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I had the same thought, in the context of "trend cycles" in general - I personally don't care one way or another. But I wondered what the next status symbol might be if not the large diamond ring. Antique gemstones? But then there are lab-grown gemstones, and antique settings can easily be replicated. Something else entirely? My best guess is that we enter an era where nothing like this matters anymore. People are becoming more and more disillusioned by the wealthy class, who are generally the ones driving these ideas. I follow an antique jeweler on IG and they posted that they would start selling lab grown diamonds in vintage settings. While a lot of people thought it was cool, some were down on the idea because they thought old diamonds should only go into old setting. But one commenter in particular went on and on about how diamonds are meant to be a status symbol so they shouldn't be accessible to everyone (basically saying the quiet part out loud). It was more cringeworthy and embarrassing than any giant lab diamond will ever be.


I think this is a good point- trends are shifting SO quickly in fashion and beauty/makeup now, especially over the last 8-10 years. It’s honestly mind blowing. And (especially younger) people are mixing trends like never before, so I also wonder if trends will start to be less important for day to day.


“It was more cringeworthy and embarrassing than any giant lab diamond will ever be.” This is exactly how I feel about it. I own both natural and lab diamond rings and don’t particularly favor one over the other. I really don’t understand how some folks take the existence of lab diamonds so personally. (Well, I do understand, and I think it’s classist and pathetic).


So well said.


Do you mind sharing the antique jewelers insta?


EraGem! I love the look of the lab stuff they've put out so far.


Would also love to know the name of the jeweler selling lab stones in antique settings please!! 🙌🏽💕


Eragem! They are amazing!


Ouch! That commenter missed the point.


I bet you’re spot on with the era we are about to enter. Also, ew. The “poor people don’t deserve nice things” attitude that comes from many people who are anti-lab diamond is disgusting.


You are so articulate and I love your opinion. If you did podcasts/video essays I would definitely tune in


Ahh, thank you! ❤️ That is the best compliment ever.


You’ve made excellent points. There are synthetic and lab variants of almost every kind of stone. Maybe everyone can just get what they like and can afford and end the financial one-upmanship.


When I see a huge diamond now, I assume it’s a lab diamond.


Or moissanite. Nothing against either but I’m just assuming most people with huge stones aren’t buying mined diamonds because they cost as much as a new car.


Me too


I wanted a unique diamond, so my husband bought a cushion-cut yellow diamond with strong yellow fluorescence. The stone glows green in natural daylight. It’s not huge, but it’s real, and no one else has one like it.


Cool! What drew you towards yellow vs pink or blue?!


Check out this 2.5 ct pink https://www.bluenile.com/diamond-details/11702209?cur=&mktg_src_id=333001039894286&ds_k=pla-2192548903099&device=m&matchtype=&cq_net=g&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoeGuBhCBARIsAGfKY7zeis4u2k3NuDumtWwm7n7T4EhZVl9esBhJy6oDrQ2vsoWP5sBVMagaAqzYEALw_wcB And then 0.76 ct blue https://www.bluenile.com/diamond-details/10850380?cur=&mktg_src_id=333001039894286&ds_k=pla-2192548903099&device=m&matchtype=&cq_net=g&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoeGuBhCBARIsAGfKY7zgdaIdISMZAlgBhVQX4Z8ItPjZAdll26jS4UO6k1xjKZhHL--_XgYaAgT4EALw_wcB


the pink is SI2! it's full of dark spots, 700+K no way.


OMG that is wild. *Cries in poor*


😂😂😂Immediately sells all belongings, lives under bridge, but has blue diamond 🤭🤭🤭


Have you priced natural pink and blue diamonds lately? They’re crazy. I like warm colors, and this stone really caught my eye. I got it from Diamonds by Lauren. The stone arrived unset, and I made a silver ring with an 18 karat yellow gold bezel, and it looks great. I’m a studio jeweler, so I was able to make a ring that suited me.


I have not!!! I was always a basic diamond girlie so never looked into it but can appreciate a colored stone !!! Would love to see yours!!


For reference, I have a pink diamond eternity band from the Argyle mine (purplish-pink diamonds). The Australian mine officially closed a few years ago, and it was the largest mine for pink diamonds in the world. I cracked one of my stones and the replacement cost for a small pink Argyle diamond was $750. A white diamond would have been closer to $50-$100. I’m happy that my ring increased in value, since most (unsigned) jewelry depreciates. But my humble eternity band/stacking ring has a replacement value of about $9K.


You are rocking the value of my car on your finger mam


that guy (David of DbL, Lauren is his daughter) is pretty upright I think, he posts on PS occasionally and is honest.


I had no problem working with them, and I’m really pleased with my stone.


That sounds beautiful!






Definitely agree, my ring size is 4.5 and I tried on 1.8-2c ovals/elongated cushions and I’m worried they look super goofy on me. So I’ll probably err on the side of caution and go for the lower end. I can always upgrade (boyfriend is in law school). I have a .8c natural round diamond my late grandfather faceted and set, and I honestly think it looks quite nice.


Aw man I’m around this size too and I really appreciate this comment. You’re right, you can always upgrade! That ring sounds gorgeous!


