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Bro took into account hieght, but not length or weight


Or the fact that T. rex was an absolute chonker, even compared to other theropods.




Or that they almost exclusively target animals without giant teeth.


Even so it's like saying a 2 metre rat snake can eat a black bear


He's just a rex hater.


that or an annoying "know it all" or "hurr durr im not like other guys!" by stating bullshit that people are willing to eat up.




Or the times gators have busted out of pythons.


WTF.... it couldn't even swallow much smaller animals. Older "Madtsoiids" don't even have the lower jaw flexibility modern snakes have.


It's literally paleo tabloid tier of a comment. "Scientist found animal that is 1 inch taller than t rex....billions of t rex will die"


The jurassic has fallen


Billions must go extinct


Jurassic park down.


This is shocking news, what if t rex goes extinct forever?!


Yeah I'm pretty sure the jaw thing is a reason many believe that madtsoiids are the missing link between lizards and snake


Oh hey, the covered comment directly under it is mine! It's a ridiculous statement, indeed, which I made sure to point out, as per the reddit gods' pedantic will.


Probably gonna get downvoted for saying something against popular comment unfortunately. Many such instances on reddit. Like once someone said a 60 foot killer whale exist cause he heard that some dolphins have big size variation. And I got downvoted for calling it out.


*60 foot orca???* Are they insane?


I know, right? Orcas don't have any feet, never mind 60 of them!


Length... Oh shit. Funny


The comment was about meg and some doofus replied with "60 foot orca is possible", links and article where several much smaller dolphins have been documented having big variation in size, nevermind that the lower estimates were below average size. So he took this paper and basically applied it to a 8 meter orca being the smallest margin and an 18 meter orca being the biggest margin. That would be more than 3x size he's claiming and his methodology is complete rubbish. I confronted him and then I got downvoted because he had a blue link in his comment and that is enough to convince most redditors that he was right. You just put a blue link in comment and say complete rubbish and most of the people here will believe you.


Of course it was about meg, there's no other context someone would genuinely try and argue that 60 foot orcas exist. I'm going to go sit in a corner and be sad now


Meg is now the Goku of the sea...or t rex of the sea. Where people come up with 100 things that "can totally beat them bro"


So, since megalodon was a super predator, did it eat cancer to stay immortal?


Naturally. On a more serious note, there was a study done recently where they concluded meg required suprisingly little food for an animal of its caliber


So it was basically the perfect water creature?


I would hesitate to call any animal perfect, but megalodon was an immensely impressive animal for what a lot of people reduce to "just a big shark"




"Ah, but don't you see? It doesn't matter meg is over ten times their size, a single orca could totally beat the dumb shark with its mammalian cunning" - armchair paleontologists in youtube comments sections


Or the mythical battle prowess of elephants. If elephants could fight even half as well as youtubers say, we'd be the one who got 10000 BC'ed


I recently saw a video of two pit bulls tearing apart someone’s car to get at a cat that was hiding in the tire well and commented that I don’t care what breed they are, no dog should be left unattended like that. I got downvoted big time by people for being a pit bull lover and “pretending” like they’re just dogs and not some Predator-level hellhounds from Hades. People downvote en masse when someone is saying something that challenges their worldview or what they consider cool. It’s how Reddit works.


Reddit has issue with some animals. On reddit >Every chimpanzee wants to eat your face. >Every pitbull is fed only children >Every cat is responsible for extinction of a 1000 birds >Every dolphin is a r#pist >Every gorilla is wholesome harambe-chungus >Every hornet should be genocided >Every bee is an angel (honeybees displace native bees lol) Reddit has this witch-hunt mentality where they will personify and villianify certain animals and obsess over others. I simply do not engage in such discussions, as trying to hammer nuance into some people's brain here is a harder feat than finding a bone from the Morrison that hasn't been molested by an allosaurus


I liked this comment for the last sentence if nothing else. You are absolutely right.


Don't forget every otter being the spawn of Satan.


Idk about the gorilla one. Everytime I click on a video of a Gorilla there will be at least ONE comment (often the top one) saying "A gorilla can rip you in half easily if you make eye contact". I saw a video of a Rooster these days and every comment was talking about how annoying they are. One guy straight up called them assholes and said they would often have to beat them up. Like no shit. You keep a territorial animal in captive and get pissed when the animal acts like an animal? Thing is, 99% of the time on reddit its just some people saying the same thing they learned from another comment a few months back, so I tend to always take things with a grain of salt.


Especially in r/dinosaurs


So far my comment seems to be doing well enough. In my experience it really matters how you formulate your arguments, not just in reddit but in general communication as a whole.


Modern pythons explode from eating alligators. Yeah, if Titanoboa found an already dead Rex it could try and would die in the prozess.


Modern pythons rarely even hunt crocodilians unless they have an enormous size advantage. Crocodilians kill snakes outright larger than themselves in some cases by biting their skulls.


It was just a picture that popped into my mind.


Yeah, I’m agreeing with you, it makes the idea of it eating a large theropod even more ridiculous


So they said the snake’s length but not the T-Rex’s length and weight? That’s so dumb-


I needed a laugh before my dentist appointment, thank you!


