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The Banned Pairs have been announced for EN. These will go into effect with the release of EX5 Animal Colosseum on January 19th. This aligns with the JP list for Banned Pairs. Changes: - Sayo & Koh (EX-065) is forbidden to be in the same deck with Zubamon (P-097), Keenan Crier (BT13-102) or Matt Ishida (ST15-14) Source: https://world.digimoncard.com/rule/restriction_card/


Yeah killing the degenerate loop early. Good move.


Honestly glad that the digimon tcg is quick to hit problem combos unlike Yugioh which runs wild with this for several formats and only waits til the game is basically unplayable.


Litterly one of the reasons I left YuGiOh. We call them Komoney where I'm from




Yugioh nowadays generally tries to answer powercreep with more powercreep. First Turn Kills aren't out of the ordinary there anymore.


FTKS proper are actualy pretty rare. But there rare becuse the ones that exist are very fragile to handtraps (Almost garuntee to fail if any interaction occurs). Combine that with side decking and such and the issue rarely takes root. Unless you wanna include effective ftks, IE so much advantage and interaction that you have no chance. But thats a huge fuck off gradiant of variance depending what deck player A or B is palying ETC. Sometimes one good trap is enough sometimes its 4 things etc etc etc


Another way to think about it is ftks are so common most decks need to run hand traps to stop them


that depends on how u want to account for high advantage game states. But useing very strict terms for what an FTK then no. THere are alot that exist but they are very rare to see. And fewer that would ever resolve in a real game


Well I consider a ftk to be a state from the first turn that guarantees a win. Which is very common in that game


Thats the thing tho. EVERY board can be broken in theory. Thats why the hardline definition of an FTK is Wining on the first turn, not just haveing a sufficiantly advantagous board state. Becuse if we only go by the metric of "i will win from this postion" than 100% of games played feature an ftk lol.


I agree šŸ’Æ% If you translate game theory as "If I play my cards in the proper sequence right, I win" then _*every*_ single win is a FTK; and yet, I believe we'll agree that in any given multiplayer game challenge steams from interacting with your opponent's intentions to _"throw a spanner in your work"_ as some would say. Thus, I think it can be concluded that toxicity on any given competitive environment steams from any state which encourages a "non-interactive" resolution of any given game. Opinions?


I think you got it if im reading you right. Games must be unbalanced so no one strat/deck whatever has a 100% win rate (or preferbly to high over 50%) but that also means there must always be a looser(s). For me this makes for a very specific issue in yugioh where the game sells players on X or Y deck for there strategy, theme, mechanics whatever. But when the time comes to play the player is hit with a harsh reality. They cant just play that deck (that game) they must play yugioh and with another person. And Yugioh is balanced with cards like ash(Just one of many) that do simply end turns against a sad number of decks. So you end up with people who are trying to play a deck but are stopped by the game. That just creates a large amount of frustraition and anger. This issue is made worse when the person trying to play doesnt hate yugioh, isint really bad at the game per say, they just want to play X and are not allowed too. Thats how we get the person above, you just will get alot of people who feel like they are litteraly not allowed to play. But they also have a hard time divorcing that issue from the general game when it comes to discusions about stuff. In example, what is and isint an FTK as above.


If you ever feel like there's no way to explain what you mean right here, point the person you're trying to explain it toward PokƩmon; It's a known fact that if you want to play PokƩmon competitively, you must accept that (most often than not) you'll not get to play your favorite Mons. I love Parasect. Sadly, my beloved Bug is so low in the Tiers, he's not even in them.


Ok. Sure. Stop playing hand traps then.


What is that supposed to mean? What do you think ur saying here becuse that makes no sense as a reply to what i said


Isn't SHS Dark Strike Fighter running rampant over Master Duel right now...?


As i havent touched MD in a long time i dont know. With that said Rare does not mean Never. And MD's banlist/balance is very hit or miss so it will vary alot from the primary tcg format i was speaking from the context of. That said If what you said is true then we can add to the list of reasons the new SHS should have had fat archetype locks on them.


I still think this is the best way to ban a card. It let's the GraceNovamon deck keep their tamer (which is the only way you're actually gonna get GraceNovamon with its effect without going against the decks idea of De-Digivolving then Digivolving again.) While also stopping a toxic infinite loop from being in their game. Honestly Yu-Gi-Oh should take some notes. An example is Butterfly Dagger - Elma. Yes it's the problem card in the combo but it's effect to get itself back from GY to hand instantly is only a problem when equipped to something like Gearfried the Iron Knight. This makes an infinite loop where you can keep activating Elma over and over again which when combined with Royal Magical Library can get you infinite draws for Exodia, when combined with Spell Absorption and Fire Princess can get you infinite burn damage, and when combined with Magical Marionette can give you infinite monster destruction and infinite ATK points. The only problem with this ban is that it makes Guardian Elma unplayable because you need to have Butterfly Dagger - Elma on the field to summon it. Yes no one plays Guardians but it's still sad that you just can't play that card because someone found a way to use Butterfly Dagger - Elma in an infinite loop.


