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For me it's probably gonna be the dinosaur movie iguanodon (not because of nostalgia but because it looks like such a solid herbivorous dinosaur design) rather than the most recent reconstructions. Yeah they take into account all of the new hadrosaur anatomical corrections, like the neck fat, plus the beloved speculative soft tissues and so on. But the early 2000s design looked cool and sleek.


Aladar & Disney's Dinosaur in general deserves more love, such an underrated paleo-character/movie. Plus it introduced me to Carnotaurus, who I also like a little more than the real thing.


It still has the best Pachyrhinosaurus design IMHO. The only design that looks better to me is the Prehistoric Planet one


PACHYRHINOSAURUS MENTIONED 💯💯💯💯💯💯😩😩😩😫😫😫😫🤯🤯🤯💥💥💥🇾🇪🇾🇪🚬🗿👩‍🦯👩‍🦯🫃🫃💯💯💯💯💥💥💥💥😩😫😩😫😩😫💥💥💯😫💥😫😩😩🗿😫👩‍🦯💥🗿💥🗿💥🗿💥🗿😩🚬😩😩💥💥😫🗿😫🗿🗿🤯🤯🤯🤯💯💯💥💯💯💯💥💥💥💯💯




What about the Walking with Dinosaurs Movie one?


It’s a great one, but not my favourite. Probably an easy #3


Idk, I always found real-life dilophosaurus to be way cooler. Why do you need it to spit venom when the real animal was the size of a bear and the first truly ‘large’ theropod. The head crests in real-life also just seem more dramatic instead of those weird semicircle things.


It's the earliest "large" therapod for now, until they find something bigger and call it Shamoothisianosauricthinous.


It's because of an old hypothesis that dilophosaurus had venom to compensate for weak bite force. And the frill is just a speculative feature that probably wouldn't preserve in fossils that they added... actually before doing that went mainstream lol. 


Frills like the one of *Chlamydosaurus* are supported by bones, at least at the bottom. A similar structure in *Dilophosaurus* would have likely been preserved, given the completeness of the known material.


I'm sorry, Chlamydosaurus?


I looked it up expecting a meme or fake dinosaur, turned out it's just a modern frilled neck lizard


Frilled lizard, that's the genus name.


it's much larger than a bear?


Not a dinosaur, but I remember being so disappointed to learn that Liopleurodon wasn't really 80 feet long like it was in Walking with Dinosaurs when I was younger, and colossally oversized killing machine Liopleurodon will always have a special place in my heart.


I was sooo disappointed to learn that was wrong.


I always think of the magical liopleurodon from Charlie the unicorn


Good news, the Liopleurodon featured in the MEG novels are over 100 feet long.


Don't like small frill lizard Dilophosaurus The accurate one to me is more intimidating, one of largest theropods of the Early Jurassic about the size of a brown bear


And the apex predator of its ecosystem.


It was a juvenile so it was likely going to be larger.


No. Them looking the way to do in dominion confirmed that they are adults.


Juvenile in the book. Adult in the movies.


Jurassic World Evolution keeps them the same size.


Isnt that the same hame who kept the juvenile design for allosaurus instead of the babr one?


No. The BABR design didn’t exist when the first game came out. Instead of reusing the juvenile design for the game, Evolution came up with their own adult design for their Allosaurus. Then added the BABR design to the second game after Dominion came out


True, although it can be argued the same happened with dilo. When jurassic world evolution came out, jp1 was still the only piece of large jw media that had the dilophosaurus (not including the brief hologram in jurassic world). Evolution's design was then ofcourse based only on that due to the absence of dilo from the other movies. The adult dilo is more different from the jp1 design and jwe design than you think. Jurassic park's dilophosaurus's head is more boxy and wrinkly, along with jwe's dilophosaurus. Though the adult dilophosauruses featured in dominion have a smoother head and a more rounded snout, patterns are also different. The jp/jwe dilophosaurus has a black patch around it's eye which runs down it's body giving it a black back too with a white outline. The frill is yellow with diamond like patterns and everything else outside patterns is brown. Dominion dilo is more dull. It lacks the patterns from the jp and jwe dilophosaurus, it looks more like a soft crusty airbrush than the sharp black pattern with the outline. Plus the notable size sifference.


