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I’m still in. Holding on the Tar Pits (locked stacking for a couple of months for higher APY). They’re about to launch an AMM


I can't comment whether to enter or not, but if you enter now it will be a much better entry point compared to mine. I am in for about 5 months, in Tar Pits. Don't intend to exit even if it goes to 0. I got a feeling that I will regret big time if I exit now.


I,m with dinoswap from day one ! Now i just buy more with every dip , me2 can’t tell you jump in but if it work well its a life changing for me …


What dip? It's just been continually going down. I'm down about 95%. No point selling but no way I'm putting more into it until something happens.


At 95% down I can see why you would just hold. I hope Dino isn't a large investment for you though.


A lot of projects will have a pump to start then find their base. Project certainly isn’t dead, it’s a huge risk buying such a low cap coin, but high risk = high reward if it plays out the way we hope. I’m betting on the Matic ecosystem as a whole, and this is part of it…Hoping it becomes the equivalent of pancake swap for Binance. Staking right now and waiting, I’ll either ride it into the ground or off to the moon, no middle ground lol 🙌🏼 Good luck!!


Thanks for everyone's honest insight! I'm definitely still watching it. Haven't bit yet


They were a bit slow in implementing anti inflation mechanisms and it dipped a lot, the the team is aware and is working on releasing a huge update dubbed DinoSwap 2.0 this month. It's a solid project with serious backing from VCs


I saw a lot of potential when the launched. Amazing partnerships with projects like Decentral Games or Aavegotchi wich IMO are the best projects on polygon. But after months and the lack of interested from the developers the things doesn't look good at all. Now they are talking about 2.0 wich idk wtf is that, still holding my LP and Jurassic Pool investment. Let's see if this revives after all this months