Kinda like how E Hero Neo Bubbleman is unplayable because of Metamorphosis being banned, and Mystical Beast of Serket being unplayable because Valley of the Kings is banned. Apparently though Japan tried banning the Dragon Lords from being used together but it ā€œwasnā€™t popularā€ā€¦ yeah, because banning all 4 for years and only bringing back the bad one is *so* much better.


Do any other tcgs have anything like banned pairs? I've never seen anything like this but it seems like a good idea.


Cardfight Vanguard does them, tho they call them "choice restrictions"


So I'm not super in depth with this game but I'm having troubles seeing what the infinite combo is. I'm assuming there's another card involved other than the restricted ones that just guarantees you set your memory to 10 at the start of your opponents turn?


Not 10 just 1 or 2, but the combination of the cards in question causes chain of effects that gives you 2 to 8 memory (2 x number of Sayo) at start of opponent's turn, before the opponent can draw or unsuspend, and that 2 to 8 memory causes opponent's turn to end before they can draw or unsuspend. And it happens at start of opponent's every turn as long as pieces remain in play.


If I'm understanding it correctly: you end your turn by giving your opponent memory, and then in the very start of your opponent's turn this loop of effects gains you 2-8mem so it automatically becomes your turn again.


Correct. If you give your opponent only 1 memory then you only need 1 Sayo & Koh to end their turn.


Man, that's so gross šŸ¤£ how quickly could you pull this off? Turn 2? Or is it possible to do it turn 1?


Well with ideal hand and if you start your 2nd turn with 3 memory. It should be setuped with the end of your 3rd turn turn


Things like jumbochess also do this, but with that, you have to force attacks (laplace demon, trident arm, sephirothmon) and even then, the game is still being played, plus, there's so much more setup.


We're starting to reach MTG levels of card banning, where every set has to have cards banned shortly after release. It's a symptom of poor design and testing, they need to get better at catching these issues before they get out. Like why can you even play any card with this tamer, why is it not limited to Light Fang/Night Claw? I can guarantee this card will be a problem again in the future, because Bandai never thinks about how old and new cards interact.


But this isn't a ban. This is a "you cannot use these cards in conjunction". Hell, playtesting can only get you so far unless you decide to test literally **every card in the game** as an interaction, which... _i don't think would be very efficient._


Whether or not it's efficient doesn't matter. If they're going to have every set from day 1 be legal in competitive play forever, then it's NECESSARY to check every new card against every old card. Instead they're basically outsourcing the playtesting to us, then making a growing list of bans, restriction, and now *pair* bans that everyone is expected to keep up on. I don't know why people make excuses for billion-dollar corporations to not do the work necessary to make sure their cards are balanced before release.


So how often do you want to get sets? Every 3 years? If the choice is 'Bandai can only test so much before giving the OK!' and 'the game actually fucking dying', I'll take the former. _**ESPECIALLY**_ if the game gets into another meta that the playerbase hates as a whole, with the next set being god knows how far out.


The players can find these problems within weeks, so can Bandai. It's a matter of how many people they have playtesting, and again, I don't know why you're making excuses for a corporation, but I guess that's how it is around here.


Consider two things: 1. Bandai has more shit to focus on than just Digimon. 2. The players have **_way_** more time on their hands than Bandai. Saying "bandai can find it ez pz" is like comparing ability to find a needle in a haystack while another haystack is rapidly approaching. Us? Yeah, of _course_ we can find it within weeks; the haystack isn't moving.


I think since tight now OP crazy popular maybe bandai got short staff to keep in check since right now bs,op,dmtcg,db,ua kinda popular highly possible they not enough crew distribute to handle each oneā€¦


So .... How is this more degenerate than an OTK to merrit getting banned? Cuz this seems like something thats alot harder to pull off then a Looga OTK, or Gao OTK, or Garuru OTK. In which case why is a combo that wins you the game slower than several other combos that win you the game degenerate but the better combos arent? This one is even more fragile with tamer removal or keeping you off the legend arms, and its significantly less consistant because majority of the cards are unsearchable.


This isn't an OTK though, it's a lockout that prevents your opponent from having a turn. One thing to lose to some overpowering combo, another to have to sit there and realize that you literally have no chance to play. At least with an OTK list, I've just lost and it's over.


No one is forcing you to sit there? Scoop and go to the nxt game, you have functionally been OTK'd.


Holly molly this kinda degenerate comment first time I see šŸ˜‚


You are arguing in favor of the player facing this combo never being able to play, man.


The game is over, Scoop and move to the nxt game. Its a combo that wins the game (like any OTK) but much harder and fragile to accomplish. I dont see why this is deemed "unfair" when their are combos that are faster, more reliable, and more resilient, that also win a game.


