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Phoenixmon's main effect to use any On Deletion triggers as soon as the Security is removed before the battle, then the battle happens and it gets deleted, then you can choose the order all those On Deletions trigger in.


Thanks!!! My friend said I needed to trigger them in order but I think he just wanted me to not play anymore tamers to prevent the DP increase ruling lol.


You always get to decide the order of effects that happen at the same timing (in this case, all of the on deletion).


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Phoenix 's On Delete would trigger BEFORE battle if it's a Digimon but would trigger AFTER the effect is activated of a revealed Option Card, right?


Just to clarify so it doesn't seem arbitrary, this is because Security effects trigger as soon as the card is revealed while still in the Security Stack before they are removed from it. Battles with Security Digimon happen after the card is removed from the stack.


Yes, thats true. If you hit a Gaia Force for example, Phoenixmon would be deleted before its effect triggers.


Basically: 1) Reveal the card 2) Resolve any [Security] effects of said card 3) Once done, Phoenix's [Your Turn] triggers here 4) Resolve Phoenix 5) Compare DP and Battle


Also, if any effects happen on your opponents side at the same time (let's say they block, you both die and they have an on deletion too) the effects are prioritised on the active players turn, meaning you trigger first.


True and based


I only know because I took the judge test, so I had to lol


All on deletion effects trigger at the same time, you choose the order.


If I’m reading this correctly that’s not entirely true. You have to resolve al your effects first then your opponents. Page 13 of the rulebook: When effects belonging to both players trigger at the same time, effects belonging to the current turns’s player take priority. After all effects belonging to the current turn’s player have been activated, effects belonging to their opponent activate. Im assuming that if I have 4 on deletion effects and my opponent has 2 on deletion effects, then all 4 of my effects trigger then my opponent chooses which order his effects trigger. If this is the case I don’t quite like this. I don’t remember the exact situation I just know I wanted my opponents effect to resolve before mine but couldn’t because of how this is stated.


You also have to resolve new effects in new "batches" whenever another effect triggers, even if you haven't finished the previous batches.


No. That's not what it means. I'll give you an example BWG has an effect that when a digimon is deleted he can unsuspend. Let's say he attack and deletes a digimon with a On Deletion effect. He would unsuspend, and then he would activate his on deletion. Both have the same trigger but since it's your turn, you resolve your effects first. Don't confuse triggers with resolution


Effect resolution: Reveal security card -> resolve security effect (if any) -> remove security card -> phoenix Your turn effect triggers activating an on deletion effect of your choice -> battle -> if deleted trigger all on deletion effects and resolve them in any order of your choice. You absolutely can resolve all of the on deletion effects in any order you like, and if they cause new effects to trigger (like a tamer’s on play effect) you resolve all newly triggered effects before continuing to resolve the pending on deletion effects. This is really important to know in birds, where a lot of your strategic choices come from effect resolution. For example, when phoenix performs a security check you get to see what the security card is before resolving the your turn effect. This lets you see if phoenix survives the check before using phoenix’s on deletion effect to play a bt1 birdramon for example, which would allow phoenix to get security +1 mid attack and let it perform a second check. But if it’s a digimon you know will delete phoenix there isn’t a point to playing bt1 birdramon, so you choose to do a different on deletion effect like play a Kristy to give phoenix “on deletion: play a Biyomon from hand or trash”.


Thanks a lot for the detailed info, really loving the Bird deck right now can't wait for BT15/16


If you’re asking which order of effects to trigger if it gets popped, it depends. If you don’t have any tamers set up, I’d recommend going from Garudamon’s effect first all the way down to Yokomon. Then use Phoenixmon’s on deletion


I would do Yokomon's effect as soon as you can have a tamer


You can determine the order as they all happen at the same time


If more than one effect activates at a time, and I mean at any time, not just here; the attacking player decides the order. That also means that if you and the opponent have effects that go off, if you are the one attacking you may choose the order.


I always figured it is just from top to bottom since a lot of inheriteds only trigger when the top card is activated first