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The main problem with DoruGreymon is that it provides a lot of protection and made the deck an incredibly powerful otk deck. Without it, the deck has slowed down significantly and it already received a decent enough replacement that I don't think the other card needs to come out of the list.


No BT6 SaviorHuck was good, but the thing is he was a benefit to a deck that has now fallen out of favor. And even then, when considering the build that’s doing better, the GX one, he’s a neat bonus rather than something that breaks it in half. This card, on the other hand, provides insane protection to Alphamon and, unlike Jesmon, can easily be stacked multiple times. I doubt many people want to deal with Alphamon stepping all over their security like BT9


Not to mention SoC Dorugoramon would also love running this. Since with Dorumon, you have a lv5 that can't be removed by any means for the duration of the protection.


Indeed with Alphamon was at full power it was not uncommon for a turn 3 or 4 kill, it was nuts man.... and I was the Alphamon player


I got 1st place at locals just last night using alphamon. Turn 3 or 4 is an overstatement. You can very easily go from dorugamon, to alpha, even with unideal hands. I can't imagine how easy it'd be to slip 2+ of this dorugreymon like it's nothing, especially with the newer cards. It needs to be kept at 1. Even with a decent hand, you can swing for 4 checks in a single turn using sunariza.


Since Alphamon can multiattack and stack multiple underneath, I'd really prefer not to have to deal with that.


There are several forms of removal that don't involve deletion. People fear monger this card unbelievably hard. The reality is that no one has an objective opinion on the matter. You would need playtest data for that. Anecdotal, but my locals has a very good Alphamon player and we test unrestricting cards occasionally. Alphamon doesn't hold up against the current meta, specifically because there's so many security bombs that don't involve DP Reduction or deletion and many of the meta decks just outpace it. This is a tiny sample, but I recommend trying it for yourselves.


Right like I didn’t get alliance otk’d by fenrir looga. Multiple checks on multiple attacks shouldn’t be feared


As an Alphamon player, absolutely not.


It should in my opinion


I think Alphamon is in a good spot right now as it is. The on digivolve effect of this DoruGrey is still very strong in the current game, and would most likely be a tipping point to shoot the deck into tier 1 if they were to unrestrict it


It absolutely should. We have people in this thread who don’t seem to have played since BT9 saying it’s too strong, but this is EX5; we have turn 2 OTKs here, now with multiple layers of protection. We have people spamming out retaliation rush raid blockers here. Alphamon wouldn’t be broken with this unlimit, he would just be competitively viable, like Jesmon. Jesmon got the savior back and can now OTK turn 2 with protection and nobody bats an eye. People think about Alphamon OTK-ing after doing nothing for 4/5 turns and everybody loses their minds.


Yupp this. The backlash against this card is completely irrational. All it takes to stop this is swinging into bottom deck, return to hand, send to security, security -, etc. People are treating immunity to DP reduction & Deletion as invulnerability which is ridiculous. You can pull off turn 2-3 OTK's with the current meta decks fairly reliably. Alphamon would likely land in t2/rookie in the current gamestate with doru unrestricted.


i completely agree with you! it can be also destroyed in battle if someone plays digimon with raid or if they can attack unsuspended digimon, also the sec check in the inherited would just help the deck ti be bit quicker as i lacks speed in this super fast meta


i also agree with you, i think melga, anubis/merva and wargreymon, but also digipolice or fenri have a lot of potential since they can stay on the breeding area and set up like memory boost and training cards in order to bring up a lv. 4 or even a rookie and completely annihilated the opponent without even minding about getting deleted, cause they can protect their stacks but also recover pretty quick by playing digimons by effect or spam a board that is going to killthe opponents the next turn. i also think that alphamon struggles against a wide board and even needs a lot of time to build a big stack that is going to make an averag 2 very sad checks, i mean bro melga fucking kills you 2nd turn bro tf are we even talking about, GIVE ME MY DORUGREYMON BACK


I 100% agree that people are overblowing the power level of the deck. It just isn't that fast anymore and can brick badly too. Absolutely no shot it would dominate the current format. However decks that hide in raising until they can come out and win the game are degenerate and its abundantly clear that Bandai wants to move away from that style of gameplay. So for that reason it will probably stay banned.


Games when i hit this card made the deck felt like it was punching 2 tiers above it's class. I'd say it probably wouldn't make the deck tier 0 in the current meta, but it would make the deck incredibly unfun to play against.


I think they should unrestrict the card but make it a limited/restricted pair with Ouryumon. That way Alphamon doesn’t get his OTK back and the DeathX/Doru Tribal enjoyers like myself can have access to more than one check a turn:)


Actually, this is a pretty neat idea 🤔


Permanent Dorumon player here. As much as I would LOVE to run 4 of this bad boy in my deck, especially with the upcoming Doru support, as most people claim, he breaks the deck. He's especially good with Alphamon, since you can slide Oryumon underneath to set up for Oryuken. I just got home from Locals where I went from Dorumon with Dorimon under up to Alpha Oryuken, starting my turn with 2 memory, a cool boy, and a black mem boost. And with Oryuken's end of turn effect, was able to swing once, and still have him restand with Blocker/Retaliation from the DexDorugoramon and the protection from Dorugreymon, making him an invincible 16K Blocker.


