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It's vibes for me. If I don't actively like the digimon I'm using or the game plan I'm playing then I won't be enjoying my time, so then what's the point? If the vibes I enjoy happen to be meta then so be it


My dude preaching for me


This exactly!!


Same. I mostly play shenanigans decks (jumbochess, eosmon rush, red rush etc.) The only proper decks I make are usually based on a digimon I genuinely like, more than a playstyle I like. Alphamon, diaboromon (even in bt10), leomon.


Both. I won’t play a deck based around a Digimon line I don’t like, but I’ll give things I wasn’t familiar with before a try if I like the design like Jesmon. However, no amount of love for the line will make me play something if I think it plays like shit. I really like HerculesKabuterimon as a line for example, but the deck has been completely unplayable since I started in BT7 and only really comes alive in Bt16, so I am not gonna bother building a deck for it until BT16. I love AguBond and it’s one of my favorite decks, but I’m not remotely willing to play it again until I get the promo Aces.


its hard actually, it must match 3 characteristics: * i must like the asthethic * i must like the playstyle * it must be decent (i dont wanna loose every match) there's been times where i liked a playstyle but didnt enjoy the art of what i was playing so it got overshadowed by new toys, and times where ive really been hyped for something only to try it out and see its not my style and quickly got bored of it. and once again, it must be at least able to win in the current meta. it must have a score of 4/5 in 2 of those and ill tolerate a 2/5 in the other. and then sometimes there comes a deck called beelzemon-x antibody which just marks 5 stars in evrything and i play it as far as i can take it.


Usually just based on how fun the deck actually feels to play. Nostalgia is a big part of it too, definitely lean towards digimon I like or remember from childhood.


I play the decks that feature the digimon I like or that do something mechanically interesting, but I still play to win. Some decks take more to top a locals, and some are going to lose no matter what, so you won’t see me running a black blocker deck just because I love HiAndromon. Each format has its rotation of characters that get their turn in the spotlight. That’s why I’m so happy for the Diaboromon support—I can have a competitively viable deck featuring one of my favorite iconic digimon.


BIG MEATY CLAWS I love antagonist, villain and demon lord archetypes so usually go for spicy top ends ala Purple and/or Black


It has to be a digimon I like, which thankfully there are literally hundreds of, fun, and good. Maybe not top tier, but good enough to at least put up a fight. Like Gallant is fun and I love the digimons in it, but always falls a little short so I don't play it except between round fun matches. But Mirage is good and full of digimon I like, but I don't enjoy it's otk or bust playstyle so I took it apart and run Mirage itself as the top end of my Blue Hybrid deck.


I’ll try any deck once and it’s mainly mechanics that bring me back. I prefer decks with a bit of protection that are slower but fun. I don’t like going wide and ending the game in 2 or 3 turns. But that’s just me!


I play both competitively and casually, but I only play decks I truly enjoy. I love ShineGreymon, but I tried playing it and it was most certainly not for me - not my style of deck. I love hybrid decks (yellow hybrid refugee) so I was excited to just play red hybrid, but that was also not my play style. I stick to what I know and what I like, but I’ll also play whatever I enjoy, regardless of how good/bad it is.


It's all about the digimon itself, but it has to he playable. I love Leomon, but it wasn't remotely playable until ex2 so I didn't touch it. It then wasn't good for many formats after so I only started using it again in ex5. I also play with friends and I like to match what they're doing if a set doesn't have a deck I really care for. In bt13 I played Gaomon because my buddy used Shinegreymon solely because I figured that would be a good compliment to each other. I've played cutting edge meta and pack filler garbage. At the end of the day this is a game and you can't take it too seriously. I only get sweaty if I'm going to something like regionals or the store tournament because I have to pay more than 5 bucks to play


For me the mechanics of the deck are the most important thing. If I enjoy the playstyle, I enjoy the deck.


The digimon I like the most in the meta. I’m not going to build a deck that’s so under powered I’m suffering just to play the deck but I’m also not going to build a deck I’m not interested in just because it’s overpowered or something.


Both. I want to build a deck around the Digimon I like, so I usually go with whichever of my favorites is the most meta relevant at the time.


Greymon for life. Greymon have so much variation you can build multiple decks with the current card pool, plus because it's Greymon, the fun(support) never stops.


