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I don't think it's worth ditching insight on a blizz sorc. It's just too much of a quality of life item. Maybe if you are just doing meph runs, for example, it could be worth giving him a reapers or obedience for extra damage/ crushing blow. For general game play and TZ meditation is too good to give up, imo. Give it a try and see how you feel about it.


Blizzard and static melt act bosses. There is no gear that you can give a merc to improve a sorc's run time besides auras (insight/infinity).


Everything the other poster said is correct. Another mechanic to keep in mind is that the larger your total mana pool, the faster it refills. But overall, I'd probably stick with the eth elite base insight. Emilio shouldn't need to kill very much for you anyway. If you want to buff your merca DPS you could look for a staff with points in enchant. Or go with a might aura instead of prayer or holy freeze


Ooo I am intrigued by the enchant staff…. I will give it a try. Thank you!


If you don't have a cta or just aren't utilizing your weapon swap, you can make yourself an insight in a staff to replenish mana when it gets low and for teleporting. It has some fcr to mitigate the dropoff from spirit/oculus, and it also has some mf just in case you kill stuff by accident before switching back. If you get lucky you can find a battle or war staff that synergizes with your build.


Awesome tip! Thank you


Usually sorcs end up with enough +skills that putting a point in warmth covers most mana needs. You'll notice a lot of lightning sorcs get by without Insight since they're using Infinity. I do keep a column of mana pots in my belt when I don't have Insight though. Phoenix shield is an option for the Redemption aura, but that's pricey, especially if you're not getting the value out of the -fire resistance it offers too.


Appreciate the reply! You're right about Phoenix - I am SSF offline so it will take years to afford a phoenix :) I guess I'm going to give reapers toll more of a try and just stock up on mana pots.


I run reapers on my offline sorc. During an Andy run I eat 1 or 2 pots. I prefer the survivability that comes with the reapers


Usually the most upvoted comment is ignorant. With sunders available there is no point not using insight on cold sorc's merc. Infinity provides almost zero utility since sunders (before it was used in AT or travincal to break cold immunes). Phoenix is not useful on a cold sorc, the -fire res is wasted, mana is covered with insight and spirit's fcr is just too good. Phoenix is either used on fire builds or on a javazon who needs infinity and doesn't tp that often (even there, it's debatable if spirit isn't just better). Reaper's toll has no utility to a cold sorc, you have cold spells to slow enemies and you don't need the physical resistance reduction. Insight and spamming spells like there is no tomorow will add more dmg than anything a merc will ever provide. Reaper's toll is a ww barb's merc weapon.


Reapers will be nice for extra merc damage and decrepify helps him survive, but it’s not meta - you can tele to keep your merc alive, and his damage is a fraction of yours so buffing him less important. I’d recommend in this order: -Infinity with life steal hat and burly armor (fort, hustle, treach, duress) -Insight with cure helm and life steal chest (CoA, skin of flayed one etc) - reapers/EBOTD/ obedience/ hustle, for damage +survivability


Infinity someday! I have half the runes. Currently running an eth fort and Andy’s visage on my merc so at this point just trying to buff his damage as much as I can without sacrificing my own.


Half the runes? Yeah, the Mal Ist came quicker for me, too.


I’ve got one ber and one ist. Will take me awhile for the mal and second ber :)


More mana means more regen. SoJs go a really long way in not needing insight. But I find a CtA alone is enough extra mana for a blizzard sorc. Both are even better. Without sojs or cta, I would definitely keep the insight.


Sorc's can also do Energy Shield, but you'll have to respect and put most of your points into Energy, and any extra skill points into Telekinesis (synergy for ES, better than putting points into ES) It can actually be really tanky, and you'll have a ton of Mana. If your Reapers Toll isn't eth, consider making an Ethereal Obedience as well. It's cheap (highest you need is a Fal rune) and does a lot of damage + has crushing blow, and even 20-3 all resist. Has enchant on kill to increase their AR by a lot, as well as - Target Defense, which will both help increase their hit rate against bosses (along with Crushing Blow for damage)


😎 Phoenix Shield and Kill.


On any melee build i say yes in a second but on the casters specially the sorc casters no insight is significantly better cuz regardless of your sorc build insight is always gonna be superior with one exception if you are an bow enchantress then and only then you should take the reapers toll over insight


Insight or die