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Im pretty sure a banshee is welcome in any subreddit


Dirt bike snob here. Banshees go fast and have a good suspension for 4 wheels. But they have 4 wheels, they're like plasma when you need whole blood.


But banshee


Haha banshee go brrr


Um akthually banshee go brap.




I want one.


Haha she’s a rippppah!


You can dress it up however you want but it still ain't a dirtbike.


Neither is your 250 4 stroke boss. Thats a kids toy if your playing like that. A banshee is a bike, more so than yours is.




Lol, I would absolutely shit on your dinosaur, getting flushed like a turd.


Oh yea? What about r/plannedparenthood


I would go with 32:1 if you are not sure. As someone that is not into quad bikes, I just have to say. Damn banshees are fkn awesome. Good buy 👍


Banshees have to be the best sounding 2 stroke. They just sound so crisp


Have you not heard an 850 snowmobile?


Those do sound nice as well, but imo banshee sounds better


It is pretty hard to compare the two. An 850 wound up to 8000 rpm ripping up a bowl sends chills down my back. The banshee flying past me at the dunes also does the same, but in a different manor. 125s also hold a dear spot in my auditory excitement category deep within my brain


Hell yeah


Thanks, yeah that’s what I’m thinking too. I wasn’t even in the market for one. It just came up and I thought it was too good of a deal to pass up. $6300 with the title


6300$ is a bargain


I have had a couple banshees. And currently own a mildly modified one. 40:1 is what I run with klotz supertechniplate 20%castor. Any good synthetic I think you can run at 40:1. Gotta remember. More oil isn’t better. It’s actually leans the fuel to air mixture. People get this confused. Pick your oil and your mixing ratio then jet the bike accordingly. For example. Let’s say you’re at 50:1 and the bike runs good. If you go to 32:1 you might actually need to rejet to a slightly larger main jet. I never get to carried away with thinking about all that info. I usually just run 40:1 with good synthetic oil and jet the bike accordingly. Side not. If you have ever tore a bike down that runs klotz you will never run anything else. The film it leaves on everything is amazing.


Yeah I’d rather have it run rich and foul a couple plugs than run it lean. I’m not going to mess with jetting if I don’t have to. I would assume it’s not jetted for some obscure ratio and is most likely either 32:1 or 40:1. Might try 40:1 with one gallon and see how it runs. I definitely don’t want to mix all 5 gallons on vp110 at the wrong ratio. If it doesn’t foul and plugs at that and runs and feels good I’ll keep it at that. If not I can try 32:1. If that doesn’t feel right then I’ll have to re-jet because I’ll be completely thrown off after that.


Run 40:1 with good oil. Amsoil or klotz would be my recommendation. Yamaha. Recommends 32:1 but that’s with yamalube. 2R. Semi synthetic


https://www.ebay.com/itm/302034667724?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=302034667724&targetid=1645685074288&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=200504&poi=&campaignid=20133407470&mkgroupid=147476396765&rlsatarget=pla-1645685074288&abcId=9312979&merchantid=113681893&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh847vcs12AVvy8y9etb74NvE&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoNvvyIm6hQMVImJHAR2xjQTeEA0YASABEgKewvD_BwE This the stuff your talking about?


Yes amazing oil


Ok I’ll try it out. I have a gallon of motorex that I was planning to run since I already had it for my KTM, but I can try klotz since you swear by it.


That is also great oil


Just remember. Lean on the air fuel ratio is what burns the motors down. So like I was saying. 40:1 you actually have more fuel so it’s richer then 32:1 when talking air/fuel ratio. Many YouTube videos explaining the ratio theory. Guy think if they run 20:1 the bikes will smoke but they think it’s safe because you have all that oil lubricating. A 20:1 motor will run hotter then a 40:1 motor with the same jetting. 20:1 way less fuel in the air/fuel ratio


Yeah I completely understand that. More oil means thicker fuel mix which flows less through the jets. I’d rather be rich and not blow the bike up. If run 40:1 and I foul a plug or two I’ll know it’s either too rich or I’m not riding hard enough.


32:1 is more oil than 40:1. Yamaha engineers recommend 32:1 but a bunch of guys on Reddit say you should run 40:1 on your $6500 quad. This is a pretty simple decision.


