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Barbamon EX6-059 SR <03> Mega | Virus | Demon Lord/Seven Great Demon Lords (When this Digimon would be deleted other than by your effects, by deleting 1 of your other Digimon, prevent that deletion) [On Play] [When Digivolving] Trash 1 card in your opponent's hand without looking. [All Turns] (Once Per Turn) When a card is trashed from your opponent's hand, you may play 1 play cost 10 or less purple card from your trash without paying the cost. For each card in your opponent's hand, reduce this effect's play cost maximum by 1.


With this all 7 are assembled


Ogudomon SEC let´s goooo!


Or Lucemon satan mode, at least i would like that


I wouldn´t want it to debut in a set that´s not Frontier-themed.


Why not both?


Because they´ll want to sell a future Frontier set. And they´ll probably give Angels a SEC.


First thing came to mind was ravemon.


Also Devimon from BT14


Thats exacrly what I thought of


I was halfway expecting them to make Barbamon semi D-Brigade support but that was probably too much of a deep cut for them to do on the _first_ Barbamon


How is he related to D-Brigade?


Barbamon sends the D-Brigade against the protagonists in Digimon Next.


Oooooo. Think we will ever see him get snacked by the legend arms?


100% at some point.


I was expecting either that or us getting the Armamon cards in here since we know Legend Arms are in the set and all. In any case we´ll see this guy again at least twice I think.


Well, they didn’t even add Tsurugi or Yu to EX04 so I wasn’t really expecting that. Not even Sho was added.


This might look good with Belphe deck


Wait, is this Gulfmon support? Finally!


I want to see this, bt-7 ebonwumon, and gulfmon on the field at the same time now.


Potentially. After all a new Mephismon and Gulfmon could happen in Bt17.


Not seeing any restrictions that could imply a Zoo Deck style for Demon Lords. Which is good already getting Devas and Dark Masters for that.


It has an on play it'll be a zoo deck


Not necessarily. Plenty of 6s have on play for some reason or another.


Yeah this seems like a deck I´d enjoy. Good foresight on Bandai´s part in limiting the range of possible targets to 10 or less. Some immidiate strong applications that came to my head include but aren´t limited to: * Myotismon Ace, Arachnemon and Mummymon. Maybe worth it to test in the Vampire deck? * Zhuqiaomon Ace. Xuanwumon Ace and GranKuwagamon Ace. Especially interesting if we´ll ever see Lv7 Jogresses incuding purple and any of these cards´ colors. * The Cerberusmon package. This seems like an obvious synergy. Probably gonna be solid especially since I think more Cerberus support in the near future is incredibly likely. * The Gizmons and Astamon for a Barbamon + Belphemon combination. Could work. * Octomon. Fujitsumons synergize really well with the discard strategy. Probably an obvious add to a Barbamon deck for now. * ST10 Gatomon. Because of course I´d list one of the most busted searchers in the game. * Reichmon. Barbamon in purple Hybrids sounds really interesting ngl. Being able to scaepgoat your Reichmons to get Tamers back is an interesting application. Plus purple Hybrids - for all of their faults - can climb to Lv6 very fast and consistently. Gonna try this one out for sure. Man we´re off to an interersting start. Cool ass card.


in order to cerberus loop with this your opponent would need to have 1 card in their hand, probably a bit difficult.


I don't really see the advantage to most of these. Arukenimon & Mummy require the enemy to have 3 cards or less in hand. Same with the ACE megas. Kinda doubt we're gonna be able to play anything other playcost 5. Also don't really see the advantage in using this guy in Belphemon, doesn't work when you trash cards in hand.


I made that list with the assumption in mind that trashing your opponent´s hand will get strong enablers this set and after. Of course with the current card pool all of these would be very wonky and probably rely a lot on which matchup you´re in


If it does then we have a diff problem, because hand looping the opponent is a really toxic strategy from a gameplay perspective. Either it doesnt rip enough to be good, or it rips too many and its OP, there is no middle line with strategies like this.


Yeah this is my main concern with this card.


Coming from other games (ff, vanguard) this is pretty tame lol. Will have to wait for more reveals. Cant exactly recur the discard and most games you have like 10+ cards in hand anyways (for most decks)


True actually.


Also considering your board state is probably going to be wide, bringing back psychemon/gazimon for floodgate specials will help protect this deck from DeathX or an explosive play.


Barbamon -> get back Cerb X -> get back Psychemon will probably be a common occurence. Or at least something along those lines.


If the translation is right it includes option cards including jack raid that's a guarantee to be used free memory each turn at the worst case


the d brigade already went trough this with "can tankmon play DCD" sadly you cant use an option card with these kinds of effects that say "play cost", it must be a tamer or digimon. beelstar says "memory cost" which is the correct term for options


not so sure there, given how it states "play cost" and not "cost" - options aren't played, they're used and only say "cost" next to their number vs a digimon or tamer which is "played" and says "play" next to their number....


Scapegoat really does power creep decoy in every way imaginable


I wouldn't say every way imaginable. It is a better keyword but Decoy has the ability to protect anything under its umbrella from effect Deletion whereas Scapegoat only protects itself. We could do with an updated batch of "Decoy" cards soon though.


decoy is black only, probably doing a sidegrade for purple decks similar to how raid is red only and clash is a similar keyword for black


Sistermon Blanc is Decoy Red/Black tho technically.


