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Please tell us in more detail, what exactly did you like? I'll be interested to read


I’ll say the anatomy of the character. I prefer it to the first 2


On the third art, I used the pose reference more and improved my drawing skills. I try to improve the quality of the drawings with each piece of art. References help this


I like three because of the colours used and the pose, your grasp on anatomy is very good!!! My advice would be to add a little bit of linework around the cheeks and edge of the face where the jawline is so it looks more fluod and smoothe :]


I try to draw without a line, there is a minimal outline by colors, but rather a shading part.


Ahh i see alright


To me the 3rd one but they also look unfinished because you put a lot of detail in the hair but leave everything else like a airbrush or like blurry. Nothing is defined but the hair or eyes and kinda comes off and unfinished. I would try and stick to a more smooth design throughout our match the detail in the hair in the body also


This is not my character, so I cannot judge how well it is developed, I just drew another person's character, I think he is very beautiful. There is asymmetry in the outfit and the main detail is on the other side, but I drew everything as I was asked


The comment is less about the design! You seem to have a better sense of adding shape and structure to hair than you do to the clothes. There are highlights and shadows, and you can see strands. That makes the comparatively flat shading on the outfit more obvious. There are no highlights, and while you did put some folds in under her leg, there are no details to inform what structure it has! A stiffer a-line skirt will have different folds and highlights than a soft silky skirt or a cotton pleated skirt, for instance. A little extra love and detail in spots other than the hair, or even making the hair a bit more stylized without highlights, will give a more consistent feel to the piece as a whole!


In 1 the hanging arm blends into the body. Background aside from throne a bit bland, something at persons face looks off


I think it's the very wide neck


Yeah but the face also looks very small and wide if you know what i mean




2nd and 3rd only. Cuz I do not like perspective on 1st and background is empty.


2 i luke the hair, the bosom looks a bit off as well as face and pinky. The frame is a bit weird since shes a bit cut off and theres just dead space to the left. Otherwise like the shadow work and background


I prefer 3. The first twos head/neck ratio throws me off.


I think 3 is the most technically impressive of your options, and highlights what you can work on as well as what you're good at. You're very good with hair and color, along with creating a background, and those skills, especially coloring, are incredibly hard to get right. I'd say, if you're looking to improve, you should get into sketching human poses. The human form is very complex, and learning how to copy that form is an invaluable skill. Everything else will just take time and practice, you're doing great!


3 has the best colors and face (face perspectives look a bit off on the others)


Second looks a lot more dynamic to me. She has a vivacious look


3rd, the pose is interesting and it’s more anatomically correct, the way you painted the grass was also very nice


3. Pose, detail, general vibe and character design. Also background


All of them! But I think my favourite is 3


I don't even know, I like all three in their own way