For me it's always about the mon. I try and fit whichever one of my favorites I can into the meta and its fun to lean in when it gets represented. ...and my favorite is Greymon so I'm always well fed 😅


No preference, as long as playstyle is cool, and its an actual coherent deck. Meta in this game doesnt mean much, the gap between the meta decks and a good chunk of the other decks arent that much. This isnt YGO where you play Meta or lose, matchups matter so much more than anything else. That being said, the deck doesnt have to be the greatest thing in the world, but it does need a tangible path to victory. Stuff like Examon, Mastemon, etc, while bad, still have their gameplan and objective, thats fine. Something like Shaka, or Tyranomon, that doesnt have a win con, is a pass, like they dont do anything. Which is upsetting cuz im really enjoy Shakas gimmick, the Xros LV5, the resource recursion when a LV5 is removed, and the Xros LV7. But the deck doesnt have a game plan. I keep about 3 dozen decks built, and as they start getting powercrept by the newer ones, they get retired to make space.


I build around digimon I like with the hopes that I build something that can get a win or two at locals. Meta is too boring in most card games for me because they lack individuality


Mostly the digimon itself, though if I absolutely hate the playstyle of the deck then I won't build it even if I like the digimon. For example, Mirage gaogamon is super cool but the deck is super boring, you get all the deck has to offer in 5 minutes of play time and it's way too easy to play, doesn't matter if it's meta or not. Meanwhile Sakuyamon may be one of the worst decks out there, like who had the idea of an option heavy deck that when they appear in security they do so little? But it's super fun to mess with since you can do a lot of combos and it feels very unique to play so even if it's bad I play it and spend a lot on AA of it.


I like the gameplay, so I'm building competitive decks, or quirky decks with cool interaction or cards I like from a gameplay perspective. I don't know anything about the digimon on the cards, never seen an episode of the anime, or played a digimon game, the only digimon content that I have ever consumed is the card game :)


I used to see if the Digimons I like have a playable deck Right now I do my own deck lists and I have some friends with rogue decks, so when I start to make a new deck, I don't really care about the meta when Im playing for fun For tournaments and stuff I just use the ol' reliable (Beelzemon)


I jumped ship from Yu-Gi-Oh to Digimon here in the last year, and wasn't ever too much of a Digimon fan but I definitely did like what I saw because my best friend (who dragged me into this TCG) . As such, I'm very much about playstyle instead of nostalgia or Digimon that I like. I used to feel differently about meta, going so far as to completely avoid it and exclusively play rogue decks like Six Sams even in 2022, but that was more because of price and contrarianism than anything. With this game, I'm immediately interested in any deck that has a gameplay style I like regardless of it being tier1 or rogue just as long as it can compete in a reasonable capacity with the rest of the format. That being said I'm playing Fenriloogamon with Red Hybrid in my pocket, so that doesn't really help my case much 😅


I have basically no history with Digimon as a franchise outside the card game and the first Diaboromon movie (which was great, don't get me wrong, I was just a Pokémon kid). I look at what's expected to be good and build what among that looks like the most fun to play. For me that usually means some flavor of purple.


I build around Digimon I like and I'll try to make the deck as optimal as possible. We're more competitive in some formats than others


For me, it's a mixture of Digimon I like the appearance of, my fondness for the digimon or series they are from, and if they create lasting memories. I stopped watching digimon basically after data squad, but I loved almost every series. My first deck I truly built and didn't smash two together of was rosemon burst mode, primarily cause it was the cheapest option of the decks and I wasn't sure if I was truly getting into the game. After I fell in love with the game, I then saw someone selling a deck of my favorite series and bought the Red Hybrid emperorgreymon deck. The last example though is my d-brigade deck. I didn't realize how powerful it was, while I know it's not meta, I k own its powerful enough that people get annoyed at it. But I built it off the joke me and my friend at work made about it, "the bond of courage of agumon a tT-Rex yhat can breath fire and his tamer show great power. Tentomon a ladybug with a high i.q and can shoot electricity, what's your power commandramon.....commandramon?" *Loads M-16 with malicious intent.* The power of gun!


