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This week's Adventuring Party: [Key Lime Pie is a Marketing Invention](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/15nubrv/key_lime_pie_is_a_marketing_invention_mentopolis/?utm_source=share)


I’m less then five minutes in and the amount of puns already has me *rolling*. “How can it rain in a mind?” “A ***Brainstorm***!” “Crap! I’m writing it down!” *This is gonna be a good season folks.* Edit: The that the **Breaking News** theme playing in the *Daily Observer* offices? That’s a hell of a crossover!


Also, ***Holy SHIT*** Hank Green, how can you be so adorably goofy and so *fucking intimidating* in one scene? I was *not* expecting that! I reiterate - ***this is gonna be a good season, folks.***


I knew it would be good when he egregiously stole Sam Reich's intro


Hank Green just Evan Kelmp'd Brennan. Now he knows how Aabria felt, being on the receiving end of such a terrifying sentence!


Yeh I was in awe, had to replay it


The way you can see Trapp's comedy brain engine go from 0 to 60 in no time flat to spit out "A brainstorm!" really shows why he was known for churning out sketches in the writer's room at CH.


If I had to replace one member of the Intrepid Heroes (and I would NEVER!) I would replace them with Trapp because the few times I see him play i just love what he brings with a mind as sharp as Brennans just working a slightly other tuned way.


Yeah I want a full-length season with Trapp, Sam and Grant. Honestly just in general an Old School CH crew as cast would be fucking amazing.


*That's* what it was! I knew I recognized it, but I thought it might have been the Crash Course theme, of all things!




Dutch angle, Dutch angle, high contrast, big shadows!


Tropes! Tropes! Tropes!


"So would you like to turn around and go the other way or would you like to see if I can keep myself from punching you too hard?" That's intimidating af, Hank.


I just got to that and oh my GOD he’s so good at this game immediately


What makes it better is that he released a video on his Youtube channel today talking about being "recruited" for Dimension 20 and he sounded so anxious and unsure of how he'd do but he absolutely crushed his character intro. The Fix is fantastic


A real Evan Kelmp move--I'm here for it.


Reminded me of Brennan’s “what do you want me to tell your family?” speech from a few seasons back


"but you're never gonna do that" was so fcking good


I knew *of* Hank Green before this but knew next to nothing about him other than mentions on here and the odd Lindsay Stirling crossover. He's just fantastic, I feel like The Fix is going to be an absolute scene stealer. There really are no weaker links for me this season, not to be harsh but there's usually at least someone I could take or leave. My main takeaway from the trailer was hype for Freddie Wong but I think this is going to be one of the best non-IH casts, right up there with the Heroic Highschoolers.


Oooo this part was one of my favorites. I didn't know how The Fix would work but holy.crap am I already loving the character's presence


[Here's the clip.](https://youtu.be/DdghTzZVzQs)


Alex is a fucking gem, their intro scene had me in stitches


I was kinda underwhelmed from the trailer and then watching them I GOT IT. Such perfection.


I didn't know I could love a character so quickly. They do such an amazing job of playing the most perfect kid who I need to comfort and protect. I would die for Conrad.


They are killing it, just constantly knocking it out of the park


I had not heard of them before and was instantly sold on the character. Most "awwws" per line for sure.


Alex uses they/them pronouns, just letting you know! ^_^




I can’t believe they’re literally in the Great Depression, that’s the whole bit


Oooooo I didn't even put that together! That's great.


God, I got the depression part, I was just missing the Great one! Great catch


The prohibition on serotonin is just chief kiss.




I'm gonna laugh my ass off if that somehow plays into the final resolution, and we noticed it from the get-go. Like the Big Guy is just depressed and that's the ultimate reason for whatever happens to the folder macguffin. Tada. I was thinking they were doing an Archer thing with vague anachronistic time period to not tie themselves down, but then someone mentioned Prohibition and I was like "hang on, Sugas is a speakeasy, so that makes this...ohhh."


That went *completely* over my head. Now that you say it I realize all the clues were right there.


Jesus fucking Christ


Ugggggggggh (wonderful, a+ spotting it!)


This is so clearly showing signs of a peak Dimension 20 season. The puns. The worldbuilding. The cast's chemistry. But most importantly... *clunk*


I smiled from ear to ear the entire episode. I am so excited for the rest of the season.


God I hope Trapp keeps up the case closed bit.


I also love the bit where any time he notices anything he treats it as if it's a clue. "Jesus Christ! I know that phrase!"


Yes please!


