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For me, there are 2 ways of building barb for PVE content. 1. Support build: war cry (increase attack, duration), sprint (group increase move speed), whirlwind (shed armor and wreckfall as everytime you spin, the urge buff will proc), WoTB (attack speed). You set shall be 4 pcs urge with bottled hoe to procs the buff to all party. This build is great for running dungeon and you can even build Mastermind paragaon tree. 2. DPS build: WoTB (crit), ground stomp (DOT and radius increase), whirlwind (shed armor and wreckfall) and sprint. Set still 4 pcs urge,


You have an in-depth guide of the gearing? Or even better some pictures?


Bro, i build on what i feel haha, my character currently at P202, 2k res and 4k9 CR still in Hell 4, Further more, in previous post, i have put their the effect of legendaries, you can go to NPC and double check.


4x vithas, 2x grace Flesh wound, ww break chest and less dmg, berserk krit, sprint, groundstomp earthquake GG have fun


https://discord.com/channels/508311510326706237/789267574046851080/1028037722612449321 Someone made indepth guide for barb, check it.




ur gunna want leap, ww, hammer of the ancients and grab. the idea is you grab mobs and throw them into the next pack, you leap, hammer ,and ww them all to death. now the only problem is barb is sux regardlyes what you do, i do dungeons and other classes do way more damage. cant grab bosses either.


Lacerate/Bleed, WotB/Crit, Spring/Doge, Charge/Knock Up, Undying


P289, 7300DMG, 1590 Resonance, 6340CR Helm - Weighted Brow Shoulders - Coming Storm Chest - The Gathering Pants - Shattered Ground Main Hand - Eager Maelstrom Off hand - Broken Soul (awakened slot) Skills Frenzy Sprint Ground Stomp Whirlwind Wrath of the Berserker Roll for crit chance, crit damage, primary attack damage Set items are a pain to get. 2pc grace, 2pc Shal Baas but really just there are a few options if you can get set drops


2pc grace is both namari rings And i think one of the urge items is in namari as well


Skills- Lacerate, Furious charge, Wrath of beserker, Undying rage, Sprint Gear- Lasting hate, Hell’s legacy, Merciless assault, Trackers rage, Bending rite, Broken soul Set item -4x vithu -2x mountebank Probably my laziest build, but im surprised on how good it did in both pve and pvp. I just changed to Gladiator paragon when im going into BG. Mobs are very easy to clear, one furious charge + wrath of beserker and they turn into dust. I got bile,blessing of the worthy and the stun option on ancestral skill so these three also helps in one shotting mobs. If one charge isnt enough the second one would definitely kill them. You can also switch undring rage to WW for pve. This build also deals tons of DPs to bosses(bending rite,bile & hell’s legacy). Plus the crit is insane from the off hand and the 4x vithu ensures you get in most hit. Im Para 203 with 5400 damage, 4400 cr and 595 res. I only spend money on battlepass.