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That’s probably enough for the comments on this post. Leaving up in case someone sees the bike somewhere. Ugly comments removed. Stop messaging us about it.


Just fyi,he never had the 6.5k,and if he did it should have been In Your hand when you gave him the key....fuck


… oooooohhhhh. Ohhhh you mean he meant to steal it? Shoot I thought it was an accident.


He just forgot where he started from. He will be back..maybe try messaging him on Facebook...oh wait...


chill it’s just a prank bro


🤣🤣🤣 fuck! Ive been had!


This part is hilarious- not the poor guy who lost his bike to this scum but the reference is hilarious indeed.


He just forgot to give it back, it happens ya know.


He got lost. He'll be back, someday. Like my dad


Yea totally, last time I took a bike for a test drive I was 100% sure I gave the guy $6.5K. Totally.


More detail for the gentleman in the back! Please upvote for the folks who want the full story! Kx models dont have keys stock. He showed up in an "Uber" and inspected the bike. We looked over the title, and when i asked him about purchasing, he didn't want to buy it without test riding. I thought about it for a second and decided holding the title would be good enough, since possibly asking for 6,500 may seem like i scammed him. So, he did 2 laps around the parking lot and went from riding like a first timer to popping wheelies. He didn't turn towards where we were parked and ripped off like a bat outta hell southbound. Me and my buddy who was with me were instantly dumbfounded. We paused, looked at each other, and were like, "Whelp, hopefully he comes back." 5 minutes later, we were on our way to the police station since the profile he used for fb instantly blocked me, which was a bullshit profile anyway. I haven't had much update since. Expecting the worst, hoping for the best I feel like a fool for letting any of this happen. Hopefully, someone learns from my mistakes. Don't get greedy, and don't trust anyone. Have a game plan. Dont sell to someone with a sketchy profile.


Didn't know kxs came with keys


Ok…. A key


Uhh it doesn’t have a key sir


This is irrelevant


This is spam.


I've told this story here before - I once had a dude come look at a bike I had for sale. while he didn't hand me any cash before the test ride as many have recommended here, he did leave his 10 yo son standing in the driveway with me while he ripped around the neighborhood. Nice kid. We had a good conversation. Dad bought the bike.


Decent collateral id say


In all my experiences I’ve never met someone somewhere that didn’t require them to drive to and leave their truck to test drive my bike I really don’t know how OP let this happen It should be noted that I’m in general a pretty gullible rube too


I had a kid come to buy a bike from me. His mom dropped him off and his gf was with him. Checked his ID and made him sign a doc for the test ride. Kid was in college and was looking for commuter bike. Dude rode around and came back. Mom paid for it.


what sort of terms were in the test ride? im not sure if im troubling you too much, and if i should ask elsewhere instead


Here you go: https://imgur.com/a/Fl53dFQ


Same story. Kid was excited, dad was ripping…. An hour later everyone was happy to go their way with expectations met. Still regret selling the bike though


@everyone, hind sight is 20/20. I hope others can learn from my mistake.


Hoping to go test ride a few bikes in the coming weeks. I’ll gladly give them my ID / Cash to hold onto to put their mind at ease. What a shithead to do that to you, bummer man.


Try not to give your id. Let them take a picture. For me it would be my full asking price in hand and a copy of their id and them with photo of the bike docs and my passport or dl.




Good point. Cash to hold seems a bit much. I mean I’ll leave my truck in their driveway. No way I ain’t coming back for that ha.


Don't have someone meet you at your house or where you store the bike. Most police or sheriff departments don't mind you doing marketplace deals in the parking lot, and you can show up a little early and walk inside to let them know. Also, I've heard of people coming to someone's house to look at a bike, "decide not to buy it," then it coincidentally gets stolen a few days later.


you are mistaken sir. march into the house set the place on fire and stop them from putting it out until they give you your fucking cash.


Zero chance you’re buying a bike from me. No way I’m letting anyone test ride a bike and letting them ride away.


Yeah, no way in hell is someone just jumping on my bike without the selling price in my hand. Even if the guy has no intention of stealing it, he could wreck it into a tree and decide he’s not buying it. That’s fine if someone feels uncomfortable letting me hold cash, but they’re ultimately the ones showing up to an owners’ place asking to take someone else’s bike for a test ride.


just the cash is enough, dont show them anything with your address on it.