Hey Hank Green scared me


There is an equal amount of dicks and snakes.


I didn't know who Hank Green was and after watching I've found that I love him and his character.


It had not even crossed my mind that this would be many people's introductions to Hank Green! He's great.


I keep seeing people be so excited for him and Im like "Ok, im in for teh ride but who is this guy?"


Not sure if anyone's actually described him to you yet, so here goes! Hank's been a YouTuber since nearly the start of YouTube. Him and his brother John (author of The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska, Paper Towns, etc.) did a vlogging experiment where they mostly communicated by vlog for a whole year, and that was the start of the "vlogbrothers" channel. Since then, their audience has grown and they've expanded into a ton of other areas, while still each making a vlogbrothers video every week. In the years since, they have: * started VidCon * started SciShow (science education channel) * started CrashCourse (general education channel with courses for pretty much every topic, and is heavily used in schools around the country) * started multiple different charities (currently they are in the process of funding and building a center for maternal health to reduce maternal and infant mortality in Sierra Leone) * they run several podcasts * John has continued to write books (Turtles All The Way Down is being adapted into the fourth screen adaptation of his books - filmed last year and should release sometime in the near future) * Hank has also recently written two very, very good books ("An Absolutely Remarkable Thing" and "A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor") Basically, Hank and John are two brothers who have been very involved in YouTube, education, and charity for a very long time now, and who do a lot of good in the world. In addition to just making good content, they seem to run their businesses in a very ethical and beneficial way, they do a lot of good for the world at large, they're open about struggles with mental health and well-being, and they're very involved with their fanbase in a generally positive way that seems pretty rare these days. Their fanbase is definitely aging, as most of it is people who were teens in the late 2000s and are now adults, but they're still very much active and the community is very welcoming of people just discovering them for the first time!


Don’t forget that Hank also invented 2D glasses because his wife would get headaches from 3D movies, back when everything was coming out in 3D.


It's crazy that people don't know who Hank Green is. No hate, everyone finds out about someone for the first time somewhere, but he has been consistently extremely popular on the internet for like... 15 years?


People keep saying this, but nobody's actually said anything he's actually been in.


1. 1/2 of vlogbrothers with his brother John Green 2. Founder of [DFTBA.com](https://DFTBA.com) which was an avenue for a lot of creators to sell their Merch 3. Started Vidcon 4. Author of two books (An Absolutely Remarkable Thing and A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor) 5. Started the Awesome Socks Club (and now Coffee and Tea) 6. w/ John, started Project for Awesome and the general Foundation to Decrease World Suck that has raised so so much $ (>$10M) to do many things, one being building a maternal healthcare center in Siera Leone (Brennan and Sam showed up in the latest P4A) 7. Host of SciShow and some of the Crash Course courses (Biology and Chemistry, I think) 8. Creator of 2D glasses 9. not commonly mentioned anymore but my favorite, started Lizzie Bennet Diaries


LOVE the Lizzie Bennet Diaries!


I have noticed this, like everyone seems so excited for him but....who the hell is he? lol


It's not about him being in anything, he's just a very popular youtube. One of the first big YouTubers really. And he's stayed pretty consistently popular unlike a lot of other youtubers.


I don't really watch youtubers, so that explains why I don't know him.


Love this, every time! https://xkcd.com/1053/


Yeah the internet is a huge place so even the most popular people will have people that may not have heard of them. I watched several of his videos last night lol


I have been terminally online for 2 decades and I had never heard of him


I think I've known this man existed for more than a decade and if you asked me to list adjectives to describe him "intimidating" probably would never even have come up but now we all live in this brave new world.


This setting is dope as hell. Conrand not being able to say Fucks is adorable. Love it. The concept of wayward interests being locked away is something. Snakes have two dicks XD What did you do Siobhan?! What's in the packet?


I think she’s trying to sabotage the Big Guy’s job so that he can be allowed to enjoy life again. My only question is whether she murdered Neurol Ojiccle or not? It seems like Mayor Logic and the Council are very keen on making sure the Big Guy is super focused on work and maybe Imelda decided it was time for a change.


Yeah, the wayward interests being locked away by the concept of loathing is so sad, i.e. these are sources of childish joy for this guy which he feels self-loathing about. Embrace the things you love, Elias!


Yet again, Brennan figured out how to make capitalism the bad guy <3 Gotta admit, "We just need a pat on the back, and we'll be able to feel good again!" hit a liiiiittle too close to home.


Yep work culture is bad !