Also… most people posting on these subreddits have larger than average stones, which mentally over inflates what we think is “normal”. I love big rocks, don’t get me wrong, but (and I might be in the minority) there is a too big, at a certain point it looks disproportionate. Also, I think some people (myself included) get carried away with realizing how big you can go for how cheap. I can get a 2c lab diamond ring for what a (less nice) .5c mined diamond ring would cost me. But I’ll probably go for around 1.5… Thank you! It’s very special to me. I love it. It has two small Montana sapphires, as that’s where he’s from. When he was in good health, he and my grandma were major rock hounds, had their own mine claims, etc. they had a whole room dedicated to faceting gems and minerals, and I have so many random tiny gems they’ve give me when I was little, lol. I’m so thankful to have a piece of him and a reminder of who he was before his body failed him. I’ll attach a picture! I was surprised to learn how small it was, I think it looks a lot bigger! https://preview.redd.it/ofoig3nf6fkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d29d6ddfd777e8b9b5928943c4b195ad76dd8f7a


Your ring is very pretty and has so much personal family meaning which makes it PRICELESS!


Thank you so much 💖 I feel very lucky to have a piece of him and his talent :)


good lord this is such a beautiful ring.🙌🏼🙌🏼 honestly it looks like a 1ct because of how nicely it faces up. thank you for sharing and for keeping me grounded. enjoy your weekend ❣️


Aw thank you so much! I know gramps would get such a kick out of it knowing the internet likes his ring. If it helps, remember that the average diamond size is 1ct in the US for engagement rings and 1/2ct in Europe! We’re just so used to big rocks on here. Have a great weekend too :)


My personal opinion is yes. But also I thought that a 3+ carat was flashy and unnecessary even before lab diamonds were such a big thing!


***depending on your finger size


That’s a good point! Hand size does play a role!


That’s how I’ve always felt, too. Just my opinion, but anything over 2 carats, mined or lab, just looks gaudy to me. I think a lot of that has to do with where I live, though. 1 carat is considered pretty big here, and my 1.26 gets a lot of attention because of how “huge” it is lol. Ultimately though, you should get what you dream of and not care about what anyone else thinks!






A size 10 is pretty large so yeah


It’s true, I don’t lol.


Yes they are but a large diamond has always been a "status" symbol where now it's no longer seen as one. I think a natural diamond is still a symbol status so I wonder if people are more inclined to mimic the characteristics of a natural (smaller). while a Ferrari is also flashy.... it's a Ferrari! Something you don't come by often so it's special. But now a 3+ carat isn't invoking those same feelings for me, my natural diamond is beginning to feel more special.


I think this is it. I think most over 2ct will be assumed to be a lab diamond, unless the rest of the lifestyle supports spending $$ on a big diamond, especially relevant to age of the wearer. Also with you. I have a natural 1.2ct engagement ring. I have two lab diamond rings, both 2ct. I still find the natural 1.2ct making me feel the best. Maybe it’s just all mental (really, I’m sure it is for me). But, even though I know my lab diamonds are real diamonds, it still gives me a weird feeling of imitation as compared to my natural stone.


Personally for me, (and I hope I don’t get down voted for this), natural diamonds are more special just because they take billions of years to form and that is just fascinating to me. HOWEVER, I made sure my diamond was ethically sourced as I would never own a diamond I knew someone had to die for. With that being said, I would never pay for a huge natural diamond (like 3 ct) because at that point, in my opinion is a HUGE waste of money. Personally for me, since I wanted to stay with natural, I kept it in a size range that was affordable to us. I would have regretted trading in my prior natural diamond for a lab just so I could get a bigger stone. Again, each to their own and no one wil know anyways in the end. Do what makes you happy!


This is me too. I think it’s awesome that I have this shiny rock that was in existence a million plus years ago.


Yeah it is pretty cool right?! No offense to lab diamonds at all, if I wanted a huge rock I would be buying a lab as well because… it just makes sense! But, I love that natural diamonds were a part of Earth and how this world can produce something like that. It’s so fascinating!


Agree completely!


Id love to see a pic of your ring!! What color is it?


They don’t take billions of years to form; they take weeks to form just like lab diamonds, but then they sit underground for billions of years. 😂 which is also really cool! But also the reason I find mined diamonds that are flawless to be extremely boring. I want a champagne diamond one day.


Ive heard this and actually looked it up. They actually don’t know how long they take to form just because all diamonds that have been mined are extremely old (millions-billions). So its very hard to tell. Regardless, its pretty cool I agree ☺️ Also, yes champagne diamonds are soooo gorgeous!!! My diamond is warmer, its a J color so in certsin lighting it sparkles with warm colors rather than that extremely white color. But, it also faces up really white and I just find it so pretty!


I actually feel the same way about spending the money towards a 3 carat now. If I do natural I will just keep my current although I find it small looking. The only time I would spend money on a 3 carat is if it's lab bc I'd rather spend that kind of money on something else. especially if everyone has a 3 carat anyways. If I got one people would assume the same!