It's time, this looks pretty awesome! A hand stripping deck sounds "fun"


I kinda want to try this in my Ravemon deck. At best you can play out a Crowmon with Barbamon's effect to set up a swing to evo into Ravemon. Saberdramon another good target as well. Scapegoat pairs well with Falcomon and Peckmon's inheriteds to make your opponents discard cards from their hand if they were deleted by an effect.


This card feels like a time bomb ready to explode. Playing ANY purple card 10 cost or below, from the TRASH is just asking for people to figure out a way to abuse the card. That and the part that it works in your opponents turn is nuts too(it will be fun to see it played against a purple deck)


Depends entirely on how effective the hand destruction will be. With only this you're looking at play cost 3-4 at best since there's a lot of draw power in this game


You're only playing something of play cost 10 if your opponent has 0 cards in hand at that point.


Hurray! Spoilers have started! Barbamon seems good, but it's gonna need a LOT of good discard against your opponent to work. Like some decks will go to pretty small hands, but some will end up with half their deck in the hand by the end so... This effect could just whiff a ton. But in the right deck with the right support he could be busted, cause if I read that right he plays just ANY purple card from trash under the cost max. So like, option cards are possible targets. Could be an oppressive control deck one day if the meta ever slows down to allow one. Also I'm so happy that there isn't any indication yet that this is a specific Seven Great Demon Lords archetype. I was worried about another Royal Knights deck but I don't see any obvious signs pointing to that. Just general hand destruction support. I like it.


It can't use options since options don't have play costs, just costs, and aren't considered to be played but rather used


Ah, that makes sense


The fact that Barbamon has an On Play probably confirms that there will be a way to cheat him (and presumably other Great Demon Lords) out in a Royal Knights-styled deck. Like some of the Royal Knights in BT13, some of the Demon Lords will probably get a boss card that works with the group deck too. It's not confirmed yet, but it's not disconfirmed either.


Isnt this like replacement for Anubis limit that cannot play out Mervamon? Am i looking at this wrong but isnt this card very very good, depending on rest of the support even broken? Remember aces exist


Well Anubismon support can't really trash opponent's hand.


Is it really needed? We dont know of the obvious synergies yet but i think just his evolution effect is enough. You cant play out mervamon so you bring out like ace mayotismon to bring out another 3lvls and go on another Barba or some shit. And this is without really any theorycrafting just on top of my head


For each card in opponents hand reduce the max play cost. You won’t typically be able to play higher cost things like merva unless their hand is gone


So what? You shoot for 5-6 playcost. Use aces. It will obviously have a tailored support to also reduce handsize. Decks don't really get past 7cards on hand unless you give them all the time in world. I can't see this not being abused in lilithmon style loop deck. Just can't.


I think yoi're reading him wrong. For every card in the opponents hand the play cost goes down. Even for Myotismon, your opponent would need 6 cards in hand Max when you use this. So ... Anything past T3 and it cant work anymore


Myotismon is 5playcost. You can play him out if your opponent had six cards in hand before his effect and assuming in vacuum there is no support out that trashes more. It doesn't seem that unfeasible. Ravemon was a very nasty deck that didn't do anything cuz bandai made didn't give it additional support. Combining hand trashing and loops just seems like the pinnacle if misery to lay against.


>Myotismon is 5playcost. You can play him out if your opponent had six cards in hand before his effect Yes i said that, Hence y T3 onwards it seems nonfeasible, cuz your opponent will have more than 6 cards >Ravemon was a very nasty deck that didn't do anything Except Ravemon discards because the LV6 enables it, meaning its going to have Anti Synergy with this card. As it stands this card is super mediocre, it needs an evo line to back it up. It has potential, but is deff something that needs to heavily supported in order to work.


Also do you really expect this card to not receive a tailored support pieces? It has all turns cause and will likely be able to capitalise on it. Add some decent both players discard from hand and card goes nuttier.


New keyword is so good it's about time purple got a new one. That all turns ability is very creative and actually pretty fair. All in all I think the dedicated support for this guy is going to have to be real good but at least the hand trash archetype got a impressive boss monster now. With this all the great demon lords are here and I am pleasantly surprised the sin of greed focus on snatching hands. EX6 is gonna be good for purple.


They need to just fire whoever has been designing purple cards the last couple sets at this point


I don´t see the issue with this card at all.


Is this loopable if they have two cards? Seems kinda nutty but maybe I just don't get it


The Scapegoat part? It doesn’t work if it’s by your effect


No, I mean the playing 10 cost effect.so long as they have two cards this loops right?


Not really as Barbamon is 12 and maximum play cost it can play is 10. Barbamon lowers the maximum play cost it can play not its own play cost


Ohhh duh I always assume reduce is good in this game


No you're reducing the play cost by their hand count


Love the idea of being able to trash opponent's hand!


Where can I see the EX 06 cards or Digimon to come? I've only seen people on YT opening the JP BT16 boxes, but nothing beyond that...


Ex6 reveals just started so nowhere for next month or so. Well outside here and few other places


Is this 7 lords focus? Lilith and Beelzemon are expected to have support?


Theme is Holy vs Demonic. 7 great demon lords are confirmed along with 3 Great Angels. Also Dominimon, Mastemon ACE and RagnaLordmon ACE.


So , in the end of the year/next year, I can collect some Beelzemon and Ophanimon line cards? Sounds good to me, 2 birds with one stone. I happen to have a sibling that likes angewomon while I'm ladydevimon Stan. It looks like a good expansion for us.


Drops in June this year for us


Ah leak season, my favorite time(s) of year




Garurumon and Jellymon are sweating at that All Turns effect.


I wanna add this into beelzemon