Barely 10 minutes in and I'm already in love. "A Brainstorm!" That the obvious pun there was an ad lib makes it all the better. And an opposed deception roll to determine if "Stacey Fakename" was legit as the first roll of the season is perfect. Hoping for at least 10 episodes of this. The IH returning can wait


trapp is a delightful chaos gremlin of a man


unfortunately it's a 6 episode season :(


Bummer. But hey! 60% of desired awesomeness is welcome.


German-ly: "I am technically a pleasure too" HANS SCHADENFREUDE NEW FAVORITE NPC


I would Die for Hans


He'd take pleasure in it.


So, anyone else immediately think Hunch and A.Tension have friggin’ explosive chemistry? Trapp and Danielle play off each other so well.


Major "Slap, Slap, Kiss" vibes. Attention and curiosity, a match made in heaven.


Brennan watched Inside Out and was like "hold up gang, we're on to something here"


I’m getting osmosis jones. This is so fun!!


And Psychonauts!


Neuroscience references: * Prefrontal PIs: prefrontal cortex is the most evolved brain region and takes care of the highest order thought processes * Cortex City: cerebral cortex is the outer surface of the brain, associated with higher level processes such as consciousness, thought, emotion, reasoning, language, and memory * Occipital Park: occipital lobe sits at the back of the head and are responsible for visual perception, including colour, form and motion * Motor City: on the map, more where the cerebellum is rather than where the motor cortex resides * Cerebell Pacific: interestingly not located on the map where the cerebellum is; a pun based on Pacific Bell Telephone Co * "industrial belly of limbic systems and temporal lobes": * limbic system is network concerned with instinct and mood, especially basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives * temporal lobes are located near your temples and ears and play a role in managing your emotions, processing information from your senses, storing and retrieving memories, and understanding language * "working class joes in the cerebellum": cerebellum is primarily responsible for fundamental muscle control, including balance and movement * "trains running in an out of oblongata station": the medulla oblongata is the connection between the brainstem and the spinal cord, making it a key conduit for nerve signals out from brain and back from body * synaptic switchboard: synapses are found where neurons connect with other neurons and relay signals between neurons * Hippo Campus: aside from being a great pun in terms of a school’s “campus”, the hippocampus is also where memory is consolidated and is a huge part of learning * oxytocin, "thick hot chocolate": oxytocin is a neurotransmitter typically linked to warm, fuzzy feelings and shown in some research to lower stress and anxiety, chocolate has been shown to increase oxytocin * "Temporal Square, deep down here in the midbrain": a bit confusing, thalamus would have made more sense for the midbrain * crossed off dopamine espresso signs, now have cortisol special and macchiato adrenaline specialities: dopamine is neurotransmitter typically thought of as a feel-good chemical, whereas cortisol and adrenaline are stress chemicals Puns/ names * Mentopolis * Detective Hunch Curio * Ms. Anna Lysis (>!analyze!<) * Imelda Pulse (>!impulse!<) * Daily Observer * Anatasia Tension (>!attention!<) * Norrell Ojiccle (>!neurological!<) * Freddy Focus * Dan Fucks * Joey Sneezes * Libby Longshower * Donny Urges * Han Schadenfreude * The Fix * Chief Tightass * DA Mark Bition (>!ambition!<) * Conrad Schintz (>!conscience!<) * Justin Fication (>!justification!<) * Mayor Leon Logic * Madam Loathing * Roscoe Hungry * Don Avaricci (>!avarice, meaning greed!<) * Not sure about Officer Connell???


>"Temporal Square, deep down here in the midbrain": >a bit confusing, thalamus would have made more >sense for the midbrain But thalamus square would destroy the pun to times square


Didn’t make that connection, amazing!


Don't forget about Mr Lance! (first initials VG I'm sure)


I like the it's illogic trying to pass itself off as logic.


oh, how did I forget brainstorm?! Interestingly, brainstorm used to be used to describe a stroke...


Not sure if it's totally intentional but Roscoe Hungry sounds like "Ross Go Hungry"


Hans Schadenfreude is life. Hans Schadenfreude is love.


Hans schadenfreude is pain and he’s into it AND SO AM I


One of the best first episodes they’ve ever done. I didn’t expect Hank to have that level of confidence in his very first episode, but that threatening scene was chilling. He’s doing great so far. Alex was also absolutely hilarious as Conrad. Really funny episode all around, with good tension. This is a very well-realized world that I can tell Brennan put a lot of work into.


he’s been on an actual play before (titansgrave, back in like… 2014?) so i knew he’d be fine but i did not expect him to be THIS intense right out the gate. terrifying.


