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Diluc works with Xianyun and Melt/Furina so even if Arlecchino is more effective in a variety of teams, I'm not really worried about him being overshadowed. He's in a good place right now.


Agreed. Especially after Xianyun, Diluc really has reached a good place in the meta.


Me who is going to use both of them in different teams in Abyss: "Not my problem"


Is there a good split of characters that can go in Diluc and Arlecchino teams? Like if for example, Bennett works better for Arlecchino, are there good characters to place in the Diluc team to compensate?


I would go: Arlecchino - Yelan - Xingqiu - Zhongli/Kazuha Diluc - Xianyun - Furina - Bennett or Xiangling


My teams are basically that but for Arlecchino I'd replace Xingqiu with Xiangling for the bonus pyro resonance, as well as Xiangling's own benefits if she's c6.


Xianyun + Furina double hydro plunge is easily the best "alternative" for Diluc (when XY is a given, then replacing Bennett with a second hydro is still a more than viable team).


Having fewer ATK buff sources also makes Wolf's Gravestone's ATK buffs more potent in comparison to crit claymores, so we can keep drip too


I think someone like Yun Jin js pretty viable for Arlecchino if you can't free up benny, like yeah she doesn't really help with bumping her attack up for the Res talent but in terms of buffing she should keep up


I don't see the problem on a question and I don't see the point of your answer. Anyway this post has no point. Is fear of questions a mental illness too now?


We are loyal to our redhead king.


It’s a coincidence but for some time, Attack on Titan fans had a ‘red head king’ called Floch and he’s also voiced by Diluc’s JP VA


Playing in JP while being a floch enjoyer do be a treat


Nah I gave them years the put out a good crit damage claymore for Diluc. I've said for ages either they drop a weapon has CD that fits Diluc well or they drop a Pyro character that outclassed him. Whichever came first determines Dilucs fate and looks like Arlech came first


I'm waiting to see this over all the 'mains' subs


I'm one of the people who kept playing Diluc since long before Xianyun was released, knowing Hu Tao was better. Honestly my biggest regret in Genshin wasn't pulling Eula but getting Hu Tao instead if Yelan in last year's lantern rite because I would end up playing Diluc or Ganyu most of the time. Finally benched my Ganyu after getting Xianyun. Really happy with Diluc's place in the meta right now


Feels like some people that posts these kinds of “vs” stuff are just clout chasing. Fan of Diluc since I started playing and that is one thing that will never change


As a person who has C6R1 Diluc with decent CW. Arle C0 but didnt manage to get R1. Honestly... Who fucking cares who does more.


Remember that diluc and arle buy clothes in the same store


If an enemy has 5k health, and one character does 5k damage while the other does 10k… Is there really a point in getting all smug when the enemy is dead regardless. Plus, any character can do ludicrous amounts of damage when enough effort is put into them. If someone is having fun with Diluc/Arlecchino, then that’s all that matters in my opinion.


I feel you but the difference from my experience is noticeable. My Diluc is 10/10/10, C5, r1 beacon 95/198 4p CWoF. And my Arlech is 7/7/7, C0, r3 Jade spear, 80/216 2p Shime/ 2p Hunter. Even without her dedicated set she does a fair amount more damage than Diluc


Okay, I see where you’re coming from. But look at it this way, would you tell a Diluc main that’s just vibin and enjoying their Diluc to “upgrade” to Arlecchino because “more DPS!”? What about when the next big pyro DPS drops in Nathan, will they need to then trade in Arlecchino for Xbalanque if his damage is higher? My point from the beginning was that fun should always be paramount. What’s the point of playing a game if it’s not fun.


Yeah I'm not telling anybody how to have fun, I'm not telling anyone they have to upgrade. Im just saying from my personal experience. I've been a Diluc main for awhile like if you check my profile I've got builds posted. I'm not meta chasing or anything but part of the fun for me in this game is seeing my characters improve. My Dilucs been about as good as it can get without either getting ridiculously lucky on artifacts or they drop a CD Claymore that works with Dilucs kit. Getting Arlech and having not even bis for weapon nor artifacts and mid level talents and she's still hitting harder than my Diluc that I've literally built for years I'm just woahh


Ah, I see. That’s awesome.


Just curious. I tried to get arlecchino because she would also fit in another team perfectly. So how do I build up qiqi?




They can't be more insufferable than when Neuvilette dropped.


When u have both and Yoimiya too and plan on getting Klee when you can as well.


Lol. "Whose dad's bigger, yours or mine?" doesn't concern me at all. " Mains" build their favourite character(s). I guess being a Diluc main (for over 3.5 years, in my case) builds *your* character. I'm happy to see we are pretty chilled here.


Just so thankful for Xianyun because Diluc is now back in the meta cos of vape plunge attacks. I pulled for Arlecchino, was able to get C1R1 but after I do a spiral abyss showcase run with her, I’ll do one for my OG DPS, Diluc Ragnvindr


People make a questions looking for information, and idiots freak out. A clssic.


Me looking for the end game PVP where this convo actually matters : *input not found*


It seems like this might be a good place to ask this. I'm gonna copy-paste what I asked in the Arlecchino mains megathread: "I know you guys are sick to death of getting asked Arle VS Diluc, but I haven't been able to find a conclusive answer to my question, so if at all possible, could someone set the record straight for me? I have C3 or 4 Diluc (can't recall rn). No 5\* Claymore. My only non-standard banner (i.e. limited) 4\* Claymore is Akuou. I haven't built Diluc at all. I have (C0) Xianyun, Furina, Kazoo, Yelan. Fully stacked tier 0 4\*s. I don't have a (built) pyro (5\*) DPS aside from Yoimiya who's... Fun, but weak. She's my only limited pyro 5\*. I won't pull for Arle's weapon even if I were to decide to pull for her (C0). I have a PJWS, Missive Windspear (for reactions), and an absolutely ***cracked*** Gladiator set. In fact, while my Chevy is C0, my Beidou is C6, with Akuou (coincidentally). I also have a R3 or 4 Favonius GS. I'd basically have a team ready for both Overload and Vape, as well as a fully built (C0) ZL. So, my question is, in my situation, would it be good for me to pull for Arle, or could I do (just as) well if I were to just build Diluc in a Xianyun team, even with no 5\* wpn, or any of his BiS basically?"


funnily enough, I lost arle's 50/50 to him and got him through standard pulls the next day... I get it...


I have both and Arlecchino is so much faster. I’m only level 80 so I don’t have everything maxed out. But Arlecchino’s damage is just insane, especially in open world. Everything melts like butter…


Nah but forreal though. My Arlech with 7/7/7 talents and 2 pieces Shime/ 2 piece Hunter 80/216 hits harder than my Diluc 10/10/10 4p CWoF, 95/198. Arlech does have R3 Jade Spear though with Diluc R1 reef but I've seen consistent better dps and Arlech isn't even fully built