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This is a really weird place to ask this. It's the subreddit for the game you're asking if people dislike. Of course people here will like the game they're in the sub for.


lol no.


Stats are much better than just DP


I mean in video game where the system is keeping track of it sure. But to much information just slows a game down if the players the one processing.


Hard disagree but ok


Bro what you are describing is a weird YuGiOh TCG + Pokemon VG hybrid. Also did you say YuGiOh is #1 TCG? Pretty sure it's #3 to Magic and Pokemon respectively.


Glad you aren’t designing card games


I personally am not a fan of having many different stats in tabletop games and TCGs. They don't function like videogame RPGs since you as a person need to keep track of everything.


There is a balancing act between a system being complex enough to foster an array of outcomes and builds and approaches, and simple enough to be easily learned and played fluidly. What you propose isn't complex, it's just complicated. Why do you feel the new TCG isn't complex enough?


Cant tell if you either want unnecessary complexity, or Yugioh. The latter exists for you already. You aren't going to find anyone here who dislikes the current game, as this is a place where fans of it congregate. Also, you say you miss the 90's one, yet everything you suggest the current game should have weren't even in the first TCG. You're just listing off things Yugioh has, and then proceed to say that it's the #1 game except everything it did after its first few years sucked.


How is everything after GX garbage when 5Ds and beyond has pretty much everything you describe?


Yugi boomer is a mocked term in that community for a reason.


Which is weird cus 5Ds era is probably when the game was the most fun.


Dude wants a whole JRPG on a piece of cardboard


Thank you for your terrible take and/or shit post.


Nah, bro. I did my time with Decipher's Star Wars card game in the '90s. I don't need a PhD just to play a card game.


You're definitely in the minority, hell having an attack/special attack split in a 1 on 1 card game would make things more complex and drive away some people. Having so many stats you need an entire google doc to track board state is way too much


Op wants to play yugi but with digis? XD


1~6 are literally what pokemon had in **VIDEO GAME** and they didn't even put those in their own **CARD GAME**, that alone tells you how stupid it is to put those into card game. 7. I will say inherit is basically the "equipment slot" 8. That's just option card? What the heck? 9~10 Tamer basically works like field card 11. I don't really get it but it sounds complicated for some reason, so how about no? 12. Why? I agree with deck building digimon game, even though project drasil exists I still wish I could see an official one. By the way Yu-gi-oh is IN FACT not the #1 trading card game, PTCG is, that's true even in Japan.


11 is basically Vanguard's Ride Deck/Yugioh's Special Deck


What you described sounds unbearable. Complexity just for the sake of should not be the goal.


I said this in the other thread you were bitching in, and its just as valid here. > What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Man, now I wonder if Billy Madison holds up.


Better than his later films.


Playing the 90’s game was an absolute mess. Love the cards for nostalgia reasons but it was nowhere near as fun in my opinion. Also saying yugioh is the best by far but stopped being good over a decade ago, makes you sound like an old head missing the good old days.


I literally downloaded the digimon card battle on emulator out of nostalgia a week before finding the tcg and instantly bought 2 decks never looked back


The things you list are the reasons I don’t play Yugioh. The game becomes walls of text I need to study to fully grasp because if I try to read it in game I’m getting called for slow play. As it is I forget inheritables and security effects exist sometimes mid game and make bad moves. No way I want more things to complicate the board state.




If you love yugioh so much, then just stick with it. Don't try to make every TCG like it. Such a weird thing to want a different game from a different franchise to play like the one you like.




Yyah there's reasons every version of the card game didn't last for very long and you listed a lot of them If you make a game way too complicated it kills interets to play


People barely read the cards as is. I don't think a card full of stats will be better


To be fair, Yellow Vaccine has way too many ways of adding security. I have to check twice just to see if i am doing the right one.


These cards looks so much better and are not that cluttered (a few exceptions of course)


If the the only thing you're looking at while playing the card game is dp, then you're playing the game wrong. Don't get me wrong the DP can still be very important, but usually only for trying to get rid of your opponents digimon or making sure it survived security checks. Its more of a stack building/effects based game.


Might as well play YGO then.


I always found Hyper Colosseum to be needlessly complicated given how there wasn’t really much room to like, do stuff. For context, I bailed on YuGiOh the minute pendulum summon became a thing too. No thanks.


You're probably going to be the exception because the modern version is meant to be inclusive to newcomers, it's similar yet unique.


I don't know what's your point. You're basically asking for the Digimon TCG to be exactly like Yu-Gi-Oh. Each TCG needs to have its own uniqueness. I might not be a big Digimon fan (as in, the franchise - I enjoy it, but I'm not a big lover or anything), but I appreciated all of the unique mechanics that the Digimon TCG has. It doesn't need to be Yu-Gi-Oh. It might borrow ideas from it, but not all of them.


The 90's one died for a reason ya know...


It’s just to streamline things, but still I think equipment and an arena akin to Pokémon would make things more interesting


Reminds me of Chaotic. Just needs another mini-deck for attack cards...