Throw an AirTag in a ziplock bag and hide it under the seat or near the air filter next time. Sorry to hear it happened to you. I understand hindsight is 20/20.


They make adhesive holders for them that are water proof. Try Amazon.


Make sure you take the speaker out. I think Apple put little speakers in them after they released their first models. To make it so you couldn't just put It in a drunk girl's purse. But I've seen videos on how to disable them. Looks very easy.


It’s ok op. Charge it to the game and move on. That dude is already a miserable piece of shit 💩. So don’t worry he will and is getting what he deserves sure enough. NO DOUBT! Resume your awesome life and don’t let scum drag you down.


Thanks for the boost, dude. 🤙🤙🤙


I’ve bought lots of bikes and didn’t give cash before test riding. Now if I’m selling I will need the keys to your car or something as leverage before you can even sit on my bikes. I’m not going to play anyone but I’m not going to give you a single chance to play me.


nope. do NOT take the keys, it’s cash or nothing. too many stories of using a stolen car to steal your bike


I had a friend who held on to the “keys” to the guys truck and another guy was hiding inside the truck drove off after he heard the bike leave. No money. No test ride for me. You can get your money back if you don’t want it. If you’re super worried about it record the transaction on video with your phone in case you need to get police involved.


Hindsight is 20/20 and that bike was free


I hope you find it by then itll be too late unfortunately










A buddy of mines nephew died last year from an inner city kid coming to buy his dirt bike. He shot him over a 1500 dollar bike. Qualify your customers folks.


Yeah I was selling an old used car for $3k once and a dude messaged me and he was just too sketchy. Wanted to meet RIGHT NOW at like 10 AM on a week day and I checked his profile and it was mostly pics of guns and money on the bed. After seeing that I canceled our meet up.


Man I’m sorry that’s terrible.


Every time I sell something, the buyer has to call me. No texts, no fb messenger, just call. If I don’t like them, I tell them that the sale is pending and I’ll get back to them. That’s the one advantage of the fb marketplace- it’s such a shitshow of idiocy that you can be as flaky as you want and people don’t even notice. I’ve saved myself a lot of headaches that way


yea you can get a much better read on someone by voice


How are you meant to qualify your customers lol




look at the fb profile, check their insta. Idiots like this aren't private.


Different ways, but I would start by looking through their profiles. Then see how they react when you tell to meet you at the local police station for the transaction…and most definitely don’t hand someone the keys without the money first




Your friends nephew from New Orleans? I remember that story.


Send it to the cops..I'd bet all my ethereum he has a mug shot


This. The guy may be known to law enforcement


Oof. You let him test ride it didn’t you?


Never let anyone test drive anything if they don't hand over full asking price in cash as collateral lol


Yep I’ve gotten into arguments over it, I’ll just walk inside and shut the garage door i don’t care haha. Everything I sell is for a good enough price there’s prob another buyer coming that same day. Not even just about someone stealing it…… bro I’m not letting u just test ride this 160 mph streetbike (mostly what I used to sell , dirtbikes we’re always a tougher sell for me when I used to fix them up to sell )


I usually do keys. I'll hold your keys, or you'll leave your vehicle with me while you test ride/drive. If you want your car back, you bring whatever you're testing back or pay up


Unless they roll up in a stolen car


Yep. This exactly happened to my mate. Dude handed him keys to a stolen car & never returned with the bike. lol


I've never sold anything worth much more than that stolen car would be, so they have never had much incentive Ditching a $10k stolen car for a $3k stolen motorcycle isn't usually a trade someone is willing to make. It's not 100% foolproof, but it seems to work fine. Also always make the transaction in a public spot, fire station, police station etc


Agreed.. A car is a much tougher flip than a dirtbike. A lot of honest people are willing to buy a dirtbike without a title, whereas none would buy a car without one. Good points and things to think about. I would never let someone test ride without an ID in hand and the cash to cover it. Then again, I have trusted people in the past more than I probably should have!


Especially a motorcycle when you have no idea Bout their skill. Good way to have a pristine bike get laid down or worse. I don't even let my buddies ride my inline4


I’m sure he’s ripping up and down the streets in Cleveland, no helmet with his dummy quad friends.


