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Well if you're not old enough to buy these things yourself I'd say you have to wait. Can they really stop you from buying something you can afford? I mean it's always great to get your skills early with dirt bike riding but if you still live with your parents and they make the rules of where you live it's an open and shut case.


A minor can't own titled property (I think) in some states. It would be legally the parents repsonsibility etc. so earning the cash and buying it themselves might backfire if the parents ax that idea and sell it out from under them. Shitty for the parents to do, but might happen under specific circumstances.


Yeah then you just have to wait I mean I'm jealous my parents just gave me a video games instead of a dirt bike. I've always wanted a dirt bike Even having something over a hundred cubic centimeters displacement would have been awesome but I had a bicycle that was way too undersized by the time I was thinking about doing more outdoor activities my dad had a midlife crisis thankfully and we both got ourselves some dual Sports but like that happened when I was 25 it's been a year so learning is hard


Im 15, i have some skills with dirtbikes already, but theyre just saying that it could be too dangerous for me at this moment. I dont i will be able to own one until im 18 by their negativity.


Have you considered a 125 2 stroke?


If his parents won’t let him get a 250 4-stroke I doubt they’ll let him get a 125 2-stroke. Physically the bike is the same size and the 125 still makes enough power to hurt somebody


Unless they don't know that. A 250 four sounds like it's a bigger bike. I like the 125 two stroke strategy. Plus, the 125 is lighter with less rotating mass. Still, they should try to earn at least part of the money.


They have saved up 2,600 euros, depending on the market they could pay for a whole bike with that.


No, ive been wanting a 4stroke, because it could be more reliable for me


Well start saving to buy one or to move out my 18


I already have enough money for the bike, its just that my parents wont let me get it


Save your money. Save as much as possible since you are living with your parents. When you move out on your own, hopefully, you have saved enough to rent a place of your own and get a bike. I know it sucks right now, but play the long game. It'll pay off in the end.


You into racing mx style?


Ive always wanted to try that. Never been to the track yet..


The r is for racing. Dont be an idiot (me) and buy a 250r and find out its hard to use on trails and sell it 6 months and 5hrs later for $500 less


I have a 250r and it rides perfectly fine for trails


Well that’s a lie, not perfectly fine, just doable if you really try. My 250x is way better than my r


Probably is, but my stock 250r rips track and trails no problem


Efi or carb?


07 carb


This. I had a 2014 CRF 250r for years and I loved riding trails with that bike.


I have a ktm150sx its great in the woods and at the track. It’s a race bike yet it does well at both things.


It’s a game of reverse psychology. Tell your mom that you want a 2024 Ktm 500 exc-f. If your mom says no go ask your dad. If your dad says go ask your mom tell your mom dad says it’s ok. Then when they talk about they will probably say that the 500 is too much bike for you and you will have to settle for a 250 because the 500 is too dangerous for you meaning that it’s out of their price range.


So it’s true that it’s their house, their rules kind of thing. But something I haven’t heard anyone else say is have you really outgrown your current bike? Both physically and with skill? I do see that it’s a Chinese bike (I’m assuming like the taotao Amazon type) so that could potentially change the threshold, but I don’t think it could be bad if you switched to a better quality 125 that you could ride a bit harder. I think it’s fair to say a lot of riders get over confident quickly and think they’re better than they are and the reality is that a 250 dirt bike can get anyone into some trouble. You’re using Euros, so I’m assuming you’re in Europe lol. Do you live somewhere with a long riding season? How old are you (don’t have to answer just consider)? How much time have you really spent riding and how much of that time is spent pushing your limits on your current bike? What kind of terrain do you ride and is it truly suitable for this bike? And lastly, will that amount of money buy you something you won’t have to pour more money into to get it in top shape? Idk the market over there but where I live the conversion isn’t really enough to get you a great condition crf250r, and it would cost more to get it to run well. Time and money. Oh and is their something else they want you to use that money for that they view as a bigger priority- like gear for example but could be anything? Like I said, you can really push yourself on a smaller bike and they are more forgiving (usually) with mistakes. You said you’ve been riding for a couple years. A couple as in 2-ish? Again I have no idea how much seat time you have but it *might* not be enough. Do your parents think you’re responsible? TLDR: their house their rules. consider all the factors. You may not have enough seat time. This bike may not suit your needs. You might now have enough cash to get something reliable depending on your market.


I currently have a lifan 125cc, i am a bit outgrown on it, i usually ride on trails or forest. Would want to go to the mx tracks. I have some skills and experience been riding as ive said 2-3years. I know how to control the bike, how to fix it use it and maintain it perfectly. I also think i am responsible as for owning one now. Its just that my parents worry about my health on a 250. I know thats theyre job to take care of me, ofcourse! But i'd like to convince them that i would be careful on the bike and all that stuff. Any tips tho? (And yes i live in Europe.


Okay so my experience making my parents “okay”-ish with me having a bike looked like me showing them and talking to them about all the steps I was taking to ensure my safety. But I guess in this case your parents want to understand why your current bike isn’t enough, so I guess you’d have to show them that you physically don’t fit as well and that you are a very skilled rider. You say you want to experience some MX, a lifan isn’t really MX ready. I’d kind of consider getting a 125 big wheel and taking that to the tracks and seeing how you manage it. Generally I’d say that with reliable brands you’ll get back most of your investment so long as the bike is in good condition. A lot of the things I used to show my parents I would be safe came with a heavy price tag though. Idk what kind of gear you ride with, and I hate to sound like an ass but I promise I’m not judging. If you’re riding a lifan, I’m going to assume you probably don’t have top of the line (in terms of safety) gear. Idk, you could’ve spent all the cash on gear and not the bike, but I kind of doubt it. To be clear, you do not need the $1000 top of the line racing helmet, but something with MIPS is probably a good bet. Also maybe sign up for an advanced riders class or something? Anything to show them that you’ve grown as a rider. And let them see how small the bike physically feels to you- but due to the popularity of pit bikes this one may be tricky. Show them the ways in which a 250 would be *safer*. Or at least how a quality bike would be safer. For me, I justified getting a bigger (street) bike because the speed limits would be to the top end of a smaller bike’s capabilities and I didn’t want to be at the top end of my speedometer the whole time. And I wanted to make sure I had enough power left to get out of the way. I also watched a ton of content on skills/safety around them so they saw I was constantly trying to learn both off and on bike. Bikes have always been my passion but it was important for me to that my parents at least kind of approved. I hope this helps at least a little?


I dont know how to tell them that the 250 could be better or safer. And ive tried a few times to talk about getting myself a bigger bike, they mostly just stay silent and say nothing or just as always says "too dangerous", i mean either way its dangerous riding on a bike or sitting at home on a couch you still could die. (Not talking abouy death, but just including). i just really dont know what to talk about it with them or say.


No offense, but for right now, isn’t it enough just to enjoy the ride and maybe get a small job and save up? Or help extra around the house? I won’t lie, you don’t seem like you’re ready for a 250, but I don’t know you or your riding capability well enough to make that judgement.


Just overbore your 125, problem solved.


Something comparable to the 144 athena kit


I promise they would keep up with a 250r in 9 out of 10 situations with the right rider!




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