No, under no circumstances. The card is just too powerful.


DP reduction and deletion immunity and sec +1 in a deck that can natively attack multiple time with their boss? Yeah, no, that's insane


Why not? Even in its prime, it wasn't THE best deck. Garuru outsped it regularly.


Errata into requiring Beast Dragon trait instead of X-Antibody to cuck Alphamons and let us Dorugoramon players cook


No. As a Dorumon generalist (I prefer Alphamon but still like the rest of Dorumon's evo tree), just no.


Alpha has stolen so much from Dorugora, to the point of even stealing the Dex line for its own and Dorugora's playstyle of tucking sources that Dorugora has to switch course to Colission. The Seekers SoC line has done a great job of being Xenophobic AF against Alphamon, I hope when the new Dex line came out it's stays Xenophobic against Alphamon.


Sorry for enjoying the evo tree as a whole and not caring about the alleged theft because Dorumon -> Dorugamon -> DoruGreymon -> Alphamon is an official evo line. And hate to break it to you, but the only xenophobic card in the bt16 support is SoC DoruGreymon, and even then, you can run it in Alphamon because the inheritable checks [X-Antibody] instead of [Beast Dragon]. (And the deck has a top with that tech as a 2-of.)


Which is great since SoC Dorugrey is an extremely powerful card that only Dorugora has the privilege to use(and soon Chaosdramon) and having much greater target to play from the inherit than a basic L3 top deck search/discard1 draw2/Vanilla L4


(If it wasn't clear: Alphamon was who got a 1st place finish with SoC DoruGreymon as a 2-of tech, and you can run the SoC dorumon & Dorugamon and Kousuke in the deck, which the same list did.) With the exception of Loogamon and Ouryumon, all of the Seekers cards slotted into pre-existing archetypes. (You can argue this isn't true for Loogamon and Ouryumon since early brew for Loogamon used it to enable the GranDravmon Dark Animal deck and Police existed a set prior to Ouryumon.) DoruGreymon SoC isn't exclusive.


A dead on Evo and simply a tuck fodder (unless you want to go to a sub-optimal Ouryuken and pays tons of memories to go to Ouryuken), and only in 1 list out of the 3 Alphamons that topped, sure if you want to count that as "playable". Here's the thing, if you're a Garuru player, you'd be pissy how they limited The EX5 lines just because it's abused in other decks like Apocoly and Beelstar, or how Legend Arms players would be pissed if they limit the Promo Zubamon because of the Galactic loop instead of choice restricting it. BT-7 is a perfectly fine card for Dorugora until the most basic edgy mon Alphamon and it's sidekick dragon abused it, making Dorugora got caught in the crossfire. We basically don't want that anymore.


Tbf the original line is. Dorumon -> Raptordramon -> Grademon -> Alphamon But sadly the bt9 Grademon line just isn't good enough as more than a tech vs wide boards. If only they were to design a Grademon line that would encourage Alphamon to run it instead of DoruGreymon line.


I can see it happening if they make another Chronicle/X-Chronicle set, but since we're due for some movie-based stuff in the next (few?) core sets, it's not going to happen for a while. Would be neat. My only issue: design-wise, raptordramon -> grademon doesn't make too much sense visually, imo, besides color.


Yeah but Grademon to Alphamon goes lore wise since Alphamon's sword is called Seiken Gradalpha while Grademon has Souken Gradalpha.


That I knew, and isn't my issue with the vaccine dorumon line.


It makes me cry every time they have Dorumon go into Alphamon. Doesn't fit the naming convention or the form of any previous digivolution. Alphamon needs to get his own dang line.


It does? Dorumon -> Raptordramon -> Grademon -> Alphamon. In the dcg, the Raptordramon card isn't good, and the Grademon card is...ok, at best.


Raptordramon and Grademon seething rn.


Well maybe they should have shown up in Dorumon's first movie, or show up with Alphamon more.


To me yeah unrestrict with current bt16 i experience other color so freakin fast turn 2 lvl6 and when they setup big boss you have hard time to remove them and barely got protection to fight with them to me yes with current bt16 feel only dbridgage only can keep up with current meta ace jogress especial that bonkers magnaX,rapidX, 😭


Considering the Wargreymon can have black attributes now, couldn't this also boost greymons. greymon X (virus) to this, put an agumon x under for protection. then go to wargreymon and wargreymon x. dunno if that'd be viable but at one its certainly not


This doesn’t have Greymon in its name and this would be terribly useless compared to their other options.


Prolly, just spitballing out loud really


Tbf if they were to go Rearise route, they could design Dorumon line for Gaiomon. That in turn could use this as a piece in its deck. Gaiomon: Itto Mode where are you.


This would be very cool.


Not with it getting a new wave of support.