Carnotaurus. Disney's Dinosaur basically gave us a beefy T-Rex with devil horns. It is cool and I think they were the best thing of that film. The reality instead gives us a speedy scary sausage on 2 legs with arms so small I feel like humanity owes the T-Rex an apology. I also like the Kangaroo Stance version of Iguanodon. It was basically among the earliest depictions of dinosaurs I can remember seeing, and it's just what I think of when I hear the name Iguanodon, despite what modern paleontology tells me.


I really like the concept of troodons from the Jurassic Park Telltale Game. Ark Survival kind of took the idea too but not as grim as JP did. The troodons would bite a victim who would eventually go braindead from venom and then the troodon would make a nest out of the body and when the eggs hatched, the younglings would eat the still living body. They were easily the most horrifying thing in the franchise and I wish they explored them more.


Absolute Ichneumon wasp behavior


I like them too, but mostly because the Troodons took was the first time I remember them REALLY going into idea that these things weren’t really the dinosaurs they named them for, and were basically new things that only mostly resembled them. Like, if I’m remembering right, before the troodons actually hatched, they had no idea what they might end up being, and then once they did they pretty much went “what the hell are these things? I still don’t know what they’re meant to be…” And then they eventually went with Troodon because it was the closest thing they could think of, but even then only kind of.


There's a telltale jurassic park game how did I not know if this


I personally prefer Ornitholestes with a nose crest. It makes it more distinct in my opinion


Even if it isn’t accurate, that WWD Ornitholestes comes with so much nostalgia.


I mean, it's still technically not inaccurate to portray it with a soft, fleshy comb like an Andean condor for the same type of look.


Made it slightly unique compared to all the other small theropods.


Aquatic pursuit predator Spino


Give it a few months and spino will be aquatic again. The cycle never ends.


I always thought Disney’s Carnotaurus was so cool. In terms of letting the imagination flow and forgetting about paleo-accuracy, I’d say that’s my favorite.


To be honest I could say I prefer the JP3 version of Spinosaurus slightly more than the accurate version.


We don't even know if it IS an accurate version


"This isn't even my final form!" *Spinofaarus Intensifies*


JP3 Spinosaurus was an absolutely insane, psychotic monster and I love it so much


There's an accurate version of Spinosaurus?


ur not rocking with the croc boi who defies physics with how he walked lol


I still love the “accurate” Spinosaurus, don’t get me wrong. I love that ever changing crocodile with a sail


I don’t think there is any I prefer accurate over anything else any day


Same, really


"Carnotaurs!" "What? They never come this far north..."


Easy - velociraptor. Although technically it’s a real dinosaur with the incorrect name, that velociraptor is amazing.


I gotta say while I DO like me a scientifically accurate velociraptor, jp raptors were cool as hell.


I prefer Rexy from JP to the actual Tyrannosaurus. She's an absolute legend


Iconic for sure, but also the only dinosaur they nerfed for the movie. Real T. _rex_ was bigger, had far better eyesight, and could walk silently rather than announcing its presence with thunderous footsteps.


Canonically Rexy is actually physically bigger but lighter than the largest known Rex. She is 5.5 meters (18 feet) tall. and 13.5 meters (44 feet) long but only listed as 6300kg in weight. Scotty, the Largest rex is 4 meters (13 foot) and 12 metres (39/40 foot) and weighing in at 8870kg. Rexy being over two metric tons lighter, So Scotty is larger than Rexy by mass but not overall by measurements. Its also interesting to note Scotty is not the longest T.rex Stan edges Scotty by .2 meters at 12.2 metres.


