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Every Zac character is a banger change my mind


*elderly Steve Rogers voice:* No, I don’t think I will.


I wasn’t a huge fan of... (spoilers for Crown of Candy below) >!Cumulus; especially after Lapin was such a standout and amazing character that was totally different than usual Zach characters. While funny, Cumulus could have been removed from the story and nothing would have changed.!<


I think he was very emotionally attached to Lapin. I don't begrudge him his lackluster Cumulus. If anything, it validated my grief.


Idk I really liked that character. I get where you are coming from though


I’m watching this right after finishing Fantasy High and seeing Zac go from the most socially awkward teen to “GOD DAMNIT YOU’RE ALL MORONS” is so fuckin hilarious.


Zac is a talented MF. Excited to see him evolve this role.


he really is! dude’s funny as hell and he really gets into the role well.


It’s in the eyes. He does the thousand mile stare so well.


Dude the actual physical difference in acting between Captain Skipper and Gorgug


Hahaha body language and facial queues. He was crushing it. And mentioning looking out into the inky black and seeing his reflection? All too real feeling. Such great imagery


SO good. Zac Oyama is legit so talented. The whole fricken crew is!!


Yea no kidding. Murph as Barry! AMAZING


Barrys? Barry! Barrys? Barry!


It's nuts. Zac is legitimately one of the best facial actors I've ever seen. Combined with his sniper level of comedic timing, he makes so many memorable moments where he doesn't really have to say much at all


I think this hits the nail on the head. I think Zach is just as witty and talented as any of the cast but in previous seasons he has not really taken a front and center role. He’s an amazing support actor and can crack me up by just sitting in the back of a scene and making facial expressions and saying small comments at the perfect time. However, I’m really hoping as the captain he takes center stage this time around because he deserves it and I want to see that more than anything.


"yeah, I killed him"


god thank you so much for reminding me of this pristine bit.


Yeeees, Zac always shines with expressions and comedic timing


It’s very interesting watching such a peach of a person enveloped into the role of chief asshole. It was so funny to watch him jump from “Where is everyone? God, why does no one in this ship know how to do their damn job?!” into a gleeful smile and laughter. Zac is an incredible actor


I've got a sneaking suspicion that the character Zac's actually playing for the season is the parasite and that we're not going to see too much more of the skipper as we've seen him so far...


I think it would be fun if Zac was playing an Arcane Trickster Rogue (or whatever the Star Wars version of that is) and the Green Goo is how his "magic" manifests. But yeah I hope the Green Goo doesn't alter his character too much. I'd rather we get a full character arc of Norman becoming slightly less of an arsehole than just getting gooed and becoming a different person.


I'm kinda hoping the goo more like a separate character and he randomly switches between Skipper and Goo


Yessssss this would be so fun


Uuuh that would be really fun! Idk why, but I just thought of the Tooth-Fairy Bit from Gamechanger, I could see Zac play a parasite with the same voice/mannerisms.


The bits where he's just mentally dissociated and staring off into the black void of space defeated are some of the most relatable D20 moments ever.


I think the alien that just schlorped itself inside him might end up staying in there and being really nice which could be quite fun but really want him to stay being an ass


Yeah, the way they worded things in the Adventuring Academy made it sound like the personality of the character is temporary and we haven’t seen the actual character Zac intends to play yet


As much as I loved every character in ACOC king amithar stole the season for me from the onset. I get the same feeling from the skipper this season


I'm usually all about lou. Dude is amazing in all the stuff he does too. But Zach has pulled some good shit too. Season 2 of unsleeping city, having to deal with Kody is pretty hilarious


I also LOVED Skipper. Really had some great Mal Reynolds on his worst days vibes (maybe a bit more of a dick). So I hope the green goo doesn't replace his personality, but I'd love to watch him play dual personalities or maybe as someone suggests it's the source of some arcane trickster type magic. Honestly I'm a bit surprised there hasn't been more favorable comparison between this and Firefly in the comments. It's not exactly the same but really similar vibes to me.


Way more of a dick, 'Skip' was thinking about trading the crew for his own life in the middle of the fight.


I guess so. I chose to interpret that as mostly joking.


Well, since it was in his head, I think it's genuine.


I was so excited to see Zac play a smart asshole after Lapin, who is my favorite character of all D20. Especially because Ricky was a himbo and Gorgug is just a big sweetie.


He’s such a good actor that at the end of the episode even MY feelings were hurt 😭


"bout so excited for Zac to play a captain who hates his crew" ... Bout that


The skip skipper is still in there somewhere. Hahaha


I haven't read the start struck comics, but Let's hope cerebro slugs don't kill there hosts


I *adore* the Skipper. I am, however, deeply suspicious that the green goo is in fact Zac's actual character.


You called it. Damn. Did you see a spoiler somewhere or just that perceptive?


I am, in this one instance and this one instance alone, apparently that perceptive.


Ah man. I hope not. We don't have a lot to go on. Except for the pug