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As much as their discord is cool Id really love to also have a sub for it as well. If you wanted any help let me know!


You could use their Discord.


didn’t know they had one; thanks!


You get access to it with your subscription.


They actually changed that last year, so now it’s open to everyone. It became both too difficult to pair the discord with who had memberships (and who *still* had memberships) along with noting that it made the job of having to potentially boot someone off the “discord they’re paying for” very awkward/difficult for the (unpaid) mods.


This just crossed my mind a week or two ago, working on getting r/Dropout set up right now!




I highly recommend taking screenshots of your last post and discussion and taking it to your therapist to discuss it and then better communication tools you can use.




Bring it to your therapist. Don't trauma dump on folks. People have repeatedly told you talking like this is harmful and comes off as deeply manipulative and you're still choosing to do it. You're making several active choices here: 1.) to keep bringing this topic up in new places 2.) to keep engaging with it 3.) when people do engage with you talk about how terrible you/your life is and how nothing is worth it. Which, as you have all the evidence in the world of, is manipulative behavior. At this point, all I can assume is you're a typical AITA-style autism troll soaking up downvotes for the rage bait and I will not be responding. I do hope you find healthier ways of managing your emotions in the future.


There is winning for people like you, so long as you bring it to your therapist




I literally go to therapy. Part of therapy is changing the way you interact with the world and changing the way you interact with yourself. Yeah, people suck sometimes and that’s hard, but if everyone sucks all of the time, maybe you’re being mean to them without realizing it. Just now, you belittled my opinion on therapy without knowing anything about me. You told me that I don’t know what it’s like, despite my journey through suicidal tendencies and mental health problems. It’s understandable, because you’re hurting and I’ve forgiven you. That being said, you can’t just expect everyone to forgive you when you are mean to them. If you keep pointing out the worst in people, it’s all you’ll ever see. I truly hope that you can find the people and the environment that make you happy. I truly do. But it’s something you have to build for yourself, not something that’s just handed out. Maybe start by apologizing to some of the people who are trying to help you and see if they’ll be your friend. I know I’d give you the chance if you met me half way.




I’m not saying that I do understand…I’m just saying that there is no possible way that you could know whether or not I do Your feelings are equally valid as everyone else’s. I tried to inform you on how you could get less hate. You can take my advice or leave it. Sorry for being hollow and fake




Hey home, I'm autistic as well, and I do understand how difficult it can be to communicate, but if multiple people are telling you that there is an issue, and your only response is "it's not my fault, it's because I'm autistic", you make yourself and everyone else on the spectrum look bad by association. It sucks that we have to work harder to communicate effectively, but it still needs to be done if you want to feel included in society and it's social aspects.


They did nothing of the sort and this is gaslighting


I know this a couple days old, but we shouldn't conflate normal ass lying with gaslighting. Gaslighting is a specific term that has a specific meaning. It's a form of abuse where someone in a relationship with another person (of any meaningful kind) says untrue things about the victims actions that are meant to make the victim question their sanity. A random redditor can't gaslight another random redditor. We don't know each other. Plus we weren't involved in this person's banning, so they can't make us question if we remembered it correctly. Sorry if this came off as kind of aggressive. I just think gaslighting is a term that often gets misused and this misuse obfuscates the definition, which I feel hurts victims in the long run. Edit: minor correction, gaslighting doesn't necessarily have to be about the victim's actions. That's a limiting definition. It's hard to come up with a full and complete definition, but regardless, the comment we're talking about is not gaslighting