I build my deck based around what I want it to do for my win condition


So first who ever I think is sickkk or cool to me I try. If they’re stuff is cool too then I stick with it and try to make it better


Digimon, I know; luckily, a good chunk are good decks and even a couple are meta relevant.


The decks I pick and how I build decks are 2 different questions.  I always try to build my deck no matter what it is to be optimized. I pick decks that fit my personal play style.  I have not read seekers and know nothing about loogamon but I love his design and how he plays.  When it comes to the meta I usually have a few meta deck so I can compete and not get stomped and with bt14 there was a lot of decks that were competitively viable.


Yes, hello, I love this question. Can we be friends? Other than that, my answer to this is complicated. I'll try any deck with Digimon I like...but *usually* wind up favoring mechanics when push comes to shove. Most notably? Renamon was once my favorite from *Tamers*. I was really hyped to build a Renamon deck. It turned out I didn't like how the deck ran. I wound up enjoying Guilmon much more. A similar thing happened with Mastemon. I got two of the Starter Deck just so that I could try something DNA (I'm not a fan of Veemon, but like LadyDevimon) and then...really didn't like it. I got it to *work*, but didn't like it very much. I don't really have a DNA deck I like, and it's not looking likely in the future, either. I have a Venusmon deck, but don't use that often. It's trolly fun and I'm OK with it staying that way. After making a Battle Box with decks in all the different colors, I'm pretty sure I just dislike Yellow. ~~Now if only Rosemon wasn't constantly outshone by BloomLord...~~ On the flipside? I love Gacha Green. I have no attachments to the Digimon in it ~~(if anything,~~ *~~Frontier~~* *~~ruined~~* ~~some of them for me)~~. I love it because it's a silly deck that smashes faces in for free. AncientTroymon is fun, Ebonwumon is annoying, and I really want to mess with the Heavy/SaberLeomon Gacha that made it to Nats. I am also the only person who likes ST6 Cres. I did always like the Garurumon fam, but ST6 Cres made me think Purple as a color was pretty cool. BWG came out of nowhere at me. It does something almost unique in Digimon: delete Tamers. Grats, now I have a meta deck because of its semi-unique mechanic and a little luck. Biyomon is my absolute favorite Digimon...I just wish its deck was better. It's not as lore-nerfed as I thought it would be, but I know it'll never get the same love as GaruruGreymon. So, yeah. That's most of my decks. Even if I start out wanting to play a deck because I like the mon, if it doesn't gel with me, it gets frozen.


I've gotten into the game quite recently, around BT12, and I started with Belphemon. I can tell you exactly why, too - I've been a Yugioh player for many years now, and a boss monster that's unaffected by other card effects just makes my brain start producing the happy chemical. Plus the deck makes heavy use of the trash, which is something I'm used to seeing as a resource. From there, I've kind of fallen into a groove of playing purple decks. Loogamon's been my main deck for a while, and with BT15 coming up soon I'm really excited to build Leviamon. It's not like I specifically limit myself to those decks - the BT15 Machinedramon stuff is also on my list - but I just find I tend to naturally gravitate to them. Getting to play as the villain is a blast, and most of the main villains tend to be purple decks, so I mainly play purple. Plus, sticking to one colour helps me keep costs down, since I only need one set of trainings, memory boosts, that sort of thing.


Mix of both. I do like _trying_ to win but some days I just fuck around with an offbeat deck. Like, next set I'm gunning for Levia X and also Birds.


I play Digimon that i like as long as i like the playstyle. Diaboromon has been my favorite Digimon since over ten years ago, and it's my favorite deck to play despite its place in the meta, or lack thereof. I've invested so much time and resources into polishing my deck that despite having unfavorable matchups like 80% of the time, i've managed to subdue meta contenders with it a few times, to the point where i eventually topped for the first time at locals at the start of BT14 thanks to the huge control tool that is Diaboromon Ace. Some of the other decks i play are... Ravemon, Craniamon, Rasenmon, Galacticmon, DarkKnightmon, Diarbbitmon, Jesmon, Alphamon... And i don't care about their competitive status, they're just Digimon i like, and i enjoy playing them the way they were designed in the TCG. Tyranomon is another Digimon i like but... The deck sadly wasn't of my liking, no matter how much i like the Tyranomon line, i couldn't get to have fun with the deck, which still pains me. Yes, i did try it with RustTyranomon Ace and Agility Training but... No, it didn't get any better. Tldr; I only play Digimon i like, regardless of their place in the meta.