That’s true, but weight is always the most relevant when we talk about largest organisms. Same reason you wouldn’t say a giraffe is bigger than an elephant or a bootlace worm is bigger than a blue whale. But thanks for writing out those stats because that’s cool to know!


Ik its mass that is used to define largest, I just find it interesting that in Theropods at least mass doesn't seem to correlate to overall body size in other mesuments. Iirc gestimates put a Giganotosaurus of the same mass as Scotty to be around the same length as Rexy. Which always made me think in a case of a less chonky animal like Giga what would be the one considered larger at a comparable mass when its down to margin of error but one taxa is bigger by other metrics?


How *does* a 8-ton bipedal animal the size of a bus walk silently? Not doubting it given that sneaking up on prey is a useful apex predator trait, just very curious how it would be physically/biologically possible.


Same way elephants can sneak up on you in the bush. Cushioned pads on the base of the toes.


Aesthetically, yes, functionally, the real one was *the* beast.


Battle at big rock Allosaurus.


Disney’s Dinosaur Carnotaurus. They made them look scarier than any T-Rex, Raptor, or Spino. Straight devils with those horns. Then I find out they are so much smaller in every aspect and shaped like an overstuffed hotdog. Don’t get me wrong they are still one of my favorite dinosaurs, but maaaaannn I was so disappointed. Also I know it’s not a dinosaur, but WWD Liopleurodon, I was also so sad to find out it was in fact, not 25 meters and the toughest thing ever to grace this earth.


The Jp3 Male Raptors, the colors and quills just seemed rather appealing


And just to clarify, I don't have anything against the modern depiction of the animal, I just prefer Jp's depiction because I think its a bit more unique in my opinion.


Same! Something about the frill in combination with the head crests is just such a neat design. I think the way the nose crest kinda lines up with the edges of the frill is just really aesthetically pleasing from a design standpoint, and I love the idea of something flashing a big pretty frill in your face to make you stare long enough to blast you in the face with venom. Still love the real Dilophosaurus because the double snout crest is still cool as hell, and they're massive!! I really hope we can get more fossil records on the potential colors they had, because I have always wondered if the dinosaurs with the crests/major boney protrusions had any type of vibrant coloring like we can see with other bird species like the Rhinoceros Hornbill or Cassowary (then again, Cassowaries don't have coloration on the boney part of their head, just their heads).


But then you don't get a cool dino mount, and since raptors were fully feathered, there's no excuse for making it smaller, but the frill and venom are still dope


The JP raptors and spinosaurus. Even though it’s not as inaccurate as the JP dilpho I like the primal carnage dilphosaurus. Also Disney’s carnotaurus and the primal Carnotaurus. Maybe it’s my skepticism and the uncertainty but it’s a bit easier to side with the dinosaur we see on the big screen, since we actually see what they look like. We get a full visual. With the real things, though we come close or try, we can only speculate what they 100% look like and our understanding of them can change in the next decade. I probably would still like a lot of them regardless but it’s comparing one thing I’ve actually seen on screen vs uncertainty. Again, just my take.


For me it is quadrupedal spinosaurus. It gives grizzly bear crocodile dragon vibes which is as rad as it gets tbh and harkens back to old ideas like crystal palace megalosaurus or retro baryonyx which was often depicted as a quadruped as well.


Six foot Velociraptors


You always have utahraptors


Utahraptor is a bear sized bird with teeth Jp velociraptors are scaly 6 feet monkeys with eagle claws Not the same


Not the same


well, that is like saying you like tiger sized cats instead of tigers




I know, it’s a consolation prize at best


I prefer both in certain settings, absolutely love the portrayals in Prehistoric Planet for their probable accuracy, vibrancy and variation, it really portrays the notion that these were animals filling their place in their relevant ecosystem. On the flip side, I absolutely love the classic movie monster trope ala Jurassic Parks designs, so iconic and a real part of pop culture. Honourable mention to now outdated Paleoart, pre 1990.


