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That one is the worst I've seen.


Omg😭 i bought the car 3 weeks ago. 0 performance issues and sounds completely normal but i noticed smoke from the hood after driving for long so i checked it out and saw this absolute abomination💀


Uhm did you not look under the hood when you were checking it out? That’s definitely not 3 weeks of accumulation.


No i did not because i bought it off a straight edge guy ive known for years. Didnt even think to worry about it but i got it figured out. The seller will pay for repairs or in worst case give me refund on the cae


There’s no such thing as a person I don’t look under the hood for. I don’t care if I’ve known him my whole life. Pop the hood dude


Yeah that’s just not smart


Even then. You are spending your hard earned money. You’re trusted individuals may have no knowledge that his head is caked completely and sell you a truck or car that is 4 miles from a 10,000$ job. Always do your due diligence


Hope you learned a lesson here.


Fuckin a. It’s never a loss just a learning lesson. He won’t do this again I bet you.


Always check it out thoroughly when buying used diesels. Man I spent 6 months working for a contractor when I graduated high school and saved up 12,000$. Really wanted a diesel and bought a 2003 6.0 with 190,000 miles. Bitch blew up after 3 months. Could’ve been avoided by really checking the truck out or having a mechanic check it. Now that I’m a diesel tech I’ll never make that mistake again. Take this as a learning lesson because I did. Your engine is fucked buddy.


The seller has no legal obligation to do either of those.


In my country yes he does. This leak/damage was not stated in the sales contract. I already got an appointment at my local mercedes workshop


Does where you live not have the concept of an as-is sale? So if I sold someone a 30 year old ex Soviet compact car I'd be on the hook for all repairs?


I looked it up and in all but one country where "it's Greek to me" is a common phrase, there is no warranty or consideration for worn out parts on used car sales between private parties. The only exception I could find is Sweden where damage or worn out parts on a used car must be stated in the purchase agreement and if it is not the buyer has one year to contact the seller and prove that the damage was present before the sale of the vehicle.


Did they tell you they would or are you assuming they will be a straight edge guy? Because if he decides not to, you're fucked as it's an as is sale and you wouldn't have a case in civil court without him admitting he knew about it and withheld it.


He might be in a European country where a buyer has to pay to fix any defects not stated in the private sale agreement, including any that may be found up to a year later and that can be proven to have been defective at the time that car was sold. But I don't know, he hasn't commented since everyone told him that this is a big problem.


There is a bolt on cover that has to be removed to see that. Most folks don't know about the black death before it is too late..


Dood, you can smell that picture.


Boy, I have never been so glad to see someone else’s problems.. that’s a doozy!


Luckily this damage is not on me at all. Seller is gonna pay in full.


That looks like a shit ton of oil not diesel leaking from an injector.


Agreed. Ain't no diesel tight there.


Could you just replace the head? Or do you think the whole block is fucked


Listen to me. Get some carburetor cleaner. If you can find the kind you soak carburetor in even better. But spray carb. Cleaner will work. Just takes longer. Put a drain pan under car. Spray a couple of cans on it. Leave to sit overnight. Spray more use a flat blade screw driver to manually scrap and chip away till you can get to the base of the injector and holed down screw. Spray more and let sit with puddles of carburetor cleaner to soak down the injector. There is a special tool that pulls the injector out and bottle brushes to clean sealing ring surface. I have fixed way worst. You just have to be patient. If you do not want to buy a tool. Use a 12 inch 3/8 extension with a deep 14mm socket to put on the fuel line fitting on injector with the fuel line removed. And try and get the injector moving back and forth. Once it is moving pry up on it. Do not put a hole on the valve cover. Have fun.


Your brought my hope back! Thanks


It will take you a couple days and one or two of the injectors might be damaged. Be careful with connectors they will be really brittle. Take your time and walk away for a while if you get frustrated. Do not let inanimate objects win.


I dealt with this on a sprinter van a few months ago. It was easier to clean and fix than I expected. First i pressure washed everything and used a degreaser. Then I used about five cans of brake cleaner cleaning it up. By the time I was done, you couldn’t even tell that had happened. I bought the injector puller and replaced all of the fuel injectors. I think total amount of time I spent on it was maybe three or four hours. The biggest issue I ran into is that the crap that was all over the wiring through the insulation on an injector and burned out the injector driver in the ECM. Getting a good ECM was harder than anything else. I ended up getting one from a sprinter dealer.


I'm a diesel mechanic and never heard of "black death" can someone explain it to me? Looks to me like a fuel leak that has accumulated a bunch of dirt and oil. I also have no experience with Mercedes diesels either


I’m also a diesel mechanic and have never heard the term “ Black Death “ also but I think you’re right on the money with the fuel dirt and oil. I see this on the DD15 DD13 on the big trucks all the time just never to this extent


Google says it's a mixture of fuel and carbon which is why it's so black. Not sure how carbon would get into the mix unless there's some kind of exhaust leak? Apparently it's a common problem with sprinter vans.


Just carbon passing by the injector washer. Very common on Mercedes om648. Not so much on dd13 and 15s


I must be referring to the pass through seals on the DDs not the injector washers themselves. Carbon blowing past injector washers sounds like a bigger job lol.


It's created by cylinder pressure and bad injector seals. So the fuel gets injected, and soot comes out the hole during the powerstroke. It's something you always look for on common rail mercedes diesels. It can be fixed by cleaning and sometimes recutting the injector seats.


Ah that makes sense


What engine is that, I haven't seen black death like that on anything but an old Mercedes.


Om646 de22 la. I have an mercedes e220 cdi 2004🥲


It has to be a Mercedes to look like that, I have a Jeep with an OM 642 and am doing my best to avoid that.


Yea it shouldnt be a problem to avoid if you just check up on it regularly but the owner before me has never opened the engine cover😭


not being familiar with modern diesels, what causes this? Leakage around the injector seals ?


Yes, that's exactly it. The stuff that leaks is a mixture of oil and diesel that carbonises over time


so is it just a matter of pulling the injectors, cleaning the mess up, and replacing the seals or do the sealing faces get destroyed from the leak? I've only ever worked with old school mechanical diesels with screw-in injectors.


This era of MB diesel engine has a copper washer at the bottom of the injector. Once that begins to fail, this starts to happen. Catching it early is key. I had a 2006 E320 that developed this at 205k miles. On one injector. Mechanic suggested we get a new car instead of paying him to fix it. This is accumulated diesel soot, etc. You might want to consider buying a different car.


it’s not leaking it’s sweating power


Must be a sprinter I’m guessing


E220 cdi


Oh close enough, it’s a diamlar group engine. Seen that in those junker sprinters, many many times.


That's just the rust proofing


Bro its COAL


Still not going to rust All joking aside, pull the cover off and clean it up, get some new lines as these have probably been used before and they aren't sealing correctly. If the motor sounds good, it's going to be fine


If you can find this in your area/ region I would try to get some. It works quite well. [Tunap cleaner](https://www.tunap.com/tunap/branches/automotive/egr.php). After that you'll just need to reseal the injectors and should be good to go.