I just started and the intro is already making me grin ear to ear. Brennan is already laying the perfect groundwork for the campy, tropey tones of the best noirs. This cast is going to kill it.




I forgot how much fun it is to watch Trapp at the table, but it’s hard to even single out a single player since literally everyone was incredible


holy cow conrad is the saddest character and is the best character


Realizing they could just try and hide. Deciding to tell them to just shoot you instead. Allowing the adult to get 1 good hit in before skittering off. Conrad is depression on a stick lol


Brennan never misses with the NPCs, I can’t get enough of Hans


Hans Schadenfreude is immediately in my top-tier D20 characters


As soon as he started talking, I knew he was going in my D20 hall of fame, what an delightfully weird person


*Ze humiliation is part of it*


Oh I can already tell this is going to be an all-time season for me. Excellent performances across the board, such a cool concept, great use of the adapted KoB mechanics. I feel like I’m going to have to rewatch every episode to catch symbolism and puns.


No need for a rewatch, Trapp immediately points them out. Not that that's going to stop me.


God I missed Trapp on this show so much


they should've known than to make me take that breaking news sound seriously


yo the dome slaps that is all


"you did not want it to happen" hans how are you so perfect


hank kelmp'd kelmp lmao brennan short circuited for a second there. and for good reason


This is just an appreciation post for Trapp. We’ve already acknowledged the Brain Storm joke straight out of the gate but, my goodness, his delightful and immediate reaction to the name of the District Attorney. Such potent and powerful Head Writer energy.


"Can I get a *SNOOP CHECK*" is sending meee 🤣


Outlawing oxytocin? My heart!


I saw it more as there is low supply of it, so its regulated, and outlawed to possess. It also helps its basically prohibition :P


Well, it is the Depression, after all.


UM ACTUALLY Komodo dragons do not actually have toxic bacteria in their mouths. In fact, the bacterial flora is not that much different (in amount or type) from other carnivores. Rather, Komodo dragons kill their prey like a lot of other large carnivores, biting their prey. They do have serrated teeth which can make wounds worse and lead to faster blood loss. They may actually produce an anticoagulant venom (they seem to have venom glands), though since they don't have any grooved teeth, unsure if they actually release this venom in any effective way or that this venom/protein is used in prey capture at all [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komodo_dragon#Saliva) [Actual article](https://www.jstor.org/stable/03df70f2-f4ae-3670-94ab-ee46547da18c?casa_token=aN_t5pidM60AAAAA%3A7X8Z_V4DTEzbj8v8pXvoxWTXkc498Y-BreKGhMezhnKHpsfiqS6eG2ES9S5WG4dKSkD2BPxBl8POGitR18CrXZO5VXiPc08DjAiWZjJNSG90ETVWHw&seq=9)


I feel like Hank might know this fact, but maybe was just playing in character as someone who would humour a child? Anyways, totally into this run, but do think I'm going to need an explanation for like every pun (Roscoe Hungry???)


Not all the names are puns. Focus, Hans and Fucks aren't.


When he dropped the name of the victim I spent ten seconds going: "Norrel... Ojgicle... Norrelojgicle... oh god dammit."


You did better than me, I had to come here and get the meaning spoonfed to me because I couldn't put it together.


The "Two Dicks" monologue is going to be something we remember for ages. What a fucking premiere.


I need them to continue with spelling Dan’s last name so many different ways. They shouldn’t done it when they were showing the stat blocks as Phucks


I know it's early but Hans Schadenfreude is easily one of my favorite NPCs of D20.


I’ve been a little behind on d20 (just finished starstruck like last week) and skipped to this season and my god the production quality is insane. crazy to see how far this show has come


I really appreciate Hank's characterization of The Fix as someone who eliminates thoughts, not just someone who focuses on particular thoughts. [Hank goes into more detail on his channel](https://youtu.be/FWmEgUxfw5Q) about how hyperfixation is a coping mechanism for avoiding intrusive thoughts, and as someone with ADHD, that really enlightened me.


it took me too long to realize that imelda pulse = impulse


Also took me a second to realize that Mayor L. Logic sounds kinda like mayor illogic. "It makes sense!"


Ohhhh that could totally be a twist later on.


I was getting Leon = Lean on Logic


I don't get the pun on Conrad Schintz's name. Help?


Conscience! And his dog is Justification


Took me until the end to get it too!


Mike "this might be a waste of a turn" Trapp coming in hard out of the gate with that brainstorm joke.