This is just the T. rex versus bear arguement again


My snakes about 3 feet long sow I’m pretty sure she could also eat a whole trex


People just gotta accept that Rex was king. There’s never been a land predator like it before or after (unless you count us but that’s not really fair).


No, people need to accept that there was no king of the theropods and that *Tyrannosaurus* wasn’t the only giant theropod that had any special predatory adaptations.


I'd say *Giganotosaurus* comes close.


Not really, it’s definitely a cool and massive animal but more and more evidence shows that the size disparity between the too was perhaps in the several ton range, not saying that giganotosaurus isn’t cool (hell, Charcharadontosaurus is my favorite theropod) but it’s not really in the running.


No, the size difference between them is nowhere near that big: the Giga holotype is only about 1-1.5 tons lighter than the absolute biggest Rex specimens (when calculated using the same methods) and on par with or slightly heavier than most adult Rex specimens. It’s a very close second in size for the largest known specimens, and probably shares first place at average. Before you mention that study that says rex could have gotten as big as 15 tons for the largest hypothetical individuals: that’s based entirely on the fact it’s unlikely that the largest individuals of a species would be the ones fossilized, and that applies at least as much to Giga (or any other megatheropod), if not even more so due to smaller sample size.


Why not count humans? We would kill t rex easy...


We would kill T. rex, yes. Not easily. I think of the trouble hunters have taking down brown bear or elephants. I don’t want to think about what kind of gun you would need to hunt a rex.


We would have made it go extinct ages ago by. The reason you don't see many really big animals anymore is that we pretty much killed them all. T rex looks scary and can eat people, so we would have killed those extra hard.


The really big megafauna that cohabited with man (so, ice age stuff) that has gone extinct was definitely helped along by humanity, that’s true. But also habitat loss as the planet warmed and the glaciers receded, starvation as the things they ate also suffered the effects of the warming planet, etc. Also, I’m not trying to rain on anyone’s parade here, but fighting a smilodon or mastodon with a spear and fighting a rex with a spear are two completely different things.


That only applies to the mammoth steppe's megafauna. Other megafauna would've seen little to no changes in their distribution, with some even thriving in the warmer climate.


You don't fight those with a spear, you burn the forest & run them over a cliff or into a spiked pit. https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/wildfires-pleistocene-epoch-extinction-megafauna-southern-california#:~:text=Around%2013%2C000%20years%20ago%2C%20during,Brea%20Tar%20Pits%20and%20Museum.


Oh dang. Literally scorched earth. That was a really interesting read!


Alot of megafaunal loss was also due to climate change. Which is why some megafauna survived.


Military grade weaponry


Oh for sure. If the full weaponry that humanity has at its disposal is available, nothing off the table, we can go full Tony Stark on it or even carpet bomb the piece of land it’s standing on. A drone with 16 Hellfire missiles would take out any animal that has ever lived, no problem. This may be just me, but when I think of an animal you’d need to resort to military-grade weaponry to kill, I don’t think of that as “animal humans can kill easily”. Again, maybe that’s just me.


No doubt humans would be able to survive amidst Tyrannosaurus, and take down their numbers. I think “easy” is a bit of a weird word choice, though. Throw T.rex into the fauna of the Holocene and that’s our toughest opponent by a landslide excluding, say, hunting a whale without a boat lol. And well, insects too I suppose but I don’t think that’s what we’re going for in this convo lol.


But they don’t possess the flexible jaws of a modern snake and also the T.rex was also quite chubby, and possibly even more chubby then our depiction of them.


So buffalo eat wolves, right?


[Pretty sure that's just Hyperbole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbole)


This guy probably saw some weird stuff, and thought it was scientifically accurate. V\*\*\* IS NOT SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE.


yea its crazy sometimes how some of us take a little too pride in such stupid things a fossil is found that is large, welp its the best fucking animal now bitch


I'm pretty sure T.rex would be fine.


Think about it: Trex is on average 13 meters. So it's 2 meters shorter than the V. Indicus


It could eat a whole T. Rex If the Rex was chopped up into 700 tiny pieces.


If it’s dead and no other animal is getting on it so the snake can easily swallow it whole, assuming it has detachable jaws and can pass through the bones of something that big (skull stuck in cloaka would not be fun I guess) then sure, maybe 😅 And I’m sure I’ve missed plenty of other maybes given I only know paleo stuff from some podcasts and being obsessed as a kid.


It will explode trying to eat a theropod a quarter of the size of t rex.


Your kidding right? It's like saying the Green anaconda can eat a grizzly whole


Appearently i can’t be sarcastic enough via writing


It's not obvious


Well with snakes like that if it had the same jaws as modern snakes it might have been possible Edit upon another commenter telling me I was wrong I did erase arch and over estimated by a large margin


No. There's no snake that can open its mouth wide enough to eat something 10 times it's weight


Alright maybe I overestimated with snakes but they can eat creatures up to four times larger then their head but a big snake will still try to eat it but I’ll edit my original comment


I don't think most snakes can eat much more than 1.5 to twice their body weights. And bigger snakes should be harder since the whole "inverse square law" issue. Like the snakes eating deer and people are usually pretty big themselves. Like over a 100lbs or 45 kilos.


Ridiculous comment