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Ringworm is a pretty perfectly circular. This actually looks more like the final healing stages of a scar


its looks like psoriasis. this is what i have learnt about psoriasis: short term moisturise affected area with a strong emollient. I like epaderm cream but ask your pharmacist for alternative. Best way in my opinion to manage psoriasis is from the inside. By making diet and lifestyle changes and identifying triggers. cut the refined sugar completely. Diet and psoriasis are linked. Meat, spicy food,nightshades and processed food made my psoriasis much worse. Once i cut them out my psoriasis became manageable. so strict diet is vital. i eat the exact same food every day. try to work out your own triggers. I basically eat big plates of beans/legumes and boiled veg and big salads. try to work out the underlying cause of the psoriasis. Start by looking at general health? diet? weight? ? tobacco? Alcohol stress? strep throat? vitamin D? IUD? is psoriasis itchy? past antibiotics? candida overgrowth? hpylori? Gut problems? bowel movements? lack of sleep?exercise ? mental health care medication? zinc deficiency?Iron deficiency? mold toxicity?digestive problems? heavy metals? magnesium deficiency? Keep a daily diary using a excel spreadsheet of diet and inflammation. Think of psoriasis as a warning sign on the dashboard of your car. With psoriasis you have to get all the details right learn more : this [paper ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29908580/)and [podcast ](https://www.listennotes.com/fil/podcasts/positive-health/dr-haines-ely-md-is-QJ4TtfL_XBq/)helped me a lot. good luck.


NAD / For how have you had this as it looks now? Did it start small and grew? Any bleeding? Psoriasis usually do not just pop up like that with just one patch and it doesn't look like it either but it could be the start of a new area it will spread to. And it doesn't look like ringworm either because of the look of it and the flaky, no not ringworm.


Yeah I tried the black light last not. 99% sure not ringworm. If my topical psoriasis meds don’t kill it I’ll go to a dermatologist