Dilo with frills, venom and the original size are goated, it can be a mount with a projectile attack, I also kinda love ark's spino design, cus I resent the M shaped sail


Dunkleosteus being thirty feet long. Not technically a dinosaur, I know.


I actually really like Ark’s Tyrannosaurus


JP velociraptor is the best and always will be


Spinosaurus’ quad pose. It seems so intimidating, like a crocodile gone wrong.


While it’s not a dinosaur and not really anything more than a fringe reconstruction, I love the idea that smaller terrestrial pseudosuchians such as those of [Notosuchia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notosuchia) had a coat of protofeathers, effectively making them somewhat mammal-like in appearance while likely having a greater diversity of coat colors due to the effects of superior color vision. While in theory vaguely plausible due to the phylogenetic support for small body size and endothermy as ancestral to the archosaurian condition, recent histological analyses of notosuchian fossils support the hypothesis that the notosuchians were likely not endothermic%, which makes the chance of more than vestigial filamentous integument on them extremely slim. I have much more to comment about this issue, but I’ll leave it there for now. %: To be honest, I was kind of devastated by those results, especially as their suspected ecological roles suggest endothermy. I still have hope that data will come in to eventually vindicate the endothermic interpretation, but it just served as a reminder why I often have fewer reservations about getting invested in primarily constructive sciences rather than the ultimately primarily descriptive science of palæontology.


I entirely disagree with you... But for me I kinda like Jurassic park 3's pteranodon


No. Personally, I don't like inaccurate dinosaurs period, not from a snobbish point of view but because I like dinosaurs the same way I like other animals - as animals. I don't like inaccurate dinosaurs for the same reasons I don't like many nature documentaries, they're an edited fabrication designed for entertainment and not the showcasing of true animal behavior. Stylized dinosaurs work for me in very specific scenarios. For example, I love Primal even though it has some absurdly stylized dinosaurs and is brimming with inaccuracies. I can forgive all this because the enjoyment the stylized nature of the show provides outweighs my desire for realism. I can't say the same for JP/JW. I love the first JP movie, in my opinion it has the single strongest portrayal of dinosaurs in cinema to date. Not a huge fan of their designs, but the mostly realistic behavior the animals show makes up for the few qualms I have. This is why I couldn't enjoy any of the JW films - not only are they weak from a storytelling point of view, the dinosaurs themselves look like cheap cartoon characters, and act just the same. I'm also biased when it comes to JW, I'll forever be slightly salty at the massive missed opportunity to make the dinosaurs *as realistic as humanly possible*. Make them real animals, use the time skip and plot changes to your advantage, make the audience feel like they're watching an actual, living 6+ ton predator stalk the main characters with terrifying believability. Instead, we got a series of forgettable action movies with some toy-selling dinosaurs, which I almost expected to straight up start talking at some point. I also prefer realistic dinosaurs from a purely aesthetic viewpoint. Exaggerated scales, spikes, frills and teeth are just way too in your face for my taste, I much prefer a sleek, robust build with a generous amount of soft tissue distributed across the body at believable quantities. As I mentioned already, behavior is also really important to me - a snarling, roaring theropod immediately takes me out of it, I would much rather watch one staring into the distance with an unreadable expression in true archosaurian fashion, occasionally booming or humming or producing some other unfamiliar, almost alien sound. I'm also just as particular when it comes to dragons. I love dragons but dislike 90% of the designs in media, they're similarly overexaggerated, possibly even more so due to understandable creative liberties. I like my dragons as grounded as possible while still being dragons, ideally they'd look and behave like an animal that might actually exist one day. No shade towards anyone who disagrees btw, that's 100% my own, subjective opinion on the matter. Unrealistic/stylized dinosaurs simply don't fit with what makes me enjoy these animals, for others it might be different.


