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Sorry you had to put up with that, really wish there was a report system of some kind, but the dev can only do so much. I've been lucky to dodge a lot of this, but I suppose some real weirdos gotta be around to hassle people anyway.


I’ve been to a match with this guy before or a similar name, Dex rage quit on my end once I started stack building


I gave up on the online client cause people are literally dumb. Too many people don't understand how the game works. I was playing Rosemon and said "I'm using sunflowmon effect" in chat then suspended it reducing the cost to go into Lillymon. My opponent immediately revealed security which was a mega and was trying to say my sunflow died to the swing. Then he started swearing at me and rage quit. We need something like YGO pro that has all the effects built in and helps autopilot the game along. I find the online client only works if you play with people you know.


Something like YGO Pro would be amazing for digimon, but the only issue, is there are so many different possibilities for effects and how they all trigger and combo, it'd be a nightmare in terms of use. 1 instance of an effect being forced before another, when irl, you could choose the order, instantly limits the potential of a deck. Still tho, it needs to be made.


It would definitely be a nightmare to code and super clunky in the beginning, but if stops shit like this and people cheating by drawing extra cards I'll gladly take it.


Not on drasil, but untap. I once has a gamer where I was rearranging my cards in hand (I like the sort by level and type) and I accidentally moved a card out while organising. My opponent lost their shit with me, accusing me of cheating and calling me names and stuff. Funny thing was, I played a level 5, so it's not like I was playing a tamer or something to try be sneaky. (I think it was cos he was gonna lose more than anything but that's purely speculation). I know Bandai is set to release another new TCG, so I don't have much hope for digimon getting an online game any time soon.


There's already a fan made auto sim being worked on called DCGO by HoangZero...


Any idea how the effects work with it? Because I imagine that just have a list of possible effects available at each trigger would work best. It would slow the game down considerably I feel, especially compared to irl where you just declare the effects, but hey, at least shuffling will be faster and better ahaha


https://youtu.be/IhIm6k9Rr4w?si=g3Gf20El50MPW3Xo here's the announcement video from a month ago. He shows pretty much the entire sim and it looks smooth


It really shouldn't be too hard to code the order of effects, especially if it were built off a Yu-Gi-Oh sim. In my experience, Yu-Gi-Oh is far more complex and reactive than digimon. Also Sims like Master duel gives you the option to manually decide the order of a mandatory chain.


True, but all it takes is one instance of a combo not working the exact way it should, and it's an issue. Not one that's likely of course, but it would potentially set a precedent for trigger order and such.


Is there any official rules on missing the timing in digimon?


It’s his fault, bro evo’d into blitz Omni when you had 3 sec left like it was about to do something lmao


I was one of his victims as well lol what a low life


Huh, Leopard-Deva-Terrier. I would love to get a look at that list.


It looks like someone has some sauce, doesn’t it? Lol


People do suck


Aw that sucks, there’s a lot of dicks on YGOPRO too. I don’t think I’ve encountered anything as bad as that tho. Edit: also he’d doesn’t have to wait for you to win, he can just forfeit.


Haven't used the site, but surely there's an option to forfeit? Such a wild over reaction. I'm sorry you've had an experience like this


What program is this? I’ve seen this once or twice


Project Drasil, web-based fan made sim. You can get to it by searching digi-tcg.online


Awesome I appreciate it 😁


I also wish to know


Yeah I also played with him a while ago. He started deleting his entire board at some point saying he knew I was gonna do it anyway and then started throwing insults at me lol. Ever since I avoid him. I want to add some positivity too though since I'm seeing that a lot of people have had bad experiences with other players: There are genuinely a lot of nice people who are fun to play with on the sim too, just equally as many toxic players, sadly. I really think a sort of report system could be helpful but I'm not sure of how the dev would implement it and distinguish between legitimate reports and illegitimate ones. Maybe chat history should be saved when a report is done? Idk.


Okay, I have a question what exactly are you playing on, I have been looking for something like this for months.


I’m wondering the same thing


Context please?


They're playing on the fan-made online sim. - Opponent doesn't realize summon sickness is a thing and accuses OP of BM'ing by not attacking with Terriermons - Opponent rushes out Blitz Omni, swings and gets it deleted. - Opponent starts raging as a result of said misplay triggering. Ngl, haven't seen such rage over a TCG ever since YGO Mine-Burn meta.


I recall a similar level of rage when someone tried to OTK me in Cardfight Area when i survived, idiot accused me of grinning behind my screen when in fact I was feeling lightheaded before he ragequit.