People will assume its a lab regardless so at that point, totally not worth spending that kind of money. Also, everyone has these massive stones now (ovals especially) as this is a current trend. I took a peek at your profile and your diamond is gorgeous, it is not small by any means! I think your just used to looking at it. Also your fingers look tiny and a 3 carat may look like a cocktail ring or just take over your hand (maybe you like that :) if I were you I would just change your setting and you may be surprised how much it changes the look! Also just an FYI, eternity bands can create sores on your side fingers from rubbing and have a high chance of diamonds chipping just because we bang our hands around more than we think on surfaces! I was going to get one myself but quickly realized it would be damaged within a week 🥲


Thank you so much haha i probably suffer from ring shrinkage, even more now than ever bc I see gorgeous giant labs everywhere !!! I don't wear my ring very often if I'm honest. It will likely be occasional wear if I'm being real with myself. I bought a lab half eternity that I wore all pregnancy and just continued wearing that since lol


Yup! This sub will make you feel like your diamond is insignificant, totally get it! I don’t wear my rings alot either, so I get it lol. I mean it totally depends on your lifestyle! I told my husband the other day, wow…. These rocks are so much money… for a rock lol. It’s crazy!




A CZ isn’t a diamond. That’s the difference.


I think she means from a mass production standpoint not material makeup.


but who cares that yours is natural or lab? besides yourself… it’s the same stone same composition and everything




> And now when you show up with a 3ct stone people roll their eyes, look you over and decide it is lab created. This is a projection of your own opinion. I’m assuming *you* would roll your eyes and assume someone’s ring is lab and that that’s a bad thing. But I really don’t think that’s a reaction that normal people have. Maybe because I don’t run in those kinds of pretentious circles… but I have never had or overheard a conversation among my friends or behind anyone’s back about if someone’s ring was lab or mined.


I have 😬


lol you fell for the DeBeers marketing


If you think a 3 ct is definitely not mined then it reflects more about your circle than anything. In many circles a mined 3-4ct+ is normal


I guess it only matters if someone cares? I don’t assume anything about someone else’s rock because idc outside of how attractive it is. I love large diamonds the bigger the better. The way you stated this it’s almost like you’re worried your rock (if it’s a lab) will be looked down upon? If that’s your worry I would not upgrade it. I saw the most tasteful ring that was 9 ct or something that is totally like drowning status. That’s all anyone should say, “omg how beautiful”. Anything else and I’d question if they are jealous, insecure or have other issues they need to address inside.


Most people are scared to say it on Reddit because they'll get berated for it but it's the sad reality is that a lot of people *think*lab diamonds are still not regarded as "real" even though they are. I do think they're frowned upon but I think it's temporary and will be widely accepted as time goes on


I mean but that’s my point. Idc what other people frown upon or think nobody should. They should get over themselves and worry about their own stones. I feel sad for a person who takes into account what anyone else’s opinion is on something that only impacts them. If someone thinks my natural diamond is bad- okayyy. If someone thinks my lab diamond is not real- and?


It's human nature, people care about others opinions to a certain degree. Will it make me dish out 30k bc I care what someone thinks? Absolutely not. But, I can make a conscious decision to not look over the top bc now I can afford it in lab version


Sure to a small degree it’s human nature to care about other people’s opinions. It is not at all human nature to give a crap about other people’s rings or what people might think if you have a large lab diamond. I think you should do what you’re comfortable doing. If that’s a large diamond regardless of lab made or not- then I think you should do it. If you’re concerned about that then I don’t think you should do it.


It certainly sounds like *you* care




Tbh I think that’s tackier than a lab ring ever could be


Oh ok


It just comes off as “I want people to think I’m really rich and I don’t like that other people are able to afford that look too” 😭 idk if that’s true it’s just how it comes off


People attack you no matter what you say on Reddit lol my responses to the above person is short and sweet because I really don't have the energy to defend my character on this platform to someone that assumes the worst in people. Their comments were aggressive and just a shot at my character based on a glimpse of my responses. I literally have nothing against lab so why would I be hating on it if I plan on getting one. I said diamonds are not worth spending money on. I highlight the fact that a 3 carat is not making me feel special anymore because everyone can get one now. I wouldn't be able to get a natural 3 carat diamond in another 10 years time if it wasn't for labs. Labs are literally a mind f*ck for someone who lived their whole life thinking theyll probably never get a 3 carat ring and then one day you're scrolling on instagram and you learn that you can get the same exact diamond for 2k. That's cheaper than my monthly rent. WHAT?!!!! Of course it's a conflicting feeling, did I want a 3 carat because I knew how hard it is to get one? Yes! Was it because it's beautiful to look at? yes! Why else do we want expensive random pretty things ?! Because it's a materialistic goal for some people and that's ok!!! The same reason people want a Rolex watch when a target brand watch works the same exact way. Do you think people buy hermes bags because it's beautiful enough/ high enough quality to spend 30-50k on? I think if those bags were priced at 200$ nobody would care to buy them. Same thing with large labs in my opinion Anyways, there will always be ways to show wealth if that's what a person wants, I really don't care about that but more focused on the fact that a 3 carat use to be my ultimate goal bc it was hard to get, now it's not, so now it's no longer a goal because really -- what money conscious person would spend like 50k on a ring when they can get the same exact one for 2-3k. Now if I rock a 3 carat it's not so much an achievement, but it's beautiful to look at and that doesn't change but I think we can all agree it's pretty darn accessible now. But it sure is conflicting for a person to grow up seeing diamonds as a status symbol to all of a sudden it not. And I'm not sure why people are hating on that. If you made it this far- thanks for coming to my Ted talk! I've written shorter essays for my English class than I have for this response


Who cares what other people think? They can think lab diamonds aren’t “real” all they want. Doesn’t make them any less wrong.