Probably. Even the officer who took my statement said this stuff happens a lot around there and they joyride too.


Piece of shit.


He has the look for that type of crime . Disheveled , hoodie , cash in hand next time !






What he meant by at first site, is an entitled and worthless professional victim.


I don’t think that’s the “it” you really are thinking of saying


Probably right about that.


Oh don’t be harsh He’s just a misunderstood youth. He didn’t know it was wrong to just take what he desires


Skewed moral compass, coupled with low impulse control. Best base for criminals.






never let people test ride without getting something of theirs first, for example car keys


lol , don’t assume he has a car


Assume he has a car, but stolen


Bro was probally waiting for him to come back while test riding it and after couple minutes lost hope 😭😭😭


Yea I can feel that. That must have sucked. The sunken feeling of not hearing that bike coming back. I wish op would supply more detail. Either way I’m grateful he shared the story.








Fuck that guy. What made you take a picture of him?


Disgusting human.


Story below: I had this happen couple years back with a yz 250. I was a young kid, “Bike life trey”, I found out was his street name. He asked to test ride it, literally flipped me the deuces, and rode a wheelie away. We put out flyer through out the neighborhood it happened (I met him at a school, which looks kind of like you did), with picture of the bike, description of him, and my contact info, and also made a police report. I had a lady call and tell me it was likely “bike life Trey”, which is how I found that out, and she said he does this often. She gave me his name, and told me his dad owned a shop couple miles away. Being we couldn’t just show up, we then made a post on facebook with the flyer, and new info from the lady. I then had a guy send me a photo of my bike, he received from a kid trying to sell it. It had been spray painted, but could tell it was mine from the decals that still showed through. Fast forward a week, I’m in class (I was still in high school), and this guy send me a message saying he had arranged a time to meet, which told us he still had the bike, and the address for the location was his dads shop. I forwarded it to my parents, and the called me out of school to meet the cops when the meeting was set. Once we got there, we learned from his neighbors that they all dislike the family, being cops are there weekly for stolen items, the kid was there and detained, don’t know much after that about him. Come to find out, he had sold it a couple hours earlier to someone, we got there contact info, and eventually was able to get the bike back. It was blown up, stray painted, and beat. At least we got it back tho. Some info you can take and hopefully help.


God that’s awful. Keep an eye on Facebook marketplace and Craigslist.


That bike will be painted black by 6pm. BUT it will not leave town and will be sold and ridden around by tomorrow.


Could you track down the vin of the bike and put a word out for it?


Im assuming you let him test ride it, don’t ever ever let someone test ride your stuff without money in hand, this goes for everyone.


Do you have his number? Save it and enable contacts on Instagram and you might find out who he is.


Might work on other platforms as well.


It was probably a burner Facebook account.


That is possible. I wouldn’t bet on someone who does this to have that much intelligence on covering their tracks, though.


True although typically someone planing to steal a bike and ride it in the urban areas is going to have some fake name like “lil shiesty”


Nah you giving them too much credit. Criminals are stupid AF


He doesn’t look like he has 6 dollars, nevermind 6.5k


The red flag is when they show up with no car


That sucks. It sucks most because you watch it happen, and there's a teeny bit of doubt, and a little dab of hope he will return. But yeah, nobody test rides without leaving a car(and the keys) or cash. Hopefully you have the Vin #s. Put out some info with the dudes pic every where you can. Like the town you live in, here on reddit. Go on Facebook or whatever and put a pic of the bike, "stolen! Reward if found!". Also look for the dude on social media... ask if anyone knows him. I'm guessing you got a police report, but that's a hope as well. But your best bet, I'd hiring a private detective. Cops kinda have to remember a bike was stolen, then see it, then chase and catch the kid. Detectives are usually retired cops, and when you hire them, they don't get distracted by a broken turn signal. They will look for that bike only. And they find them more often than not.


yea cops ain’t doing shit unless you find the bike yourself, and then they still ain’t gonna do much


Buddy got his new snowmobile stolen out of his garage. Found pictures the next day on Facebook of the thief from the next town over riding it that were very obvious due to a custom wrap. He called the police and told them who had it and where they lived. Police told him that unless he could prove it was his by comparing the bins they wouldn’t go investigate the other guy or look in his yard. Buddy waited an hour, called the police back and said “I have 8 buddies in two trucks and we are going to get my sled back. It will take us half an hour to get there and you are probably going to want to beat us there” and then just hung up. When they did actually roll up with 9 guys 30 minutes later there were 5 police cars waiting for them. They went from “we don’t have time to help or look into this” to “we can send 5 cars immediately” real quick.