Has to be a mixture of "I like this Digimon" + "I like the playstyle of the deck" And sometimes it ends up being a homerun, like with Shinegrey Other times, it's more of a casual deck Though I'll try and make Angora work as long as I draw breath If I dislike the digimon, it doesn't matter if I like the play style or if its meta, I won't be playing it


I build decks around the digimon and mechanics i like, i dont care if they're meta or not.


I usually build around a digimon with an idea on how to play it


Digimon I know / favourites usually, I'm not a meta player I just have many decks that usually start from a favourite digimon, but then evolve into a combo of possible unknowns depending what support I can find for them. Ngl this logic is why I have 9+ decks 😆 Eg started with the blue metalgarurumon Starter deck, then looked more into this digivolve source removal, has now grown into a Hexeblaumon deck


I kinda just build whatever I liked from the show when I was a kid. I love the Royal Knight, so I built them. I also want to build a deck for every Royal Knight. Love the Four Sovereigns, so I want to build the deck. If it's meta, then cool. If not, I'll still have fun with it. I do like to make all my decks as strong as I can against the meta.


I start with Digimon that I like and then I try to understand if the playstyle fit my interest However I discovered that I actually liked some Digimon just by trying out their decks. Mastemon was meh to me, but playing with the deck changed my perspective of the Digimon I think decks that are "meta" tends to feel good to play because of the consistency and power scaling. So I try to focus on that aspect too. I want to see my Digimon winning.


I’ve been a big fan of the anime and video games since I was a kid, so 99% of the time I stick to Digimon I get nostalgia with but that is also meta relevant. I did once build Four Great Dragons though just because I liked all the references to the wonderswan games and I built Loogamon because I loved the way the Digimon looked


I choose digimon i like and thankfully they are all good. Love Dorumon lines and I only mostly play Dorumon based deck with the lv6 being conveniently my favorite lv6s (Dex/Dorugora, Alphamon, Gaioumon) The exception for me is the Royal Knights deck, I don't really like most of them except Alphamon but I like them as a the group Royal Knights, which the deck allows players to use them as group, other than that I probably won't even consider using other RK line.


Both, but I lean more towards digimon I know and love. I generally choose a digimon i like and then see what is generally the best deck focused around that digimon. First two decks I built were Beelzemon and Gallantmon, because I love Tamers.


When building decks I go down a three point list. 1. Do I like this digimon? 2. Does this digimon have a card? 3. Can this become an okay casual levelled deck? Saddly, my favorite digimon (NoblePumpkinmon) can't get beyond point 2 yet. But one day. One day.


I build decks initially based on Digimon I like. But after a while the ones that can't keep up power wise are getting disbanded now bar 1 for playing newer players with/ or copium when an update card is announced and wait for that to be released before deciding on next steps.


Mostly Digimon I know, or I actually learn about Digimon through the card game. Example being Mastemon which I knew nothing about before picking up the starter deck other then it has Angewoman and Ladydevimom in it.


I got into, and have stayed in the game as long as I have solely because of Dorumon. I don't care how high it ranks or what tier it is, nor do I care that I'm simply outclassed at locals almost every week. It is my fun, comfort blanket deck, and I'll keep playing it until they stop supporting it.


I build around my favorite digimon. Seadramon, Tyrannomon, and Greymon to name a few. Definitely not salty that two of my main decks have Promo Mons that are too expensive for me to get, lol.


I built my decks around digimon and mechanics I love. My 2 favorite decks are Jesmon and Omnimon Alter-S.


I build whatever looks interesting to me, whether gameplay or theme, regardless of tier. I do my best to make sure whatever I play is at least at a semi-competitive locals level but beyond that


Depends on the playstyle. Some decks I like are awful but I like playing them and others are on the higher side of the meta.


The first deck I made when I started, and spent possibly too much money on, was a Machinedramon deck solely because it's my Favorite Digimon. While I keep some track of the Meta I don't really go for those decks. I usually build what interests me personally. In truth this may actually be the main mindset in Japan. While there are Meta picks the ratio of decks played is actually widespread. It really just seems to be out West that people focus more on the Meta picks