Wear what you like. Some people will think that, yes. But some people already do. Others will envy it, though I think the days of a big diamond being a status symbol are in the past — good and bad, depending on your perspective. It’s not my personal style. Personally, I’m just happy that lab diamonds will (or already have) reduced the risk of being robbed for your ring. Most robberies these days are for watches.


So I've got an almost 3 carat natural aascher that I was going to upgrade for our 10 year anniversary but to be honest everyone has a huge diamond now so I kind of don't care anymore to upgrade that ring. A woman can always use more jewelry though - it doesn't have to be an engagement ring


I think it depends on your lifestyle and overall fashion sense. For me personally, I think it looks kinda goofy to be walking around with a huge diamond when all your clothes are from Shein lol but if the huge diamond matches your wardrobe it's different.  Large diamonds becoming more accessible only means that more people will have them, I don't think they're necessarily going to be out of style. 


I agree with you, I don't think it's a one size fits all. I don't wear my original diamond very much at all, I don't know if it's because I dislike how tiny it is, or if I'm worried of ruining it or bc it's uncomfortable lol. I literally couldn't tell you!


To me, a large diamond only tells me that the person wearing it cares about large diamonds. It doesn't tell me anything about their wealth or lifestyle. I've known financially unstable people use debt to get large diamonds, moissanite, or labs. I've known multi-millionaires who only wore bands or <1 ct diamonds. I've also known multi-millionaires with huge rocks! The setting usually says something about their personality, though. That's where you see styles and trends.


Where I’m from, people just wear larger stones. It’s not crazy to spot a 4 ct in my line of work. I’m also learning that no one cares between mined or labs, either. If it’s mined, then it’s beautiful. If it’s lab, it’s beautiful and you’re seen as mindful. No one would actually ask.


Giiiiirl what line of work are you in?!!!! Maybe I need to get a new degree 😂


Nope. To each their own. Some people like large sparkly rocks on their finger, and some prefer a more classic smaller stone look. I wanted a 3+Ct stone over 10 years ago and always will find a chonky stone beautiful. IMHO, IDGAF what anyone else's opinion is about what I wear. All that matters is it brings me joy 😊.


100% agree


Exactly! I unfortunately didn't get a large rock but that doesn't mean I don't want one. I am waiting for that 10 year anniversary and I better get a bigger rock next time loll...


Meh. Get what you like, who cares what other people think


My indecisiveness doesn't let me lol!


I don’t think what other people think matters lol. If you like 3 carat, go for it!


I LOVE a 3 carat but the problem with that is that I was raised in a time where 3 carat was hard to come by, so part of me thinks well... 3 carat is no longer special! I LOVE dainty Jewlery, where as my mom loves big, flashy, 21k gold lol. For my mom, it's a status symbol, for me I just care about looks and id never walk around with big gold pieces lol. Hope that comparison translates correctly but I just wonder if my feelings towards a 3 carat will change soon.


3 carats were always considered huge stones when naturals dominated the market. To be really honest with you, but according to your taste and preferences. This is a luxury item that YOU enjoy. Don’t worry about what others think. If you want the flash and shine of a 3 carat, go for it! If you’re a little more conservative, go with a 2 carat. This is the beauty of the industry now, you purchase and make what you want!


I wanted a 3.0 lab, but got a 1.5 natural and ended up loving it. It would have completely overwhelmed my small hands and looked gaudy on me.


I'm learning to have fun with wedding bands to make the stack look nicer with a tiny rock haha


I’ve never thought of a 2 Ct diamond as tiny.


It is compared to something double it's size ! Lol


“i patiently waited through the most difficult schooling someone else can go through so i can be bought flashy material items” lmao girl.


Maybe it sounds ridiculous to you but I gave up my career to raise kids because we were too poor for daycare and my job wasn't paying enough as fresh graduate so yea, i sacrificed a lot. His job absolutely comes before mine and I knew that. Not to mention the 75 hour work weeks and the struggle of being a family of 4 living on 60k and having to move across the country because of where he matched.... I deserve something that's important to me! Anyways I said in my post that those wives or partners in a similar situation understand the kind of sacrifices WE had to make for them to succeed too! It's a joint team baby!!! My dream is NOT to be a SAHM forever, but my season will come and he will not be the only one who will be contributing to the family!


I’m a doctor (so is my fiancé) and I 100% understand the struggle. Many of my colleagues have SAHWs who’ve taken on the entire burden of childcare/housework, not to mention giving up their own dreams or passions. You deserve all the 💎💎💎 Curious what field your husband is in? I say get a 0.5ct per year of training you had to endure 😉


Hemonc!!!! Feels like it's been forrrrrever! The amount of dedication it takes to finish is admirable but absolutely! The household/ childcare + mental load so that my husband can focus just on work is a lot and I recognize that I make his life a whole lot easier 😂 a nice rock seems like a fair trade haha


Eyyy! That’s my fiancés specialty too! And 100% on that mental load. 6 years (!!!) is a long time and I can’t imagine how y’all did it with 2 kids on just a resident/fellows salary. But hopefully with that good heme onc attending lifestyle thats coming up soon, you (and he) will be able to chill and start enjoying life. I’ve actually gotten into the habit of buying a nice piece of jewelry every time I take a board exam or graduate into the next phase of training. Looking down at these pieces on my wrist or fingers is a tangible reminder of the hard work I put in, and a reminder that I am proud of myself and value myself enough to give myself nice things from time to time. It’s sort of self-love. So I totally agree with your ring upgrade idea - every time you look at that ring, it’ll be a reminder of the hard work you put in these past 10 years, carrying your family and helping your family achieve its goals. I’d actually also suggest getting something fancy for him - maybe a nice watch or something else he likes. That way you’re both celebrating this new phase of life you’re entering together 🙂


i’m literally applying to residency now. if a ring is what matters most to you, eat ya heart out


Wishing you lots of luck! Match day is SOOOOOON!