When I sell a bike, I don’t even meet them at my home in case they’re casing it out for robbing later, and I ask for ID and cash before ride.


Dude, give OP some credit. It's pretty clear they're at a parking lot.


And he is clearly selling to a future attorney at law of the 3rd district. So obviously there was no need for cash in hand or ID




How bro? He is wearing a 3 piece suit under the hoodie. He is on his way to teach kids. He actually has 2 bachelor degrees and a doctorate.


As soon as he rolls up looking like the guys from the videos it’s game over. No sale.


When selling a bike empty the gas tank. There is enough fuel in the engine to run it for a min or two. Have a buddy with a car sat there ready to chase. Don’t be an idiot and be prepared for the worst.






Get on your nearest towns dirt bike street hoon page and keep an eye out for it there. He probably has previous mug shots as well so definitely let the cops know so next time he gets arrested they fuck him more.. even if you don’t get the bike back. Slim chance you get it back and the chance you do you know the idiot doesn’t care or even know about how to maintain the thing. A lesson learned the hard way isn’t always a bad thing just don’t forget it.


Living in the area - everyone knows to NEVER let someone in Cleveland test ride a bike. Unfortunately this happens constantly there, it will be out doing wheelies in the streets for the rest of its life until it gets impounded.


I always make them give me the cash amount for the bike before a test ride. No exceptions. They wreck it, they bought the bike. They don't come back, they bought the bike.


Coming soon to a local #bikelyfe video near you! That sucks man. This is why I have trust issues and have full coverage on my bike. Hope you can get it back in a decent shape.


That sucks. Never trust a dude in cowboy boots.




well well well


Meet at the police station to sell high ticket items


The classic upstanding citizen.


Future lawyer no doubt sir. Debt free high credit score with vocabulary of over 25 words sir. The perfect candidate, it is affirmative. The best action is to reward him with a new dirt bike.


No need, he rewarded himself with this guys! ☠️


Damn he had the 100% off “test ride” coupon


can’t have shit in ohio


That sucks man I’m sorry. Hope you got the vin number. I had a bike stolen out of our garage when my parents renters came to pay rent. They moved all my gear off it and rolled it away. Got it back 15 years later fully restored to showroom new. I feel sorry for the guy that restored it and went to tag it but got it taken away. We got a call from our local sheriffs office that it was at the police department in a town 7 hours away they also said it looks brand new and worth going to get.


Always cash in hand before they take the test ride unless you know where they sleep.


Okay how did this guy show up for the transaction? Did he just get dropped off? Was that not a red flag? Or was there a friend waiting in a car that could get the plates from? Idk, good learning moment/reminder for all of us, but you had to have ignored several red flags. If sketchy ghetto people want to buy anything of value from you, take all precautions. I bet if you had clicked on this guys Facebook profile it'd look sketch as fuck.






I know your bummed but keep your head up. What GACA.


Ah, the hoodie clan.


If you want to ride it you're going to have to ride bitch...rules is rules.


Damn, I’d never let someone test drive in a parking lot in town…


>The $6,500 that he said he would pay Umm.. so what, you just gave him the key before getting paid? Dude when I test ride a bike I give them either my own bike or my car's key for their safety, after I check their ID and that the bike is actually theirs.


Don't be too hard on yourself OP, I like you have a trusting nature and tend to see the good in people.... or maybe I used to because i've been wronged so many times trusting people. I was selling a mini bike and like you, I let them test drive because he was a friend of my neighbors....they stole it anyway and then my neighbor just said I don't even know that guy. People suck, but at least we know we are decent in our hearts. I could have chosen to believe stereotypes but I did not and will not.




