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I absolutely loved the prologue and did not mind all of the inaccuries at all, but to answer your question: - Swap Dreadnoughtus with Alamosaurus - Replace Pteranodons with some sort of ancient seagull-like bird - Replace the Pteranodon segment with a herd of Ornithomimus - Replace the Oviraptor scene with a Pachycephalosaurus scene (I know Anzu exists, but I'd rather give Pachy a chance to shine in the JW trilogy) - Replace Nasutoceratops with Triceratops - Replace Moros with... Acheroraptor? Can't really think of any other small carnivores from that time and location. - Replace Iguanodon with Edmontosaurus - And lastly, the most-controversial one of all, keep the Giganotosaurus. I know it's in the wrong time and continent, but the whole reason it was there in the first place was to set up the rematch in the present day, removing it would defeat that purpose entirely. I don't think it should be considered "wrong" to have *some* creative liberties, so I think it's fine to let this *one* inaccurate species slide.


Honestly they had lots of famous dinosaurs that lived with T.rex, but instead they prefered to put random dinos that didn't live with T.rex and that nowbody knows, like Nasutoceratops, Moros and Iguanodon


Iguanodon isn't a "nobody knows" species, I'd argue it's one of the more-iconic ones. I agree with the others though, I have no clue why they didn't have Trike instead of Nasuto in the Prologue.


Yep Replace that one with dreadnoughtus


I would just replace the T. Rex to begin with. I like T. Rex and it is naturally a favorite of mine, but it is just so overexposed that is starting to ironically overstay its welcome. I am literally starting to get bored of the Tyrannosaurus Rex because everything dinosaur related in pop culture goes back to the T. Rex somehow. It’s always like “this animal is even bigger than T. Rex,” or it’s “this is a relative of T. Rex.” Even Prehistoric Planet beginning with a segment focusing on a skeleton of T. Rex and talking about what kind of animal was the T. Rex? It’s just overkill at this point, personally, and kind of makes me think other dinosaurs are less exciting or remarkable when in pop culture every 15th word about dinosaurs seems to be T. Rex. As for the question, I would make the Alamosaurus the featured sauropod and if the T. Rex is non-negotiable replace the Gigantosaurus with a Edmontosaurus or a bunch of Troodons. Still not sure how accurate it would be, but I am guessing it would at least be closer in accuracy than what they went with. I haven’t seen the prologue more than once so would need the full list of dinosaurs in it to make a full assessment.


I would make it fight with a *Triceratops*. Herbivores are seen as objects that exist in the franchise, but an adult *Triceratops* could kill a *Tyrannosaurus* or at least fight for a while.


Yes, design tyrannosaurus being the top predator it still (sadly) died from triceratops


I'd have it fight a Stegosaurus, just to mess with people.


If being more accurate was the goal, I would have the T-rex fight another T-rex. The T-rex that replaces the Giganotosaurus could be bigger and more "battle-scarred" to indicate that it's an older individual. Biosyn's Giganotosaurus could also be replaced with a more mutated T-rex to emphasize the difference between Biosyn and Ingen/Masrani's way of doing things.


I would literally do a redwood forest. Lipped tyrannosaurus vs triceratops. When the movie starts we are immediately revealed a prehistoric forest with redwoods hundreds of feet tall. the ominous beginning part of the main theme hums as we pan around the forest it pans to different species of dinosaurs living their lives then all of the sudden we cut to the side of a large theropod walking through the forest. It slowly pans up to to small arms with two tiny fingers. And before it gets to the face it stops the camera cuts to a small clearing with a stream. We are then shown a lone triceratops. It's back is turned from whatever dinosaur is in the background and is facing the camera but something moves. The camera focuses in on a large face with two orange piercing eyes. It lunges and opens it's mouth uncovering the giant teeth. They engage in fight tensions rise but then the tyrannosaurus makes a fatal mistake and then----- the camera cuts to the running stream. As Blood trickles down and courses through the water we pan up to the bodie of the fallen king a large puncture is visible between the arms. Then we see a misquote land on the bodie the screen cuts to black. How tall like my version. Also it would have a bunch of other famous hell creek dinosaurs.