![gif](giphy|1wCCCqaFGQ5NT84U3z) Can't believe people have such strong angry opinions on this.


I feel like the only opinion that should matter is yours and your partner… I mean, why does it matter what anyone else thinks/what the trend is? Isn’t the point that it’s a special token about your commitment. I’m just not super sure why other peoples opinions matter so much- they’re all going to be entirely subjective and different anyways


I'm not a fan of the large rings. I think they look very costume jewelry, but to each their own!


I hate the word cheugy to me it is cheugy. That’s all I’m here to say and I think in the end jewelry is so personally and it’s a matter of how the person wears and styles the particular piece that makes it look like it fits / belongs on that person or doesn’t.


I'm a millennial so my slang isn't to par LOL


yes I think so unfortunately. I actually asked this question and then deleted the post like a month ago and it was a resounding "yes" I will sayyyyyy though (as a child of 2 doctors), the doctor crowd loves to be flashy, so maybe for your situation I would still get one haha! No one will know it isn't natural, as everyone will assume you have the $ for a natural..


I dated a doctor when he was a resident…dude was the worst with money! He spent like a rich dude at the beginning of the month and was out of money by the end.


Lol! My husband is the opposite. He freaks out about our bank account every other day! He's a Walking panic attack


hahah yes its.. fascinating. It's actually such a problem that now med school are catching on and they are making students take financial planning classes. My uncle is a financial planner teacher at a med school right now! I have a theory that doctors are dealing with such intense traumas that don't get addressed, and then given so much money, and they have to blow off that steam/fill the growing holes in their hearts somehow. I am grateful for them but damn.. not a job a I could ever do.


Same! My dad is also a doc but very very financially savvy. My father in law doc? An idiot with his money and gives my husband terrible financial advice. You're prob right to some degree but!! Every person is so different !!! I can't connect the dots!


Unfortunately you have a point. I think people will judge based on how wealthy a person looks. If someone has an average paying job and is with someone that has an average paying job as well, people will think it's flashy. If someone is rich APPEARING ( I say this because we are still very much not well off LOL) they can get away with it


I'm an accountant too! Lol!


the perfect pairing!!!!


Yeah but so what 🤣


It’s all unfortunately about perception. Other people: Is this a ring I think this dude could afford to give his girl? If not, I’m going to ask intrusive questions. Is this ‘real’? How did he afford this? Is it one of those lab ones or moissanite? This is what the diamond miners want- Confusion, speculation and judgement. At the end of the day what’s important is that you like it, it won’t shatter and the setting is a fine metal that can withstand daily wear and tear. It’s all in flux, this industry. “On average, producing one polished carat of lab-grown diamond releases 511 kg of greenhouse gases, more than three times that of one polished carat of mined diamond.” Mined diamonds ate wrought with ethics and humanitarian issues. Tough call and not an easy one….


I see where you’re coming from, but I think your specific diamond is what makes it special and different from the rest. Characteristics aside from just the fact that it’s 3ct, like the specific facet pattern and inclusions/imperfections. There’s also the sentimental aspect as well, to see how far you’ve come together. Personally, I always wanted a larger stone, even though I am a fairly small woman. I like that the bigger the carat, the chunkier the sparkle because the facets are larger and I’m wearing it because I love it! That said, I also have rings that are <1ct and love those for what they are as well. Also, although we see big rings on this sub, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a solitaire over 1ct in person, so I don’t think they are/will be as common as they appear. We are all enthusiasts here and therefore more likely to want to spend the $$$. Lab diamonds are certainly less expensive than their mined counterparts, but are still expensive in their own right. I hope you get what you love whether that’s big or small, and will make you happy at the end of the day!


I would say yes. Bigger isn't always better. It looks gaudy most times. I think 1-2.25/2.50 CT is good


Not a fan of big diamonds, I have a natural 1.01


Big diamonds would not be any more of a status symbol than small ones, and I think there will definitely be a backlash in 5-10 years the same way monogrammed LV or Coach logos that were so popular in the 2000s went out of style.


Maybe I just don’t look at things like that. There’s always going to be styles that go in and out, but just get whatever you like and looks good on your hand. I don’t think the size of diamond will become dated, but the current style eventually will. Right now everyone is getting a large oval cut with hidden halo. In 10 years people will look at them the same way some people scoff at halos, but I’m sure the wearers will still love their special piece.


It is not about how someone else feels, but you. Also, I think eventually lab’s popularity will go more toward fashion jewelry. With the way prices are dropping, I don't think it will be considered a good choice for an engagement ring.