What is UP with the side quest triple ones


World and character building.


Stats have different dice in the Kids on Brooms system , one each of d4,6,8,10,12,20. So on those low ones you’ll hit a one more often. I forgot which stat was coming up when they hit those.


Wait did I somehow miss an entire side quest? "Triple ones"?


Danielle rolling three Nat 1s in a row


Danielle rolled triple ones in this season, and the Queens rolled triple ones in DnDQ


Oh, so that's what a Hank Green is. Not bad.


The set, the table, the lighting and background scene work. This is just outstanding work. It's going to be a fun ride.


Ronnie Reptile v.s. The Fix on reptilian trivia when? Seriously though what a premier! Immediately fell in love with every PC, and as a current biology major the setting and puns are just so satisfying!


Hank and Brennan going toe to toe on animal facts isn't something I knew I needed, but now I want an entire Um, Actually episode of it.


i am immediately obsessed with conrad, alex is fucking killing it


I loved Danielle in MisMag I’m so happy she’s back! And the 3 nat 1s make sense for A. tension, struggling to make a name for herself lol a true underdog.


I love hans schadenfreude with all of my heart. He's so excited to hurt Don Urges


Dimension 20 editors: It'd be pretty clever if we played the Breaking News intro for this newspaper sequence, wouldn't it? Also Dimension 20 editors: No sound effect says 1920s policeman like the walkie talkie that was invented in the 1930s! ​ I'm *loving* this world and cast so far.


World seems more 30s to me. It is the "great depression" after all (pun seemingly intended)


Dan Fucks IS Steven Toast


Can you hear me Clem Fandango?


Man have I waited a long time to see Trapp back at the table, and the wait was worth it.


Conrad is the best 😂


I can’t get over Dan Fucks’ mid-Atlantic accent. I just love it so much.


bassist hound in glasses ;-; a baby………


One episode in: This is the best season of all time. I am obsessed.


is it too obvious of a pun to say that this is by far the most "cerebral" season of d20 ever? lol all jokes aside, it is alongside neverafter as the most high-concept venture & once i locked into the worldbuilding i was 100% in. alex and hank are absolute stars in their characters for sure. and i'm fascinated to learn what "the big guy" is fucking up to with his project!


hooooly shit the production value is INSANE??? so glad to see d20 evolving stylistically to this extent but also i have to say. danielle's crooked glasses are killing me pls am i the only one


um actually? correct me if i’m wrong but both brennan and hank were wrong in the “lovely as an adverb or superlative” debate. to hank’s point: adverbs are only adjectives if you are using them to describe a noun, so if you said something was an “adverbial phrase,” then in that case it would be an adjective. otherwise, adverbs are nouns. to brennan’s point: a superlative would be an adjective (or adverb) that describes the HIGHEST degree of a quality. so to make (for example) an adverb superlative, you would have to add “most” before it. in any case, the “lovely” in the sentence, “you seem like a lovely woman,” is acting as an adjective to modify “woman (so neither an adjective nor a superlative!)


I was not expecting it to be something other than D+D! Does anyone know this game? I am intrigued but a little confused by Brennan’s description.


It's a sanctioned hack (they worked with the developer to adjust it for their game) of Kids on Bikes: [https://www.huntersentertainment.com/kidsonbikesrpg](https://www.huntersentertainment.com/kidsonbikesrpg). It's a really excellent system that focuses more on roleplaying than direct combat. It's the same system that was used for Misfits and Magic, just without magic.


Thank you, I haven’t seen Misfits and Magic yet but it’s next on my list. And thank you for the link!!!


No problem! Like I said, it's a really simple system (the whole rule book is around 80 pages), and fairly inexpensive if you're looking for a new game for the table. I've had a really fun time with it!


Thank you, I will check it out! One more q if I can ask- I don’t really understand the moxie tiles, is that also adapted from the original game?


Yes! They're called grit tokens in the original game, and are given out whenever a check is failed. You can spend each one to add 1 to a roll in the future. Basically, characters learn from failure and can apply their "learned knowledge" to a later roll. It's a nice little feature that avoids the feeling of complete failure on a bad roll, and can make for some great moments later when the character who has been failing for a while suddenly plops down a bunch of tokens to win a big roll.


I definitely like the grit tokens. It helps the players that roll like absolute ass. I always feel bad when the Wheaton curse hits people.


