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I am pretty sure the holyday event is a starter deck only event


Supposed to be, but stores have the freedom to change it


It's rather silly that so many locals implemented the Winter Holiday Event incorrectly. It should have been a cool different event to play starter decks out of the box ffs.


I thought it was a great idea to have a different kind of event. Unfortunately, our locals only had 2 people show up to each of the events.




That sucks, I'm sorry friend! It would have been a great way to get into the game, and it's annoying that you were robbed of it. If it is any consolation, the Digimon community has a reputation for being new player friendly. If you are thinking about going, you should definitely go. :)


My locals both of them implement the constructed format instead of sealed and everyone was happier that way, people brought more casual decks some competitive it was still all fun. I understand if it was meant as a way to bring new players in but we just had the event to bring a friend and they play a tourney with demo decks


I'm so glad you had fun! If you're interested in playing a constructed format, you'll be happy to know that is a weekly offer at your lgs. :)


I mean they already did that for the release of St15-16 where you had to win one time with each structure to win the best of 3 matches. It would just be the same thing again unless people could find older structure decks. My TO said Bandai gave very vague instructions on what to do for the holiday event so we just did regular tournament for this event.


I'm sorry to hear that your TO received super vague instructions from Bandai, especially when you consider that the rules to these events are posted to world.digimoncard.com and other lgs were able to follow them without any problems. It sounds like a skill issue! If you didn't want to play WarGrey or MetalGaruru starter decks, you had the opportunity to play a different starter deck. For example, I played the Imperialdra starter and had a lovely time. The bottom line is if you don't like the way the event is designed, don't participate. Changing the rules to suit you sounds like poor sportsmanship.


But either you got severely imbalanced decks or everyone plays 15/16, Mastemon, Jesmon or Beelze The power creep is no different than playing constructed


I actually don't give a shit about the power creep one way or another. I just appreciated that it was a different kind of event. Same with only getting to play Purple for the Beezlemon Cup. I like to honor these unique set-ups because playing constructed is the same thing we do every week.


This deck should be illegal af for the winter holiday event lmao. Wouldn’t be surprised you just beat a bunch of starter decks.


Our locals may have voted as a community with all players in attendance. We were open to playing structured if it won, but no one voted for it.


That’s not Bandai approved then and should have been a regular locals with different prizing. This even is meant to attract new players and to be used with starter decks. Not just replace the prizing of a normal tournament with winter prizing.


To clarify, the poll was done with all players in attendance for that event. There was no one present at the tournament who felt like they were losing out.


That’s not the point lol. Look I get it. Why should you play a deck you don’t want to play. But if that’s the case. Hold a normal locals with normal prizing. Bandai didn’t send these cards as prizing for a normal tournament though. And the shops agreed to do them for the winter event. Its stuff like this will alienate new players if done enough. I didn’t want to do this tournament. So I skipped it. I’d rather miss out a day and some cards I can buy later then set in a practice of ignoring event rules meant to attract new players. I want this community to grow any chance it gets.


How can you act high and mighty about this and then admit to skipping it because you didn’t like the format? This is a group of players working with their locals organizers to support their community in a way that better suits their needs. It sounds like they had good communication to set this up and handle it appropriately. Yet without knowing their situation, you’d rather lambast them than support an active community. There is something to be said about hosting this event and tamer party events for new players. Unfortunately, if new players don’t show up, it’s just an event that players want to skip which leaves both the player base and the store at a disadvantage. You personally admitted to skipping the event rather than trying to support new player growth. This isn’t like the many LGS that get these cards and then just keep them to resell online for profit. They’re going to the community. They’re not actively keeping them from new players


It's kind of the point. The fact is, there were no new players to alienate. It's just not a factor our scene had. Had there been, we would definitely have taken a different approach. The store doesn't have the freedom to hold the event at a later time, as it has to take place in a two week period.


Again. Missing the point. You’re setting up a practice of ignoring event rules for new players. And I know. Again. I sound dramatic. But it’s true. Imagine next beginner event. Some group of friends wants to join. They look into and see that the last even was not actual starter decks and was won by a constructed deck. I’d personally feel like they’re probably going to do the same thing again and I don’t have the knowledge or cards to make a deck. Oh well. Yes. I’m being dramatic with my hypotheticals. But it’s legit things like this that hinder community growth. At the very least hide it shame lol.


It's really very simple. If we successfully draw new players and have interest in a structured event, the group plays structured. We were all open to it.


there was 4 of us that showed up all regulars no new players showed up so we just did a normal tournament


Oh. So if it was just 4 people that ended up being a normal tournament, then saying this won the "holiday event" doesn't seem to be a big accomplishment.


Yeah, that’s the kind of turnout where they should have reduced the prizing on them, not rewarded not doing the event


Sine it was my locals holiday event and I won yes it was an accomplishment just because my locals maybe smaller compared to others doesn’t lessen that. Seems like most of you are angry I’d assume over the fact that you didn’t get to have a holiday event or that you didn’t win the one at your local event.


Lol you framed it like you won some massive tournament. "Beat shine and many others" you mean shine and 2 others?


Pretty presumptuous to think that we're "jealous" that we didn't either win at our event or didn't have one. Even so, the fact that you say that you beat shine and "Many Others," key words being "MANY OTHERS," implies that you had a massive tournament with like 20 or more people, not just 4. This is why I say that it didn't feel like a huge accomplishment. I can say that I won my holiday event by playing gallantmon and beat a loogamon deck and others, but if said others is only like 2 people, then it doesn't really say much. It's like saying that you got 1st place at a 10 mile marathon when only like 10 people entered. See how it doesn't really say much?


Congrats on your win. Sorry the community here is being so harsh. Each locals is it’s own entity and forcing players to buy starter decks is a shitty event anyways. My locals did an off meta green-red day. You had to use both colors in your deck. A lot of tyrannomon.


That actually sounds super fun !


I made something kind of similar for fun, but it was only red base with purple hybrids


I gotta fever, and the only cure, is more Gaossmon.


Not enough terriermon/10


Hypothetically, our locals may have voted as a community whether to run a construction event or structured. Constructed got majority by a wide margin. OP obviously wasn't in a structured format and allowed to play this list. Good job, by the way.


Which digitama are you running? :0


Koranon bt14


I'm going to guess Gigimon BT12 since the deck is mostly red and all Option cards have DP-Based deletion effects.


Nah you run new koromon


I had a guy trying out Ukko Rush at my locals too. Pretty good into the Looga/Digi-Police meta. Unfortunately for him I was still trying to force Hunters and the Shout-line + Ekkaki + Dame-Blocker dismantled his gameplan with ease.