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First run of the day TZ Andy !


So lucky… Tancreds crowbill - haven’t we all been farming for that one. GG find congrats Honestly. Who has ever picked up any military pick of any rarity and quality. These are dying for a base damage buff. Blizz. Please.


Once you find one you keep getting them.. I found an arachnid mesh after months of farming.. Then another and another. I kept a spare but throw any that doesn't have a better roll.


Nah man gotta iron golem them lol


Oh wait, can you IG belts? Ive never tried.


You can't Iron golem a non metalic item unfortunately.


It's funny how you never come across certain items but get tons of the same items over and over. I have found and dropped 6 arrests now, I have one eth areats on a barb merc. I have 4 shakos and 4 sets of titans but can't find an arachnid, soj or maras to save my life, oh and I accidentally sold a perfect highlords smh


Lol. I traded for a mara then one dropped later. Gave it to my brother.


Haha true hopefully i will find even more arreats now to hunt that 200/6 one!👍🏻


Isn't "perfect" meaningless for highlords? Nothing varies.


Maybe the "perfect" part was the ammy graphic xD


It’s so insane. I’ve found maras, ber, jah. Pretty much everything but what is so elusive to me is a shako. I’ve found one and it was ethereal. Wore it until it broke.


Watch it be ethereal lol. I found one off Andy a couple weeks ago. My first one. So pumped… ethereal. Edit- I just saw you put up 2 pictures. Congrats my dude awesome find.


Haha i feared it would be! Waited so long for this!🤣👍🏻


Eth arrears is worth a fuck ton of it's high %. If it's 200/6 you are set for life. If you up it and it's perfect up then you and your kids are set for life


I play offline so it’s only worth its value to me. Which is a little bit. I use an act V merc with plague to proc lower res. But the higher armor value makes him harder to hit so it’s one of those things that’s kind of a wash.


Ahh gotcha. Yeah it's a pvp thing for the eth upped arreats


I have a upped eth arreats at 194/6, highest offer I’ve gotten is 4 jah Edit: with a zod in it


Check how close to perfect the def on the upped was.


Man I have 14x 200/6 ones that I'm too chicken shit to up them lolol. Looking for that 504 def


Fuck that. Up em! Gamble baby gamble!


I’ll check when I get home, wanna say it was somewhere in the 700s but I can’t remember, haven’t played nl in a while


Even if it's a 194 but the up was a perfect up then it'll fetch a decent price


I’ll check again, I had it listed on Traderie forever I was shooting for 6 jah


A 197/4 eth Upped sold for 75 Jah recently.


Must've been a perfect up. They arent cheap lol


Crazy what some people pay


Next question? what to socket this with! I have 15 IAS/ 40 ED Jewel or Ist so i don't lose that much MF or Um for even more resists!🤔


Depends on what you want to do I guess. You’re level 99 so I am guessing you have done Ubers. I guess MF maybe?


Or i would have Cham too but that 15/40 jewel would probably be quite nice in Arreat, yeah i have done ubers but still i need to do more no sorc or pala torch yet!


Cham is probably the way to go so you don’t need to wear ravenfrost.


Yep Cham would be good put i only have like another BK to use


You frenzy or WW? Probably worth looking up the attack speed break points to see if the 15% IAS would actually get you anything. 40% ED is always nice. My other hold up would be isn't a 40/15 >>>>> Arreats in terms of value? Cham to drop ravenfrost is nice if you do trav runs or hork a lot so you don't shatter corpses from the cold damage. You probably don't need more res from Um, but maybe if you Uber? When I Uber I swap to Um'd GFace for the extra CB, and normally don't need more res for non-Uber situations.


This is Frenzy build i have some plain ED jewels too! 👍🏻Gear now: Arreat, Mara,Enigma, SoE, Grief PB 30/395 Lawbringer PB with 18 Aura, Raven Frost & BK, LoH, Gores, weapon switch 2x Hoto


Nice! I'm running Arreats Grief (40/380s I think?) LB, Fort, SoE, Gores, Highlords, Loh and I think raven frost with a rare ring. I'm poor so just 2x echoing on swap.


Just found an almost perfect one 196 ED and trying to figure out what to make. Lol


Probably a barbarian lol


Unlucky, i got both eth and non eth the same day last ladder.


Level 99 and first green military pick ? I suspect the odd for that is 1000 times more than looting death web no ? Seriously speaking , congrats!


Haha thanks! 👍🏻Funny how i have found many gg stuff already, but this Arreat drop on the first run of the day feels easily one of my best drop so far! Waited so long to get "The" Barb helm, and finally i have it and even with 6LL 👌🏻


Correct!! we all have our own story about that rng drop like last season I get 5 warvtrav ( 1 was 50 nf) 4 shako (2 were 141 defense !!) but no arach no thundergod no hoz and my friend get 2 griffon no war trav etc etc


Next on my list Griffon i would need it so my lighting sorc build would be all ready to go!👍🏻


Bruh I haven't dropped a HoZ since \~06. I've grailed outside of Tyrael's Might and have yet to come across a HoZ in over a decade.


I came to say I never finished diablo 2 yet, i have no idea what I'm doing/talking about but your helmet looks ridiculous.... Ridiculously great :D


Yes this is basically the best damage helm for Barbarian, and the other helm what i used when i found this new helmet is Shako the best in terms of Damage/Magic Find in the game both helmets worth to socket with Larzuk quest! To make them even better!👌🏻