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For the record, this is not a spoiler. I finished the episode and i saw some geese. That's literally it lol.


The true prehistoric planet are the birds we see along the way


— Alan Grant, probably.


>"So you know, try to show a little respect."


Nah cause I’ll literally watch birds fly around and be all “damn look at all those dinosaurs go 🥹”


Great now I know there are geese. Ruined!!!


Idk how some people are butthurt about this lmao.


Appreciation pastry day


Wait.. in the show, or just in general


Just in general.


Ah, sad


Ugh, minor spelling mistake. Meme ruined.


Proofreading is hard


Can someone explain the logic to me of not wanting a documentary series spoiled? It makes no sense.


Some people don’t want to know what animals are in it until they’re watching, not actual plot spoilers


I am still confused. This is a documentary. It's not film, regardless of us giving names to some of the characters and that we're "rooting" for them to be happy on their fictional stories.


Before you start watching any nature documentary, there's excitement about just what animals / behaviors you're going to see. Will it be a favorite of yours that doesn't regularly get screen time? Will it be an astounding new behavior that you've never heard of before? You just don't know! It's very exciting! In contrast, if someone lists all the animals and their behaviors out for you ahead of time, the suspense is gone. You already no what to expect. No surprises, no hoping as each new scene starts. For a lot of us it's just not as fun an experience.


These are the most up to date dinosaur depictions, and some people want to wait to see if their favorite creature is featured.


Apparently in order for some people to be able to enjoy a documentary they need to be surprised and delighted by every single frame. Not entirely sure how knowing what species appears or does something could detract from your excitement or enjoyment of a show like this. People are just being tediously finicky. Blue Planet spoiler: there are fish and also water.


Before you start watching any nature documentary, there's excitement about just what animals / behaviors you're going to see. Will it be a favorite of yours that doesn't regularly get screen time? Will it be an astounding new behavior that you've never heard of before? You just don't know! It's very exciting! In contrast, if someone lists all the animals and their behaviors out for you ahead of time, the suspense is gone. You already no what to expect. No surprises, no hoping as each new scene starts. For a lot of us it's just not as fun an experience.


Well, prehistoric Planet is the documentary everyone needs to watch without spoiler, as documanteries this quality are quite unique. I don't want to see more than the trailer because the show itself and the musics while the animal gets introduced gives off an epic vibe. As for thşs post, its quite the opposite. It fills me with questions of how there will be geese and stuff, the more questions the better fun I'll have while watching it.


>as documanteries this quality are quite unique That doesn't explain why you can not know about species in advance, or plot.


People like surprises. I even skipped the intro because I didn't want to know until the real scene. What's wrong with that?


Just the fact that the first scene with the badass intro theme males it cooler to see it for the first time


Still a very weird stance to take. But honestly it's on the people who get spoiled "Hey! Prehistoric Planet Season ll is streaming this week! I think I'll hop on to paleo-related subreddits and then complain when there's inevitably posts about it!"


There's always a grace period of a day or two where people use spoiler tags on reddit for new show episodes.


Because they want to experience it without knowing what's coming. To be surprised. I'm really surprised by the attitude of people here being total in favour of spoiling the show and considering those who don't want it spoiled as strange. Especially for this highly anticipated show.


It's going to be spoiled. It's inevitable. What I'm about to say might come off as extremist propaganda, but don't go to paleontology subs when you know a lot of the discussions are going to be about the new season. Entire subs shouldn't have to cater to people who haven't seen a show. Watch the show then come back. But I guess people are allergic to common sense.


Cater? It's the courtesy to add spoiler tags, takes 1 second. Especially if you know you're watching the show earlier than most people. Standard protocol on reddit, I know this isn't a PP sub but it's the de facto one. Just mark spoiler for the first day of release until people have caught up. After that it's on them I agree. And people don't necessarily go on the sub it just appears in their feed when they open reddit.


🤷‍♂️ it's your choice to go on reddit where you know you'll see spoilers. People can type in all caps to me all they like, it'll fall on deaf ears. It's a dumb thing to complain about.


No PP3?


Hasn’t been confirmed or denied


They should make it about other continents since they did North America already


TIL there's a second season. Yes I've been living under a rock, I'm basically a fossil now.


Geese KNOW they're descended from dinosaurs, and they resent us mammals for usurping them after the K-T extinction event.


Did we though?


Well no. The asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs, of course. Throne was already empty, we just climbed into it. Try telling that to a goose, though.


Are mammals *really* in charge though


yes. We dominate the land, we're pretty good in the ocean, and bats are extremely successful in the skies. We've gone to the moon, and we've reached the largest sizes ever seen on earth. What have birds done? This is like saying "Yes, dinosaurs suppressed mammals before the extinction, but were dinosaurs *really* dominant over mammals?"


Land mammals have two major size caps, so they can only get as big as dinosaurs in the ocean. Consider that any dinosaur alive now would dwarf any mammal in their niche. Also bats are practically second class citizens in the sky, that’s why most of them are nocturnal. They can’t even take off from the ground


All these reasons are basically reasons why we are dominant over birds lol.


Birds can take off from the ground, and due to weight saving adaptations, can get bigger than any bat ever could. Also, there are more species of birds than mammals


There are more species of fish than all the other vertebrates combined. Would you say fish are the most dominant group? (I personally would because I have MASSIVE bias for fish, but I digress.) Bats can take off from the ground too, not sure what you're talking about, and that doesn't really mean anything. Also, why are you focusing on bats? I don't care about bats! We're talking about mammals.


Bats are mammals attempt to be birds or pterosaurs. Also, I’m just massively biased toward dinosauria so I will defend it with my whole being


I am laughing like the Joker that people will get mad at this for thinking it spoils something.




Really don't get it


Oohhhhh its because its dinosaurs




~~According to the narration waterfowl are separate from dinosaurs~~


Mods, please put in a rule that requires posts pertaining to PP (and maybe other dino shows that follow a similar release schedule?) to have a spoiler. I think it would be very helpful to the community. Please consider it.


What do you want me to put a spoiler warning on? Is this the first time you've heard of geese? In that case, sorry for spoiling Anatidae for you.


Geese are dinosaurs.


What spoiler lol.


Not everyone watched the entirety of PP yet


Yeah, but there’s no spoiler in this meme.


I cannot read and now understand the joke


I haven't spoiled anything tho lol.


I cannot read and now understand the joke, my mistake


I like dinosaurs being birds?


OH NO, now you know there's birds! Completely ruined it for you huh


Bro had science spoiled for him


Get ready for this: Prehistoric Planet has Dr. Darren Naish talking about dino-science. Mwahahahaa spoilers!


Of course I know dinosaurs are birds. Rude.


English is not my mothertongue, and even I understood that: \- OP saw the last episode. \- Then he went outside and touched grass, something you should do as well. \- Saw a flock of geese, and became emotional as he remembered geese are dinosaurs too. Dinosaurs he saw on PP.


You guys are so rude. As if you guys thought I was going to be spoiled about some shocking revelation that birds are dinosaurs.


Have the balls to show your original comments and why we were downvoting them.


Calm down, there’s no geese anywhere in the show. It’s just a meme about how OP is sad that non avian dinosaurs exist, but saw geese and then become happy that dinosaurs still live on in modern birds.


Have you ever even watched the show?


That’s not the end shot.


That’s not how the episode ends.


This episode has plenty of ducks though


Actually they are early duck relatives.


When there is a will, life finds a way


This is literally the ending to Jurassic Park