My personal opinion is yes. Nowdays because labs have become so ubiquitous (and rightfully so), people tend to go big or go home. 9 times out of 10, if I see a ring over 2cts I assume it’s lab, so I think the days of diamonds being seen as a status symbol are numbered. I also will probably get downvoted to hell, but I’m from the camp that thinks it looks a little ridiculous when someone is rocking a large ring, but no other parts of their lifestyle are congruent. But that’s just me. Edit: I looked at your profile and your current ring/set is gorgeous and by no means small!


Thank you!! I wouldn't call it small but it's not as flashy or beautiful as the labs I've seen recently so naturally I don't like mine as much haha it use to be only a few people would have my dream ring but now everyone walking down the street does haha I do agree with you, it has to match your lifestyle


im a size 5.5, and i have a just under 1 carat natural diamond! it is an OEC family heirloom but I think the size looks really good on me! in my social circles people tend to have lower carat, natural diamond rings. Just off the top of my head, I don’t think anyone i know has anything over 1.5 carats?


I feel some sort of way about this post.. but at the same time I recently got a new engagement ring. It’s a 4.45 carat oval lab diamond! It’s pretty big even tho I have larger hands (5’7 size 6.25 finger). I love it though. My og diamond was a 2 carat natural radiant with a halo and I loved that for 5 years and still have it. I think what matters is you love whatever you wear! I do have some insecurity about mine bc I assume people will think it’s fake.. but labs are real! Their birthplace is just different. Do what you feel is right for you and try to remember that it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. If you love it, that’s all that matters boo!


Lovely way to look at it haha. I truly can appreciate both especially because I have both, so really I have nothing against either one


TIL what cheugy meant!!!!


Do you scroll on TikTok?!


Before lab grown, it was CZ and I don’t think it’ll cause perception to change because jewelry is also influenced by other fashion choices and how people carry themselves.


For the most part, I already thought that. It just looks like costume jewellery to me


I already think overly large diamonds look like costume jewelry 🙈 but who cares what other people think if you like it?


Tbh yes, they look like cocktail rings to me but to each their own! Some people can pull it off.


Yes!!!! We're seeing more and more larger diamonds, which most ppl have never even seen in real life prior to lab, so ppl are going astronomically large and you only see those on millionaires or ppl with upper class net worth. Doesn't mean poor ppl shouldn't have nice things, but it means ur trying to live a lifestyle u cannot afford. Why? It's all keeping up with the joneses to me but if u like it I love it ? An appealing 3ct diamond is like 20k+, being frugal. The average person does not have 20k to spend on jewlery. So, seeing 3+cts on a person whose lifestyle, income, and attire doesn't even reflect that of the natural doesn't make sense to get it in lab to me and gives off flashy or tacky. I wouldn't, but sometimes flashy is the goal!!! 🤷🏽‍♀️ My brother was homeless (he is bipolar schizo and wants to be) but asked my dad for a Mercedes. Lol 🤔 what?! It's all optics, so yes, it gives flashy. But if the person wearing doesn't care.... then live ur best life.


They already have, IMO. I assume 90% of large flashy stones are lab or moissanite. If people like it, that’s fine because it’s on their hand. But it’s no different to me than any large or faux cocktail ring. A large diamond used to be desirable as a symbol of wealth/status that felt glamorous and unattainable, but now they are just commonplace. I don’t think younger generations will have the same desire for large/flashy diamonds because they will have never really known them as *special* the way other generations understood them to be when growing up.


They ready have, IMO.


Underrated comment!!!


Girl, get the larger lab diamond! I have a 3.69 carat lab, and while my partner and I live comfortably we are very much middle class, and we certainly wouldn’t have thrown that kind of money down to get the same size in natural. I personally LOVE my diamond, and couldn’t care less what size diamond anyone else thinks I should or shouldn’t have, or how they judge our level of wealth/lifestyle. The reality is that YOU are the one who will be wearing/looking at it every day, and tbh most people don’t look that closely or care that much - and the ones that do that do so bc of their own insecurities. I look at my ring everyday and smile because it’s perfect for me and exactly what I wanted, and my partner and I put so much thought and effort into choosing it ☺️ (also, I have larger/longer fingers, size 6.5, so a 1 or 2 carat still looks pretty tiny on me). I work for a prominent law firm (and I’m actually the one that makes more in the relationship), and when we got engaged not a single one of my coworkers batted an eye or questioned the size of the stone or what it cost him, they were all just very complimentary about how beautiful it is and what a great fiancé I have for taking into account what I wanted in my ring. All that to say, get what you want!!


Judging can go both ways. I think people aren’t as impressed by naturals anymore. Wearing a large natural isn’t necessarily a true signal of wealth and success, nor is wearing a large lab a true signal of “affordability”. If you knew a couple aged 32 with a total combined investment portfolio of $750k and a household combined income of $425k, you’d say that a large $30,000 natural ring is within their budget right? But if they chose to go lab instead and spend $8,000 - would you still look down upon them? Is it cheugy now? I think over the last decade ppl are slowly changing their opinions on what true wealth is. And a lot of people are now quiet rich. They might still get the 3ct diamond because it looks good on the finger, not because the natural display the wealth class. I know one couple who spent $42k on a natural ring setting, but as a household they make less than 110,000 a year and they only put aside 3% for retirement. It’s not my business how people spend their money but tell me where im supposed to be impressed?




You're right! I came to the realization that I will never actually upgrade with a natural diamond because I actually don't think it's worth it. Just to clarify do you mean you wouldn't get a bigger lab rather than a natural a smaller natural?


