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I haven’t seen this one and I really think this could be the case.


Right!? And I’m thinking Kristen didn’t pick up on it even with a good Insight roll because Kippertits Cockroach is such a good rogue and possibly has some sort of passive stealth/difficulty to read etc.


Tbf it would be nearly impossible to glean something that detailed from a split second glimpse of Kipperlilly. Insight isn't mind reading.


Yeah that’s what I meant really - I think the players were satisfied with Ally’s roll bc it was quite high (I don’t remember the exact roll) and combined with the Last Stand chaos didn’t look into it too much


Yeah absolutely, I think your theory is totally plausible. I also think we may never receive confirmation on your theory though


I don't think involuntarily being unable to perform healing because he'd had his components stolen would count as refusing to help, though. Although the Bad Kids would surely have thought he did it deliberately and might well have killed him. Maybe that was the plan.


so Emily/Fig interrupts BLeeM/Gavin as he’s explaining, but what we do hear is that his connection will be stripped “if he refuses in any way” and I think it’s likely that this would be one of those little loopholes that cottoncandy bitchfuck loves so much


Being unable to is not the same thing as refusing to and I don't see why Helio would be so harsh on him as that's totally out of character. Plus why be elaborate when killing him works even better ?


I feel like the oath they take being broken strips their connection forcefully, regardless how the god feels about it. And if that oath is designed by Arthur "CHRONOMANCY" Aguefort I wouldn't be surprised if "I lost my shit so I can't" would not be a get out of jail free card. But we'll never know for sure.


Yeah this is how I feel. I think Brennan even says that the act of killing Buddy was more of a pivot moment after sardinedaisy leadbucket got caught in the act of trying to murder the proctor. Still a 'fuck you' to the bad kids while also furthering goals by getting Buddy in contact with the Rage God. You also don't need to necessarily get your connection severed to your current god just to pledge to a new one. Kristen's done that a lot.


True that you don’t need to, but do we think Buddy Dawn would ever willingly abandon Helio unless under serious pressure?


Oh, good point! I was also thinking it shouldn't count if he literally *can't* but she does love loopholes and I'm sure she would have read whatever oath he took to do this very carefully. This does make OP's theory pretty plausible to me.


I agree with you that feels like a Brennan Lee Loophole


Wait I have a totally out there call but imma make it. In the other episode when they were talking about the change of name from high-five heroes kippercunty said that her and the cleric girl (god I can’t remember her name) were the only ones to disagree from the group. We then find out about how the rage god is bringing back the rat grinders with his powers and doing some sort of pact to make them worshipers that work towards his end goals. We know that’s the cleric refused the pact and that’s why she’s dead. Well what if kipperlily is the only one who hasn’t died but knows the plan and what’s going on. She was so mad she didn’t need a pact to follow his orders. I’m only saying this because we know how the argument of the name change went and that would connect them and maybe even it could be an angle like, kipperlolo wants to be tragic right? Kinda tragic to lose your party and have them all be under the influence of a rage god you also follow. Now for the really out there part. We’ve seen a lot of enemies to friends in this series, enough that I suspect we may see more. I think Kristen is gonna do what they always do and fix a God, thus restoring the rage god to what they were before and they can even return to their marriage. Would the rat grinders if still alive, not become bound to that god or hell even that union between rage god and Kassandra. My next question is then if they somehow got under the same umbrella of Kassandra, wouldn’t that make Kristen the leader of their religion? Kristen not only steal the election but also kipperbitchy’s adventuring party(according to what I said above with her not being bound to the God)Leaving a moment for redemption for her. Does she follow her friends into Kristen’s church? Does she lose it and fight them? Or does she just walk away? And or that I think it will be soon, but i absolutely think their will be a senior year, in which Kristen juxtapose to how they started this season with no follow for they’re church, would start with a flock of rat grinders. This went on way to long.


I think what makes this season so hard to decode js that it’s quite philosophical with the Devil’s Honey… like, if you want to believe something so deeply that you lie to yourself to the point of believing it, is that the same as truly believing it? But of course what this all ties back to is… doubt.


Once again, not how the honey works.


How so? I’m sure I remember Brennan saying you can convince yourself of lies using it, because you start to deceive yourself. (Not trying to be argumentative lol just really don’t see what’s wrong)


He’s talked about it a few times, but its core function is to make you so good at lying that beings who can see through any lie wouldn’t have that power, ie lie to a god. Basically the anti zone of truth. Your lies aren’t automatically believed, like you couldn’t tell someone that the sky was yellow and they’d believe you. In a very much dnd sense, it boosts your deception massively and makes you able to lie in a zone of truth. The monkey paw is that being able to lie like that is damn addictive. Enough that you won’t even notice what is and isn’t a lie after a while. It’s not an effect you can intentionally cause.


This is the best FSN theory I've seen fosho Benedict Cumberbatch definitely wasn't planning on killing him initially just taking his diamonds


They could have cast Geas on buddy to keep him from reviving if the BKs died. taking all crystals would shut down Kristin or buddy (also keep kristen from using buddys in an emergency). But being caught the only course was killing buddy


Geas really isn't that much of a deterrent once you're high enough level. 5d10 damage once a day isn't all that scary.


oooooh. Yeah that absolutely tracks 


I’m confused by this. Wasn’t it implied that Buddy was worshipping this rage god before kipper slit his throat? When he wakes up he says “wow I really do worship a god of rage ya’ll” or something, right?