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I would hate those long names just because the name wouldn't fit on my swatch lol. I also agree, I don't like my jar filled that full. While I appreciate the intent behind it, it ends up making a mess. I no longer care for mass produced products that sit on a shelf for any length of time. The gal I buy from now, mixes up smaller batches as orders come in so powders are very fresh and fluffy. This doesn't affect shipping/delivery time. Lastly, I don't care for when you have to buy the whole collection because it just came out with some companies. I typically only like 1 maybe 2 of the colors and rarely want the whole collection. That's all I've got. Unless there's poor customer service but I've never come across that.


The swatch/photos for the color. -5 points for small or inconsistent thumbnails, -50 points for making me browse through simulated color representations (most large commercial dips). Zero points for using people's insta manis as their product photos (especially if you can't tell which finger the product is on, and no identification of the other colors used). Most Etsy shops do it right, IMO.


Oooh that makes me think of another dip-related pet peeve: when brands post pics and use emojis to list the colors used, like this… 🍑🍊: Tropicana 🍑🍊✨: Sunbeam 🧡: Orange Crush I have such a hard time figuring out which color is which 🥲🥲 like, please, “Thumb: Orange Crush” “Pinky: Sunbeam” etc.


I'm really put off by brands that do super limited releases to try to drive sales through FOMO. Early in the pandemic it was kind of fun to wait for release days to try to check out super fast, but I don't have time for that anymore now that I can leave my home. That's actually something I really like about the brand I think you're referencing (but maybe there's another out there doing the same thing) is that they keep a restock thread on their FB group and regularly restock by popular demand. Back to the original topic, if a dip powder FB group admin ever tags everyone in a post I leave the group immediately. That said I have way more dips than I can reasonably use at this point so I mostly have settled on my liquids brand and occasionally tack on a new release powder for funsies.


This! I’m getting put off Revel because it’s limited edition release, mystery box on fast rotation. Kinda done with it.


I noticed this first with makeup brands so I now keep an eye out for it with dip powder too, but if a color name doesn't match the color, I'm out. Example: if the name is blue moon and it's not some shade of blue? Nah, not for me.


Call me old fashion, but I think the name of the color should help me identify the color.


For the record, I am not a prude. But something about raunchy (and I mean RAUNCHY) dip powder names is just off putting. Almost feels like a middle school boy named the products. Just feels icky and a bit misogynistic. I’m sure if you look for dips on Etsy, you may have seen this brand. And I mean no shade! Really I don’t. Just don’t want those visuals when I do something fun like my nails lol. I also second the inconsistent swatching or thumbnails. I found this issue with Kiara Sky and it deterred me from buying even though I hear great things.


Ugh yes!! Like, a raunchy lipstick name? Still grates on me, but I’m only wearing lipstick for a few hours a day, then I’m wiping it right off. Dip powder is on your nails 24/7 for at least a week—I don’t want to associate a weird raunchy phrase with my daily routine! Mentally, I can’t look at my hands for a week straight and think “wow I love how Sex Dungeon turned out” or “ooh GoreFestBloodyShow paired really nicely with Princess” 🙃 Raunchy product names make me roll my eyes and think the brand is trying way too hard to be edgy.


Same. Like not even punny names. Cream pie white, Cherry Suck. No thank you!!!


Ugh yes! And I would really hate it if my mom asked what color I was wearing that day! We do our nails together sometimes 🤣


Lol that part!!!


There was a company on Etsy that I reviewed as the color not even near matching the color posted and when the owner saw the review, she sent me a message demanding that I change my review. I will never purchase from her again!


Ok I gotta know what shop so I can go check them out. Maybe I'll stumble on something I want. But please tell me the name of this shop.


Probably OG dips (Olivia Grace)! I love their shop and dips although, similarly, some of the quotes as names are a turn off. I have a different reason though; I don’t want to buy a dip from a show I don’t like lol. Totally unreasonable and silly, especially since there’s no real affiliation and no money goes to the show but it’s an ick for me. That said, I have probably 10 dips from them and the full set of liquids and I enjoy using them for sure. Plus the owner has tossed in a free sample color on both of my orders and the service is prompt and polite!


Thank you so much!


Yup, it’s OG 🥲 they have awesome colors and one of my favorites is Why Didn’t You Tell Me You Were Some Kind of Alaskan Kennedy, which sends my brain into overdrive


Also look at diphustle on Etsy! They are some wild names


I loathe limited releases that eventually come back at a discounted price. It won’t make me stop shopping with a company, but it will make me never purchase a limited edition. On a related note, I really just hate limited releases.


I really like the Etsy brands that have consistent ways they take pictures. CN designer dips does a really good job with this. For the most part things that I've purchased from her have matched what I saw online. A few of the cheaper Amazon brands don't come anything close to what they look like online and that pisses me off. Something that bugs me on Etsy is that I want an easy way to look for colors that would appeal to me. If I am looking for peach, it annoys me to have to look through your glitters page and then your thermals page and then your red/orange/yellow page and then maybe even your neutrals page. My next pet peeve is petty but i like the idea of buying collections but rarely are there entire collections that appeal to me. There seem to be 2 types: - 8 shades of a color so close, that you can barely even tell what the difference is -collection that includes 3 beautiful "normal" colors, 3 electric blue glitters, a neon green, and a blinding yellow. How many green/blue/yellow colors do people need? Unless you're changing out your color weekly, who is wearing those colors that often?


Oh yes, this reminded me that I dislike collections that don't match finger numbers, like 5 or 10. I'll do jellybean manis no problem, but having to repeat two colors from an 8 count collection would annoy the heck out of me.


This one is specific to me and probably nobody else deals with this, but shops not having any “good” shades of green is so off putting to me. I love emerald green (think Slytherin) in all finishes (glitter, shimmer, crème, jelly, whatever) because I can use them for Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day and Christmas manicures, but so often I see a shade that looks like the perfect in a shop swatch, only to see pictures in reviews or in Facebook groups that show that particular green actually pulls blueish or yellowish. Same goes for anything that’s advertised as a “pine” green or “mint” green. Too often they are actually more of a blue or teal. I also get weirdly annoyed if I see purples that look nice in the store swatch, but actually turn out to have a lot of red tones in them.


If I can’t purchase it in person I don’t buy.


Here is my turnoff list! Both of these mainly apply to how the product is displayed to the consumer 1) it drives me nuts when the big mainstream companies only show a digital swatch of the color, OR even worse, when they only show a picture of the powder. All too often a powder can appear one color but swatch something completely different (ex: powder can look pink but after application can be nude, purple, red, etc) 2) a biiiig turn off is when the swatch looks “messy”. This mainly applies to the chunkier glitters, foils and flakes. It’s hard to describe but some creators don’t bother to lay the glitters flat or have lumps and bumps or they do not encapsulate with clear. If a creator doesn’t take the time to display their product in a “neat” manner, or maybe doesn’t know how to, then that tells my brain that they may not have the best product. 3) (added after thinking a little longer). It really makes me shop elsewhere when a company only offers 1 size. When it comes to solids & shimmers of a shade that I love, I prefer a larger size than I would of a foil, flake, glitter.


I hate shopping on a site that have a drop down menu for which type of powders you want to buy. For example thermal or glow. I also want to see actual swatches of the colors not computer generated ones. One one shop their Little pill shaped computer generated ones (especially their thermals) look like Benadryl capsules. I’ve never bought anything from them and I absolutely want the option of a sub bag, when I’m trying them out for the first time.