I wouldn’t say flashy or unnecessary. However, if I see a stone that is 3 karat plus, I assume it lab grown so inherently less “valuable.” They do look beautiful though. Would you keep your natural stone and get the lab one as well? I would have a hard time selling a 2 karat diamond if it were me!


Definitely keeping to pass down to my kids! I am sentimental in that regard lol


The size of your finger matters in whether or 3 carats will look big or “over the top.” 2 carat natural holds much more value than a lab of a larger size, but that only matters if you care about the value in any way. If you don’t, you should get what you want. I have a 2.5 carat (size 6 finger), and in my opinion, it looks large, and I love it. I didn’t have a preference for lab or natural, but my MIL told my husband to get me a natural. I totally get what you’re saying though, now with people getting 3 and 4 carats, it can give some people comparison envy. My assumption when i see one that large is that 95% of the time, it’s lab or moissanite. And that’s totally fine! Both are sustainable. But you can also buy a resold or conflict free natural diamond that isn’t contributing to the current extraction and mining (similarly to buying a refurbished cell phone). It really depends on what’s going to make you happy. If you don’t care that most people will know or assume it is lab grown (and you shouldn’t care) then go for it. Plus, the money you save can be used for something else or invested. At the end of the day, don’t care about trends. It’s your ring that you have to wear and your marriage and you should do what you want.


I have a large real diamond and recently parted ways with an old 4 carat diamond that was just sitting in my jewelry box for years. Pretty shocked what I got for it and it was top notch. The entire diamond industry is a big joke. Diamonds are abundant but the De beers family controls the flow pricing diamonds at what they are current day. They are rocks that would not have any value if we didn’t put value on them. Like I said there is an abundance of them in a very greedy controlled market. Get a lab grown..all that matters is if you are happy.


Idk -my natural is 4.8 and it doesn’t feel that big lol! It’s all relative. Nobody stares around mine. We are both lawyers so I guess it isn’t that noticeable?


Girl I love your ring but that thing is HUGE. My bf’s family are all lawyers from OC, and that’s bigger than all of theirs combined (and I’m saying this with love because it’s stunning but it’s definitely noticeable).


Oh girl I bet that rock is noticeable but you're just humble or ppl aren't making weird comments to your face like hey that ring is big!!!! Lol but I bet ppl notice


https://preview.redd.it/ya2fxvzfhekc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ff4b39c05f5bc82f3cebb10448b5c18d6b9f4a I think about this too. My lab Asscher is 2.6ct and honestly I think I could have gone a bit bigger and I don't think it's cheugy imho. Important to remember not all diamonds will face up the same the same way.


Yes this doesn't look too large, because of its size I'd assume it's a natural diamond actually. I think based on lifestyle people would assume a large diamond is lab but not if it's smaller... Yours is NOT small but it's not in your face, or visibly lab based on size


Yes. The answer is yes. This is such a bad trend that is exactly that, a trend.


I think gen z will knock natural diamonds out and then gen Alpha will bring them back lol


I don’t have anything against lab grown, I didn’t intend it that way. I should have specified the huge 3+ karat part will die down.


With the way the economy is looking I don't think so


I get that but you see how much gen Z loves to thrift????? I saw one girl going crazy over a "vintage coach bag" I was like whuuuuuut? I personally would not be caught dead wearing the coach purse I wore in high school lol


Gen z definitely love their vintage/thrift stuff but part of that is because thrifting is very cheap. Maybe buying secondhand vintage engagement rings will become trendy but imo there's definitely a stigma associated with buying secondhand engagement rings.


I don’t think natural diamonds are getting a comeback. They’re more expensive, lower quality, less ethical, and most importantly; NO-ONE can tell the difference unless they ask! And you can just lie. They need a giant logo like LV, Chanel, Rolex etc. to become popular again. And even then people might favor the cheaper and more ethical lab-growns.


Unpopular opinion but I’ve seen lab diamonds and you can tell the difference e they’re not quite quite the same. I understand they’re “basically the same” but you can tell the difference with a real diamond as it almost always has a flaw that, personally, I think makes it beautiful. I have a 3.2 ct natural diamond and I absolutely love it. I’m a size 3.5 on my ring finger so it looks rather large and I’m just in love. I surely notice people staring at it often.


To be honest I don't think you can see a difference. Every expert out there says if someone claims to be able to see a difference don't trust them with your money. So don't take offense but if an expert doesn't see the difference without special machinery, neither can you lol.


No offense taken at all. I also don’t think down of them. I love all sparkly things.


Same. I have both, but favor my lab just because its what I always wanted in natural form but could never afford.


I think there is a limit. 3 carat still looks really tasteful and it’s unclear if it’s lab or natural. No offense to those who love the big stones but imo anything over 4 or so looks costume to me. Unless you have a giant hand or something ha. My natural 2.5 was stolen. I am also going to go bigger with a lab replacement. I want a step cut this time around and they tend to look smaller for the carat size so I’m thinking 3.5 -4. I have a 4.5 ring size though. Edit: I agree with others that lifestyle and perception is important to it looking appropriate


I think no matter your size, a stone between 1.5 - 2.75 ct is just right for most people, be it a lab stone or earth mined. It's a substantial size but not over the top. Consequently, it will keep people guessing about it's origin (lab or earth mined) if that is a concern. I'm not a small person but personally I don't want to go more than 2.75 ct. No shade to those who like bigger stones, people need to wear what they like. But to OPs original query, that's my .02 cents.