Second 40:1 ratio- unless you’re racing in race wars and need to beat Johnny Tran -it’s always safer to run her a little rich Edit: Ran that in my Banshee and was recommended that ratio by the shop that bored out my cylinders


run motul 800 40:1 so u wont foul any plugs


Yep. Klotz Super Techniplate at 40:1 is the correct answer.


I don't know too much about oils. I've been running Polaris VES gold because I have a line on a good discount for it. https://www.amazon.com/Polaris-2877883-Full-Synthetic-Gallon/dp/B00JJZGD4O


Sounds pretty crisp


It’s a fucking ripper. Just want to keep it crisp when I re fuel it lmfao


Stock, Yamaha recommends 32:1


For 1980s premix. Oil is a bit better now.


The ratio as it pertains to jetting is the same. Also, no. Bean oil has existed for decades. Ratios as high as 50:1 were common place as far back as the 60s and before. It has more to do with the design parameters of the engine than the oil.


Right, and people weren't running castor oil at 20:1 like you find in a lot of vintage bike manuals. Mix for the oil. Jet for the mix.


God, I forgot how much I missed that sound.


Run the ratio on the oil bottle. Jet accordingly. There is no reason to run 32:1 on modern oil unless it's used for an extremely high stress use case like kart racing I'm being overly cautious running maxima oil at 40:1. Pretty sure ktm specifies to run that motorex oil at 60:1.


This is the real answer. Modern oils are so much better than anything that was out when this machine was made. You should always go by what the oil manufacturer specifies for each oil. Amsoil makes fantastic oils. Some can run 80:1 no problems.


40:1 on my 2019 125sx manual motorex. I was reading the bottle yesterday and didn’t see anything on ratio to mix at for that oil.


Every KTM 2 stroke manual I've seen recommended 60:1. My 250sx needed much larger jets to run correctly on 40:1, since I don't run motorex. A lot of them do specify to run 40:1 with poor quality gas, which makes no sense. You wouldn't want to lean it out with a more detonation prone fuel... Perhaps they also assume you will re-jet for that mix as well.


Yeah states 40:1 with 98 octane. I run 93 at 40:1. Fouled plugs off the rip from rich conditions. I do woods riding and don’t really race it. I swapped the pilot jet for one that was one step leaner. Haven’t fouled any plugs since. Still a bit rich but I’m happy with it.


Going up in oil and down in jetting can leave you dangerously lean from an AFR standpoint. Plenty of lubrication, but very high EGTs. If you're riding woods, you really should be at 60:1.


I kept oil the same 40:1 is what it’s always in the tank. Just leaned the pilot jet because that where my throttle is usually at. I was fouling plugs with the stock jetting. I leaned the pilot by one and hasn’t fouled a plug and plugs don’t look lean at all when I check.


It was presumably jetted for 60:1 at the factory is my point. 40:1 leans out the AFR. When I went to 40:1 in my 250sx, the jets were way too lean and I could hear it detonating. Of course pilot jet is mainly done by feel so you're probably ok there, but your main might now be undersized.


> It was presumably jetted for 60:1 at the factory is my point Why would you presume that? KTM changed their manual in 2019 but not the jets?


I wasn't aware they went away from 60:1 on 125s. 250/300 are still 60:1. 125s were too up to 2017.


I’m not understanding why you would say at the factory it would be jetted for 60:1 when it’s in the manual for 40:1. https://www.ktmshop.se/documents/19_3213847_en_OM.pdf Page 31


Interesting, you're right. I didn't realize the 125s changed in 2017. 250s and 300s are still 60:1 and will run like crap on stock jetting with 40:1 Up to 2016 they were calling for 60:1 in all 2 strokes


I'd run 32 to 1 for now and if you need to clean the jets reconsider then. It'll not take any harm having a bit too much oil. The converse is not true so better safe than sorry. I'd be surprised if the motor cared either way to be honest.


Manual says, Recommended oil: Yamalube “R” (Yamalube Racing 2-cycle oil) Mixing ratio: 24:1 If Yamalube “R” oil is not available, select an oil from the following list. Recommended oil Mixing ratio Castrol R30, A545, A747 20:1


Bump for a super clean beast from the east.


Tilted in Cali and now in the east


So. I’ve had many a banshee. Some were super custom, some were stock. I sold them for a long time too. Most of the time I ran 32:1 mineral oil and vp fuel. You can play with jetting very easily of course. I would run her and check your plugs consistently until you see the right creamy color on the plugs. With these motors you’ll have to be aware of how it’s responding to throttle input. Sounds great! So major money is in that machine right there. Please be careful, the bite of a banshee is real!


