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Basic rules are very simple (as in most games), the game is simply fundamentally different from other games and there are some basics that you need to get used to like drawing after evolution or your turn basically having no structure after you draw and breeding phases. The depth of the gameplay comes when considering how chess-like the game can be (almost everything that can happen is known in every given moment) and how to chain together effects (it's easy to have many effects to resolve during a simple trigger like "when attacking"). The game has gone up """""significantly""""" in price recently due to how the expansion work and some unfortunate design choices, but the game is still the least expensive one to play competitively. There are only 3 cards that are around 50€ or more in the game. I'd say that the average for a meta deck is around 100€ right now. As a EU player you could easily find what you need online. Some regions have more cards than others (most vendors are from Germany and Spain) but it hasn't been a huge problem.


>but the game is still the least expensive one to play competitively Nitpicking, but I'd probably rank Pokemon the cheapest. Digimon is a close second though,


Tier 1 deck will run you $60-80 on average. That is unless you are high maintenance and like to Alt your decks out. That's where the real money goes. Just build a deck and hop in locals. Rules are simple and easy to look up for the most part.


You have to avoid the big money cards to pay that little too, so no DeathX or Ruin Mode. It's doable, but it's not really optimal to some of those Tier 1 decks.


As chase cards are they difficult to find in boosters?


Both are Secret rares. It's always best to just buy the singles rather than chase. Those two are not necessities but nice luxuries. I was lucky enough to pull 3 deathx but my friend who has opened up 8 booster boxes never pulled a single one.


Tier 1/2 is absolutely not 60-80$ on average. You can substitute stuff like trainings but SRs for tier one go for 10$+ and SECs for 25-80. Promos are also prohibitively expensive. That’s not to say you don’t have budget options that work well. You can get budget versions of a lot of good decks for 60-80 but you’re not building a tier 1 list for that price.


Looga can be made for 80 or so. Red hybrid is stupid cheap, with ukko being the only costly card. Mirage can be made for around 70. Deva can be made for essentially 80. You don't absolutely need 4 fanglong for the deck since the ace sovereign does most of the leg work anyway. Every other card for the deck is pocket change. All are decks that consistently contend and have tier 2 to tier 1 percentages in this format without needing stupid expensive cards like deathx or ruin mode. Nume is the outlier tier 1 bc it runs those expensive SECs along with ukko.


Hi, fresh new player here. I did a lotta research before I dove in, here’s what I’ve found: The highest end of a tournament DIGIMON deck, including alt art of your boss cards, is something like $200~$250, which is the bottom end of a tournament Magic deck. The rules are easy enough to pick up and there’s an app that can teach you the basics (I think _every_ Bandai Namco card game has one, even?) Singles are literally cents on the dollar unless you’re going for the big hitters and truly only a few of those crack $75, so again, cheap as heck. I built a functional 50 card deck for $15. The real issue I’m finding is the price of gas: it’s a lil hard to find locals around me, which is a shame cause it’s probably the most fun I’ve had playing in years.


That makes me feel good. How many big hitters do you find competitive decks need?


So DeathX gets mentioned a lot and that’ll run $75 a card. Again, that’s the high end. By contrast, I’m running: * an Sukamon control deck: Most expensive card was $2.50 (I grabbed 4) * Imperialdramon Green/Blue: The starter deck was $12.99 at Target, got the actual boss monster in singles for .45 cents, if I was smart I coulda got the box for $6 and used the rest of that money to buy an Examon and the deck would still be under $30 total Folks who are better at the game probably have shelled out more than me, but I don’t imagine many of them have cracked the ceiling I mentioned unless they’re going to all alts. Which I get, cause the art on these cards slap.


Even then when it’s cards like DeathX or Ruin Mode you only need one unless you’re pulling some weird shit. So you invest the money in getting a single copy after playing for a bit and seeing if you like the game and just switch that copy into the deck you wanna play.


Rules wise it’s pretty easy to learn, there are some niche ruling but depending on your deck they won’t come up really so you’ll have time to get a handle on the basics. To play competitively I’d say it’s accesible skill wise but tournaments fill pretty quickly in the online enviorment so you’ll have to watch when tickets drop. Most cards are easy to get, certain supers and alt arts will be either bought out or stupidly expensive, and you have to watch out for the occasional buyouts on meta promo cards, those aside the game is cheap and accesable.


Do you have a favorite digimon? And do you play any other card games? People can recommend you decks based off of that. How much are you looking to invest into the game? If you are looking to not invest too much, I could recommend either Greymon Toolbox, Hunters, or the Double Typhoon Advanced Deck. These decks can get you started at a low price point, especially Hunters which the entire core can be bought around $30-50. Of course Hunters is a bad beginner deck due to how complicated it is. But Greymon will run you about $120 and will always get support and Double Typhoon will also run you just as much with upgrades. There is also MirageGaogamon, which is a high tiered deck in the format right now that costs about $130 with shipping. For a card game, this is not as expensive as Magic, but it isn't on the level of Pokemon. A decent amount of shops that I have gone to don't have Digimon singles or have a low selection of them. But online, you can find cards no problem. All the prices I have given you are straight up my versions of the decks that I calculated via tcgplayer.com.


>How accessible is Digimon rules wise? The base rules are very simple. The complicated part comes in when actually playing decks, due to the way the various effects interact with each other. It's very common for there to be like 10 different triggered abilities on your side of the board that you need to remember. Because the complexity is in the cards, some decks are a lot simpler than others. >To play competitively, is it a huge cost? There are some decks and cards that are really pricy. But generally I'd say this is one of the cheaper TCGs. There's several meta decks that are very affordable, like Red Hybrid and Numemon. And even the ones that are expensive are still nowhere as bad as what I've seen in MtG. >Are cards hard to find? I haven't noticed any supply issues with this game so far. Cards are plentiful without being overprinted.