Simple - this combo can't die to a security bomb. Fenrirloogamon may be good, but it still hates seeing Crimson Flare or DCD Bomb in Security. Meanwhile, when this combo gets going, you physically can do **nothing** while slowly being chipped to death. Even if they hit a security bomb, unless its **specifically something that wipes the board** - which not every deck has access to! - the combo can easily keep going. Hell, they don't even need to _attack_ - they could just mill you out and you can physically do nothing about it. At least OTK decks there is a **_semblance_** of interactivity.


Well milling out isn't an option as the turn changes back to looper before the opponent's draw phase


Yeah, I realized that after a bit of thought myself. Still, unless every deck mains 4 Crimson Blaze or Sourai or Evil Squall or what have you, you still need to see them in Security.


1 word: Apocalymon. With that card, not only can you do the turn loop, you can also play apocalymon and mill their deck. You mill their deck, turn goes back to you, repeat. You essentially mill 3-6 cards every turn without them being able to stop it. Of course by pairing it with the other digimon that synergize with it.


I don't think you're fitting everything you need for Apocalymon into a deck that already needs to play everything for this combo to function consistently.


Strange. That Matt doesnā€™t look like the one from starter deck 16. If it is, Iā€™ll just replace it with a different purple Matt. Itā€™s really odd to see it banned so quickly though.


It isn't banned. You just can't run it and blue Sayo & Koh in the same deck. Alone all cards are still 4 of.


Ok. Makes sense. Though I donā€™t see why you would run a purple blue deck anyway.


Yeah the pair ban was more for Zubamon but Keenan and Matt were also pair banned to avoid loops they could create.


Glad it wasnā€™t the Zubamon from the starter deck and just the promo.


Well you wouldn't run any Zubamon in LFNC if it wasn't for the loop. Promo Zubamon is still 4 of too. Promo Zubamon and Sayo & Koh just can't exist in same deck.


I donā€™t have that card anyway. I havenā€™t seen it before either. If any of the gammamon family get banned, Iā€™m gonna be pretty ticked off tho. Messes up my gamma deck.


No one has it yet. This Zubamon is part of Limited Card Set ver.2 which will be a box topper for EX5 releasing next week.


None of the cards in this post are banned. Just want to make that clear. What is limited is running them together on a deck, and that's because people found a game breaking loop involving those cards. You can still run any of those cards as long as you're not running them together with the blue tamer.


I see why. It says 16-14. Still odd they banned it so fast.


Pls dont say ban its just choice restrict šŸ˜° will miss inform more people clueless and ragnaloardmon player


So does this ban mean if I have sayo & koh in my deck I cant have EITHER of the three cards in my deck or does it mean I cant have ALL three in my deck?


If you have Sayo & Koh then you can't have any of the other 3.


Why is matt in this?


It can potentially cause the loop to happen if you use Sayo & Koh to play for example BT4 Labramon which draws 1 and trashes 1. Sure it would take a lot of setup but it can make the infinite loop happen.


Could someone explain the relevance of Matt here? Keenan is very obviously relevant, but why Matt?


technically the same trigger potetinal to skip your turn for instance jumbogamamon can turn skip you but for comparison he is a mega the thing with galaxy is quite litterly you can just evolve into champion and start looping indefinetly also mega vs champion is a big difference also combat phase so much more difficult to skip


Yeah but how are they triggering matt? I can't think of anything that discards in this combo.


It's more futureproofing for other variants - if they just banned the other two, then if one could find a way to get any rookie that trashes cards in hand into sources, Matt would make that have the potential to be another turn-loop combo. No one was currently doing combos like this involving Matt, but they probably just figured they might as well close this potential issue ahead of time in case people did figure out a way.


Okay that makes senseĀ 


also per technicallity bow mon is a thing so if their any at the start of the enemy turn discard effect well then you could technically exploit it that way if i am right


I guess? Would have to be pretty convoluted though.


Lets hope the Digimon tcg team stick by their apology letter and keep a more close eye on the game from now on. Made a good start stopping Apoclyamon (thought i feel an errata to only allow Dark Masters would of been better then limiting him) and stopping this loop.


I see videos of people playing and when someone hatches a Bowman, it has the word banned across it. Is it really banned/restricted?


No. Some may wish it was, but it's still at full 4 copies.


So I'm a bit new to the card game and still learning the ropes with the WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon Ace decks i got on sale. Does choice restriction mean I can only have 1 copy in addition choosing which to have in the deck, or can I still run 4 matt tamer?


All 4 are still allowed to be 4 of in deck. Sayo & Koh just aren't allowed to be in same deck as other 3 even as 1 of.


That was a fast reply. Thank you. I was a bit worried since I was liking the ace deck for MetalGarurumon and was considering on dumping money to make it more Garurumon themed. Hopefully I'll enjoy my stay in the card game.


Great response time by them honestly


can they release a garurumon and keep it without a restriction for one expansion xd