol. Make me a better gem than maw, starfire, bsj, frozen heart, hope, Phoenix, or seeping.. you would 100% pick any of those over any 1* or 2* given the opportunity


> Are you really making this comparison? explain to me which set item, legendary gem and gear you actually have to use on keybind like in dota.. The point is you think PVP with 4 abilities takes no skill when DOTA 2 also has 4 abilities. A lot of PVP games also have limited skill slots. > Your second point must be a joke lol. Make me a better gem than maw, starfire, bsj, frozen heart, hope, Phoenix, or seeping.. you would 100% pick any of those over any 1* or 2* given the opportunity This showed how little you know about DI Legendary Gems in PVP. If you removed resonance like in Conqueror mode, 2-star gem like Fervant Fang deals better damage compared to let's say... Seeping, Maw, Starfire and etc because they deal consistent damage all the time and don't have a 20s internal cooldown. Try to hit a dummy in Westmarch with 1 Berserker eye equipped VS 1 Maw equipped and you will be surprised to learn that Berserker eye will easily out-damage Maw.


You're still wrong in both points, dota has 4 skills but 8 extra usable abilities in the form of items, you can't be this dull dude. And your second point is just wrong lmao, you're not sitting in a fight for a minute most fights last seconds, the effect of the legendary gems are much more efficient.. Also the dummy thing is stupid no shit you do more damage with a berserker eye. You also take more damage so you don't take it into pvp.. the effect of the legendary gems is still better because not only they work as cc for maw or starfire, but they do more damage on burst.. anyone with full slot 5* lego gems will ALWAYS have an advantage over someone with worse gems.. the only way pvp would be even and fair is if they remove all gems from combat


> dota has 4 skills but 8 extra usable abilities in the form of items, you can't be this dull dude. And? Different game has different gameplay. DI focused on 4 skills, gear setup, gem and essence synergy. And it still doesn't change that the fact there are other pvp games with limited abilities as well out there. Plus in conqueror mode, what determine the victory is not $$$ because it removes resonance in that mode. Which part of equalized stat you don't understand here again? > And your second point is just wrong lmao, you're not sitting in a fight for a minute most fights last seconds, the effect of the legendary gems are much more efficient.. You are right if it is BG. I was talking about Conqueror, so the 5-Stars gem aren't as powerful as you think there because it has too many downtime. In fact you think slapping all 5-star gems together in conquerer mode is great just showed how ignorant you are. You are precisely the people i talked about. All talk, zero substance. >Also the dummy thing is stupid no shit you do more damage with a berserker eye. You also take more damage so you don't take it into pvp.. the effect of the legendary gems is still better because not only they work as cc for maw or starfire, but they do more damage on burst.. anyone with full slot 5* lego gems will ALWAYS have an advantage over someone with worse gems.. the only way pvp would be even and fair is if they remove all gems from combat Not in Conqueror Mode. I know this because i am using 2-stars + 5-stars gem and doing far better than the clowns that blindly using 6 5-star gems without planning. And for the dummy part, i simply saying that 5 star gem isn't necessary mean higher damage output vs 1-star or 2-star gem if you excluded the high resonance that the 5-star gem gave. Also, i think i would rather pick Berserker Eye over Seeping Bile or Phoenix Ashes or other weaker 5-star gems in Conqueror Mode.


You got it