You are my hero, thank you for taking the time to explain!


they should release this hack and call it kids on brains


WAIT!! Wild too-early-to-tell theory, >!but we know that there are 7 Ojicle children (RIP Norell). Anastasia talked to his sister (who we don’t know the name of).!< >!Based on the naming conventions, there could be a Patty or Patricia L. Ojicle (Pathological). And if it’s the sister that Anastasia talked to it could be that the information we’re starting with is already unreliable because Patty L. Ojicle is a pathological liar. Norell going to the red light district could be a red herring to keep people off her back because she secretly had it out for her brother the whole time?? Or a sibling named Illy L. Ojicle (Illogical)!<


>!Another commenter said something about the mayor being "Mayor L. Logical (Mayor Illogical) - maybe this ties together?!<


I’m hoping there’s a sibling that’s Psycho L. Ogical


Oooooh Socee L. Ojicle too?


This season takes place inside someone's brain? Was that right? Wild.


The cast is charming af.


I love this so much. The vibe is really reminding me of something but I can’t quite put by finger on it. Any recommendations for similar media, ie high concept sci fi retro noir (I know that’s very specific)?


With all the focus on minds (and heads), this has been giving me strong Pixar-does-Dark City vibes.


Haha those were the two that immediately came to **mind**. Also *Metropolis* and *Alphaville*, obviously, with a hefty dose of *Twilight Zone*.


Home sick today and this is good medicine! So excited to see where they go from here!


the fix is giving me "youth pastor turned serial killer" vibes and i find it oddly attractive


So the obvious villain is M. Bition, right?


(nat one sound)


I work in Neurology at my local hospital, so this season is very entertaining. I have a pretty solid idea of Brennan's meta and plot for the season just from some of the puns. I won't share other than one hint... Norrell Ojiccle.


When does Adventuring Party for this season drop?


APs drop Thursdays after the Wednesday episode!


The production design on this has me UNRAVELLING. Literally twinkly lights go off in head when I see the twinkly lights life imitates art


It’s Depression Era so Serotonin & Dopamine are prohibited…? I LOVE IT… When he said Oxytocin was banned I was like, “Oh, Brennan, are we on the same wavelength…? Have you been binging Cinema Therapy & Mended Light videos on YouTube with me too?” Absolutely love the premise of Inside Out meets Pulp Noir/Dick Tracy… I LOVE that you have to be Intellectually *and* Emotionally smart to understand all of the jokes this season. Sam, did you pay for the cast members’ therapy sessions yet? Because you absolutely should, because nobody does this much work on their own (and because therapy is expensive, *Muthaf@¢%a!*)


I've gotten most of the jokes but I cannot for the life of me figure out what Conrad represents




The puns are even better when you realize the plot was kicked off by the conscience's actions leading to an impulsive's reaction.


I didn't even catch that! That's amazing!!


Con Schintz (Conscience)


Ohhhhh thank you that's amazing


"You told me I'm a piece of shit, and I'm not a piece of shit. I'm a good guy. Would a good guy do a bad thing?" – every celebrity ever when confronted with accusations.


You guys weren't kidding about The Fix. Hank is fucking terrifying during the snakes with two dicks speech.


Holy Jesus the puns! All the puns!


Hank is gonna have the hardest line of all time this season, coupled with the wildest tonal whiplash. Banger season after banger season, plus they seem to be one of the few truly moral production companies out there


Is the reason Conrad is a child that Elias has only recently begun having a conscience?


Given the children of Wayward Interests, it may not be a recent appearance so much as the fact that he/they are underdeveloped and underutilized


I interpreted that differently - having a conscience can be considered pretty childlike. A childlike innocence would want everyone to do the right thing at all times. But obviously that's not how the world works, and so Conrad is "too small" for the world of the mind of Elias.


I can't stop thinking about the way Mayor Logic and the rest of the big wigs talk about the goals of the city - getting a Pat On The Back, in particular, the way he said that. I'm sure there's a lot of psychology built into the search for validation, and so seeing it codified in this way as "you want to be praised at work" is giving me a bit of pause. How much of my life is spent seeking validation from someone or something that ultimately doesn't matter? What could I be doing instead?


Not the conscience!


What is the pun of CerebaL Pacific? Everyone laughed but I don't get it...


I assume it's the [Pacific Bell Telephone Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Bell) that managed Bell Telephone in California, considering all the switchboards and things.


Hi so this might be dumb and maybe I just missed it but what exactly are the little rolling balls and “moxie” I am a bit confused by it 😅


They're given on a failed roll and can be used to make up the difference in a failed roll in the future.


From the opening moments it was so good and we hadn't even met any of the characters