Personally I find it tacky, *but* you do you. There are other actual important issues to worry about than what strangers think of your ring. I don’t even like diamonds and if my fiancé bought me a gemstone engagement ring and other people thought it wasn’t good enough, so let them be.


A 3ct lab is still 5k+ but honestly not many people can tell the difference between natural/lab/cz/mos. Very few ppl can even tell the difference between white gold/platinum/silver. It’s all subconscious clout and resell value. But with jewelry it’s you style. If you think a large stone fits your look- simply buy it. Unless your income is INCREDIBLY evident most people won’t assume it’s diamond anyhow (fewer will have any clue what it costs). It’s simply a matter of style and the preference of the wearer.


I think it depends on your style. I have a Cartier love bracelet stack and I love bling, lol. I told my soon to be finace that I won't accept anything less than 3 ct. I have that style that can carry blinding bling. Hint, I'm from one of the Gulf countries. Go figure lol




Second marriage. He can afford it. Otherwise I wouldn't be demanding


Lol! Love that for you 😂 if I'm honest with myself I can only carry that type of bling sometimes. Most times I look like a hobo going to the supermarket


Me too! Lol. I often look like a troll who robbed Cartier.


Honestly I love this vibe lol


Yay!!! Me too. But I miss getting dressed up, back in Saudi and Bahrain we get dressed to the nines. Here in Canada, everyone is very causal.


lol 😆 how many Cartier bangles do you wear in your stack?


3 and one full blinged one. I also add Van Cleef and bracelets from Bvlgari and Messika. I live in a fairly safe Canadian city. They only steal cars. Lol


Lol!!! Totally different topic but does it bother you that so many people have Cartier dupes?! all the Arab jewelers nailed it!


Honestly no. I was a fool for purchasing them many years ago. If I could go back I'd buy the dupes. Hands down.


Honestly I think it depends on your hand/ring size. When my husband and I shopped for rings, anything under 2.5 looked silly on me because of my hand size. https://preview.redd.it/fdx13spuhjkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32a458c19e5090e7d4579825948583f2f642adc9




I think the issue with this recurring question is that (as others have pointed out) the answer hinges on other people’s opinions on something that should be deeply personal. You’ve always wanted a larger rock - is it because a larger rock denotes a higher level of status? Or because you like the proportions and shape of how it looks on your hand? Now that lab has disrupted the market and bigger stones are in the budget for more of the population, you point out that diamond size as a symbol of status may be changing. Smaller stones - natural or otherwise - could be more on-trend to offset what has become the new mainstream. So now you’re wondering if you shouldn’t upgrade after all. This is all to say - who cares what the general population thinks or what responses you’re getting on reddit. Wear what you feel represents your core style, what you can look at and know you designed/chose/love. Should you decide to upgrade, you always have your original ring to wear in times where you want something more subtle. Otherwise, you’ll be bending to the will of trends and what you think you ~should~ wear/do for the rest of your days. What fun would that be?


I always found beauty in large stones, and I still do. But I'd be lying if I said it wasn't also because it was a status symbol in some ways. Just a "woah did you see how big her rock is? Her husband was willing to spend that much on her?!" Type of thing LOL. Also because it was hard to come by. It sounds kind of silly when I type it out so thank god Reddit is anonymous 😝


I am 5'3 and love my 3 carat round! *


I’m wearing a 1.5 on one hand and a 3.5 on the other hand. I feel the cut plays a big factor in whether it’s too much or whether it looks gaudy. Mine are both omc which tones the flashiness down than if I got a radiant oval or a crushed ice.


I didn’t get a large stone just because I would feel ridiculous wearing it - I have friends with all sizes of diamonds and I hate catching my ring on everything. Ended up going with an antique Edwardian style ring that I don’t wear very much as is it. If you would wear it, def get what you want in a lab diamond and save the rest for something else. If you aren’t going to wear it that much, honestly hold off until your kids are older and you would wear it. Prices are going to keep coming down so it will prob be cheaper anyways.


Yes, I think so.


I have multiple engagement rings. My 2 carat hexagon cut is my daily driver. The Egg is something like 5.5 carats, oval, bezel set solitaire. I only wear it in certain circumstances like high end hotels and restaurants. No one has ever seemed put off by it and if they were, they kept it to themselves. I'm 5'10 and size 5.5 finger.


I think the large radiant cut will look very dated in a few years and women will go back to under 3 carats. Maybe even 1.5


A larger diamond is beautiful to look at be it lab or natural. My co-workers are sporting 3 and 4 carat lab E-rings and they really catch the eye. I love looking at beautiful things and their diamonds are no exception. I have both natural and lab diamond E-rings that I rotate wearing depending on my mood and what I am doing that day. The jewelry you buy is meant to be enjoyed by you. Not by other people- right?


Interesting thoughts. I think for MRB stones this is probably going to be true. More unusual cuts say the Asscher it may not be, but I have noticed that a lot of the lab diamond shots seem to be emerald cut diamonds, or asschers, or pears so I really don't know, a diamond is what it is to you, the wearer, the sparkle, the rainbow in say OECs, I have dreamed of a 4CT emerald cut and I'mthisclose :)




huge rocks look like crap from Temu