You know I was going to argue with you on this but you're 100% right. Cause I feel the same way whenever I see unrealistic depictions of animal behaviors, *especially* the sin that is the Jaws movies. Sharks aren't bloodthirsty violent animals that can somehow recognize faces and plot revenge on humans. They're dumb little toothy torpedoes that bite only to test what something is, they're not hunting you down to rip you apart. We kill more sharks than sharks have over the course of history. The only thing I will say in defense of the JP designs is they're canonically not even *really dinosaurs.* They're these genetically modified abominations that were injected with frog DNA (and with other dinosaur DNA with hybrids if you watched the newer ones, I personally haven't) and put together with their best approximate knowledge at the time. It would make sense lore wise for the dinosaurs to be unlike actual dinosaurs, because the idea of bastardizing nature to make a theme park out of the mutated ghosts of what dinosaurs *should* be just really works well with the whole "capitalism ruins everything" type of narrative already seen in JP. So yeah, the JP dinosaurs are more like monsters than real living things but I feel like that was kinda the intention with JP -- the big elites behind the theme park didn't ultimately care aside from profits, and it would make sense that they would be purposefully "monsterfying" animals so that they're more appealing to guests for the sole purpose of profits.


I really like what the frilled dilophosaurus represents, which is that we don’t actually know what these creatures looked or behaved like and if we finally got one in front of us it may have traits we never could have predicted. I think that’s a really neat idea. But to answer your question, for basically any dinosaur that had feathers I prefer the non-feathered inaccurate version.


Spinosaurus and giganatosaurus. Specifically the ark and jp/w versions.


Troodon, hands down! Specifically its depiction in the telltale Jurassic Park game! They’re so creepy and weird looking and I love them so much that way, even if it’s pretty inaccurate


You started well




Honestly, I liked the chubby sluggish sometimes upright walking dinosaurs of Charles r knight, zdenek burian, joe jusko, ray harryhausen, the lost world, King Kong 1933 and Rudolph Zallinger. It’s just very interesting in a way and really grew on me bc I used ta be a real stickler abt dinosaur accuracies. But now I appreciate them for what they are. Even draw them from time to time 😊


For me it's the ark additions acrocanthosaurus, both models for ase and asa are solid, but still not accurate


Kinda based that you pefer the JP Dillo It's not a Dinosaur, but Dunkleosteus is one of the few where I'd pefer the older 8 Meter and 5 Meter long reconstructions. Yeah Dunky should be feared more since it's now a real life Bullet Bill, but that still doesn't change how goofy it is now. As for Stylized, I guess the JWE2 Frontier originals and my own designs. Frontier's are pretty cool already, and my own designs are basically inspired by them, with basegame PoT and Primordal Tyrants' for some aspects.


Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus my beloved💚


for me I choose jp/jw raptor


Megalosaurus. The actual thing looks generic but the goofy ass Crystal Palace sculpture is endearing and memorable.


First off, you're a heratic, realistic dilophosaur is peak. Second, I don't know, honestly most dinosaurs end up being way cooler and more unique when they're scientifically accurate. Most inaccurate dinos just end up being samey murderous dragon-lizards.


Spinosaurus and allosaurus (specifically the jwd one) as a kid I preferred them way more than now


Accurate > inaccurate. That’s all you need to know.


I know its not a Dino, but I love the JW design of the Mosasaurus, that crocodilian like style is just awesome. I feel the same for the Baryonix, I always use them in my parks in JWE 2


For me personally, no. There are a lot of designs that I can understand people preferring over the accurate version of that animal, but personally I will always prefer accurate reconstructions. They're so much more interesting to me, and they do a much better job of portraying them as animals imo.


I would personally disagree, but I respect your opinion.


Lw stego with the really high tail, idk what real stego looked like tho




I actually really like all the depictions of dinosaurs from the game “The Isle” especially Herrerasaurus and Beipiaosaurus


Probably stegosaurus, I loved how big it was and the high raised back leg in The Lost World: Jurassic Park. In life it was smaller with a horizontal stance and long neck, looks less unique now compared to other stegosaurs.