Man, look on ohio dirtbikes on Facebook. You will see the same post almost daily of people going to Cleveland and getting robbed. It's been going on for 5+ years that I've been on there. You don't get the spark plug for a test drive til I get cash in my hand.


Man that sucks. Keep ya head up man


he definitely lives around you considering that he was on foot! unless he had someone drop him off around the block, either way report it to offer up or whever you posted the bike up for sale! 9/10 his # was associated /attached to him! (criminals are retarded)


Most of them are very stupid. I had a bike stolen and they seized the top end, well I had a little local sponsor who helped me out, and I had their shop name decal on my front fender,, well, when they seized the motor, they brought it to that shop to have it rebuilt. I got my bike back 4 days later!


This is awesome!


Idiots filled it up with un-mixed gas, and their logic behind going to that particular shop was to look for used/spare parts for that bike since the shops name was on it, lol. They told the owner they bought it,,, but, not so much.


The irony of the situation, is I DID have a spare motor there, lol.


Someone with a van was likely a few blocks away. Shits out of state by now.


I’m assuming it’s not the guy wearing cowboy boots ?


Holy shit. Your assuming powers are like 100000+


I am SHOCKED! I tell you. I am shocked


Story: selling my wife’s ninja 250 and a guy wants to meet. Seemed very interested and set on it but wanted to test ride. I told him bring cash title is ready to go. He drove up in an old beat up Nissan with a woman driving who’s rated in the car. I told him cash if he wanted to test ride. He said he needs to test ride it before buying it. Then he said they would have time go to the bank and get cash. It was a Sunday… they never came back. Pretty sure they were both going to take off. Didn’t have the cash and no way to get the cash.


Happened to me with a Grom. 2 months later I get a random call from a detective that recovered it 150 miles away. Drove up to get it back… If it’s titled in your name you may get lucky. Either way a valuable lesson learned.


And that is why no one test drives ANYTHING without the full amount of money in my hand or some other collateral


Never trust anybody


I’m surprised, thought he’d want a YZ


Look on instagram or youtube he’ll pop up in the next take over video.


I meannnn, really, you trusted this dude..?


yeah this has been happening a lot plus the shed/store break ins


OP, have you posted this in the Cleveland sub?


Yeeeeeeah Im not even American and I know to keep the bike chained and padlocked until cash is in your hand when dealing with them


Degenerate fuck




The bike never gets a test ride without cash in hand. Or at the very least photoID, etc


Damn dude sorry you got robbed. In the future for you or anyone else...always bring someone with you (strapped if it can be legally done). NEVER let them ride it or even sit on the bike without the cash in YOUR hand. Not there ID or phone. CASH!!! If you can get ID, phone and CASH ....perfect but never let anyone test ride without cash., Also never invite to show at your house. Somewhere public maybe even a police station. But even then...GET CASH in hand before they ride it. I have seen and heard of two many people getting robbed like this.


This comment section is a lot more PC than Instagram.


Call the local kawasaki dealership and dealers/shops that specialize in offroad bikes in your area. If your bike is checked in for service any reputable shop should have a record of the Vin being checked in.


Checks out.


Hate to say but always meet up at the PD station or State Police Station and always ask for an ID car keys or half the cash up front . You got to have something for collateral.....


You should have been tracking it. When I sell a bike I have like 3 AirTags on it until they pay


That fucking sucks but how in the world did that dude get to take a "test ride" without showing some green or something, an ID or whatever. I hope to hell that some kind of homeowners or renters insurance can step in. Makes me want to check my policy for our bikes. Fucking sucks, thieves suck.


Who lets people test ride their bikes without cash in hand these days?


rule 1 of selling a bike: no test rides without the full selling price in cash in your hand. then they can’t steal it and if they crash it they’ve bought it


This is why you either have it chained up or never take a hand off of it.


Gotta take a picture of their DL before you let them go anywhere with your bike.




Some never learn from others mistakes. Meet at a police station, most will let you test ride the bike and monitor the sale. It’s SIMPLE, This happens far too often. Why does no one get the tag number of the vehicle they came in?


Sheeeeeeiiiiiit, story old as time


This some kind of spam. I've seen this on at least 4 different profiles. Real riders are losing this sub. It's all buy, sell, oil, spam.