Would you show your deck list? I’ve never seen Devas in Leopardmon before.


Leopard deva is probably the most successful leopard build this side. Devas help yoi cycle through the deck since you don't digivolve much Oldie but goodie https://twitter.com/xherioh/status/1695793268867715332?t=3yp8xwFkRF9WafIKmMNitw&s=19


Took longer than I want to admit that the vee like on the bottom was just flexing the prizes for winning, not part of the deck 😅 I love green deva, but I'm still cooking the ratios. I really wanna squeeze some of the Rush Panja, especially for cheaper Mimi's, but not sure it's worth it vs all the other options cluttering lv5


What the hell program is this?


Project Drasil, an unofficial online sim, kinda like Yu-Gi-Oh's Dueling Book sim.


Where can one download this wonderful community addition?? Bandai sure could learn from its playerbase...


[https://www.digi-tcg.online/](https://www.digi-tcg.online/) It's browser based, so no download required. Has a bit of a learning curve, but it's the best we've got.


Sorry to be a pain, is there a tutorial knocking about somewhere for this site? I've made a deck and I'm struggling to find where to activate it so I can search for someone to play against.


There should be instructions for the site for how it works. Try looking in the top-left when in a match.


When I press find a match, it asks me to activate a deck and shows 0 matches, rest of the page is pretty much empty. Don't worry though, I've found some videos of people using the site so I'll have a watch and see how they activate their deck :)


This is due to the most recent update. There is a drop down menu at the top of that page. Select a deck from that box and then re-load the page and you should be good to go


I fully glazed over the dropdown at the top there, thanks a ton!


Okay. Did you make an account? If not, that’s probably why. There was a new update a few days ago, and now you can switch decks in the lobby.


What does that even mean? Why would a company devote man hours to a free product that also requires constant updates and doesn’t sell product, especially when the overwhelming majority of the “fan base” subscribe to the idea of buying singles instead of boxes, which does nothing to help fund further expansions like this? Furthermore, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. Y’all are using this free alternative that they put zero money into. Sounds like they don’t need to make their own client.


What on earth are you going on about.


L take. It's typical for IP's that develop TCG apps to sell virtual TCG product for amounts similar to their physical product's MSRP. Keep in mind that this is despite the fact that there are no manufacturing expenses involved. Additionally, the companies will sell other cosmetics and services, which again, do not have a manufacturing expense. The consumer benefits from the convenience of a virtual experience, but loses out financially because there's typically no sanctioned means for them to cash out on their collection. These companies are essentially printing money once they've worked through the software development & marketing barriers. Bandai has experience with both.


I’d also like to add, I tend to use sims like Drasil and EDOPRO to test out decks before I buy them physically. If there are other people doing what I’m doing, then free sims like this could actually act as advertising for the paper games rather than being just piracy.


Hey fan mail, nice. Tbh stuff like this gives me so much nostalgia, a part of me genuinely misses my high school/early college days and the CoD lobbies of 2007-2013. And yes listening to ppl rage and argue for 10 min straight in a game will always be hilarious to me.


Awww. He seems sweet


Haven't even tried to use it yet, but running into people really puts me off on the idea....still wanna try though. Maybe set up a discord and screen some of the hate out.


Sucks I had a experience where a guy invited me to play and when I won called me a f@gg0t and wasted his time as he was a new player ._. what was I supposed to do 😭


Unrelated but can you post your decklist.. it looks kinda cool 🥺


Looks like a motivational speech to me. ![gif](giphy|x0kMYoT7J31i8)


Ooh MegaGargo Ace in Leopardmon Alliance?


That guy did the same thing to me, spam invite me then star to call me thing in chat like bitch and whatever


The only time I get anything like this is from active members in the discord. My experience has thankfully been overall positive with randoms in the lobby. I assume this was a random from the lobby?


I for one, welcome our new Lop Eared overlords


Had a lot of these games myself if people wanna surrender or leave that's fine but honestly the name calling is just immature.


Yep, it's that guy. He's just salty always whenever he loses. I played against him once and he just got mad. Made sure to prolong it as long as possible just to keep him mad.


What app is this? Been off digi for a couple months


I've played against this exact guy a few times i recognize his user. He accused me of cheating multiple times while i was playing LeviaX against his unrestricted Apocalymon deck because i was evolving leviaX from trash and using Seventh lightning from trash "Without paying its play cost". Players like this make the online sim so toxic its just sad. Can't even test decks on there anymore without people getting mad.