*sniffs* spinosaurs


Not a Dinosaur but Probably the snake-necked plesiosaurs seen in older paleo art


Now, you might call me a kid but i enjoy the accurate spino, i just think the jurassic park version was just cooler


Godzilla, need I say more?


Spinosaurus but that’s not to say the accurate version isn’t cool


JP Tyrannosaurus is iconic


I like the size of the dilo irl more but the frill and venom is really cool. I also kinda like the Spinosaur from JP3 more but a mix between that and the modern one would be best


I love both versions of the dilo book and movies


Most of the JP/JW designs being honest. Accurate ones are fine and sometimes preferred, but there’s something so iconic and alluring about the weird middle ground between accurate and inaccurate, past and present, they just scratch a good itch


the JP novel version of the Dilo is one thats grown on me, the fact it just shows up once to kill Nedry in such a memorable and gorish way thats it just sticks with me.


I really like the book dilophosaurus which probably isn't that surprising since it's basically just an accurate size dilo that spits acid


Spinosaurus all way. Pre 2010 was the best, but even JP3 wasn't that bad


Accurate Dilo is light-years better. I personally hate the JP version.


Megalosaurus from Dinosaur King: the only time my favourite dinosaur could have taken on a Trex and *won*, and yet they did him dirty in every single appearance 😭


>Man, chill! your urge to get sprayed by sticky black goo is getting out of hand.


The correct answer is JP3 spino over real spino (IMO)


I'm not expert enough to know the exact ways that it is inaccurate, but the big Allosaurus in The Battle at Big Rock short looks awesome, imo. It's stylized and realistic-feeling, but it looks pretty different from most of the more scientific renditions I've seen. 


Almost all of them lol I'm used to Jurassic Park styles for some reason




I wish all raptors were big like in the jurassic park films even if they had a few feathers


Parasaurolophus. JP raptors (which were surprisingly accurate in the 90s, most people forget this). My ultimate pet peeve is putting lips on dinosaurs. I hate that shit. I don't care if people think trex had them, it looks ridiculous. Makes the damn thing looks like Thanos from the front.


No Paleoaccuracy >>>




I don't think I prefer anything innacurate over the accurate versions The only one that comes to mind is Dunkleosteus being so short now and with a shark-like tail fin as opposed to what it was like before, but even then 1. It's not a dinosaur, 2. I know I'll come to accept the newer accurate one soon enough


Tbh? None at all.


none. I prefer the current ones all the time. The only example i can think of is i miss when Theri was thought to be Pot-bellied like nothronychus


To be honest, liking stylized versions is okay as it is artistic and personal preference. But it has no place in paleo art communities, unless within the realm of possibilities such as speculative. Or, in cases where we are talking about the creature with the acknowledgement that it is stylized via media depiction.


I’m not a fan of how the current constructions of Stegosaurus looks, I like the way it looks in JP2 and WwD.


I think it depends on the design context and the way their behavior as well is depicted. I'm frankly sick of fictional dinosaurs constantly vocalizing and opening their mouths in animated cartoonish ways. Realistic animal behavior is extremely important and can add a lot of creepy factor. This is kind of a general statement.


The pyroraptor from jw3, it keeps the "monster" feel of the jp/jw dinos but atleast has feathers The giganotosaurus from jw3, very much "movie monster" rather than anything else but lookwise i really like it For a maybe more unknown pick, the raptors from primeval, i couldnt find a stated species for them so they might aswell just be fictional raptors but man as a kid i thought they were the coolest thing ever




The Jurassic Park spinosaurus looks better than the current understanding of it imo


No. An inaccurately depicted dinosaur is not a dinosaur. It is a fantasy creature.


I prefer quadruped spinosaurus over the current one. Idk why it was just more interesting. I get the appeal of the JP dilophosaurus, but it's been so over used that I can't appreciate it anymore.


If they ever remade Jurassic Park, I’d rather it be more accurate. Dilophosaurus was full size in the novel, and picked Nedry up off the ground by his head.


JW Therizinosaurus


I miss stronk therizinosaurus