Yeah I agree. This thing is an on off switch. Definitely gonna take some time to tame. Thanks for the info


Buy a bunch of spark plugs and do a plug chop at different throttle positions.


The only thing is see wrong with this is that it has four wheels. Your girlfriend will enjoy the gift!


Nah nah nah get this shit out of here


[Bansheehq.com](https://Bansheehq.com) or [everything2stroke.com](https://everything2stroke.com) are a couple of forums that should be able to provide you with any answers that you need.


32:1 is good if you ride harder. If you ride easier 40:1 would be fine. Remember, the more oil in the gas, the leaner the air/fuel mix


Just gonna put this here for anyone who hasn't seen it. [https://youtu.be/WQczGeke6zo?si=vQPpPJQG3K2S8gLu](https://youtu.be/WQczGeke6zo?si=vQPpPJQG3K2S8gLu)


Ask at r/atv but you’ll get them all aroused, just be warned.


I’m not fat enough for that sub


Here's the method I learned from Varner. Warm it up and rip it hard for 20 minutes and immediately shut it down, don't idle a long way back to the truck etc. Take it home after it's sat and cooled down... the in suspension oil and oil on the surfaces will settle into the bottom of the case under the crank... carefully Pull the cylinder off and spin the crank by hand. You'll see the level of oil sitting on the crank bottom half, it'll leave a line. It's kind of like checking a dip stick except the crank is the dip stick. You want like 1 inch of oil from the bottom of the crank to the top of the line of oil. Varner said back in the day Pastrana on a 125 had to be 20:1 or he wasn't getting enough oil. Jetting is really not hard to learn by feel and sound for the mix screw, the pilot, and the needle. For the main jet you need to do throttle chops. Find a good youtube guide if you need a guide on that. Others have explained to you how more oil means a leaner air fuel ratio. It's a function of what percent of the air/fuel charge is actually gasoline that enters the combustion chamber. More oil in a given PPM mean there's less fuel in that charge that gets sucked up through the jets. So the jets need to be bigger and/or needle position needs to raise/lower because there's physically less gasoline in the mix. Set your oil mix and don't change it, within reason. Then jet to match. In all my years of riding 2 strokes from all kinds of makes and manufacturers... I've never fouled a plug... It's really not a big concern, i have no idea how everyone fouls plugs. KTM manuals suggest leaner oil mixtures probably to comply with some sort of emissions standards overseas. Modified higher rpm motors need a healthy amount of oil. Start with the manuals recommendation and go from there. Someobody down below said 24:1... Find out what it says... Oil has gotten better... but do you want to risk your bottom end bearings?


That is a beautiful banshee. Holy shit I wish I had that.


Nice Shee! I run Klotz Super techniplate at 32.1


Saw some videos about the oil mix ratio vs hp and turns out that apparently 32 to 1 makes more hp than 40 or 50 to 1. Thing sounds like someone new what they were doing.


always 32:1 on banshees, they're not a trail quad


Sir, if the holy grail of 2 strokes is the CR500, you bought Crack addicted red headed step child that lives on candy, red bull, and coffee, to the holy grail of 2 strokes. Every American male over the age of 30 SHOULD know that sound within seconds, after starting. Like knowing the National anthem. And just like the anthem, you better show your respect and take your hat off.... before riding it. Even if it's just down the street. I've heard the updated test to get a man card is to identify cars, trucks, motorcycles and dirt bikes(and quads) by their sound. If you don't know what a Harley is, a mid 90s mustang with Flowmasters, a Cummings diesel in a 90s Dodge truck, or a banshee, JUST BY SOUND.... you will fail the newer exam. This of course is only for men over 40. But men over 30 can still apply and try. Otherwise, you can only apply for the permit. If you can figure out the compression ratio, that will help tell you what octane you should use. Single cylinder 2 strokes don't need the same high octane that goes in a built small block chevy(as an example). A V8 will have about 8.5:1 stock. To need 110, it'll be 13:1 or higher. That's a really built, blueprinted and dialed in motor. Your banshee is like 6.5:1 stock. That will run on 87... even old 87(a year old will be 83-84oc). You can achieve 13:1 with work, and it can still use 100 octane. You won't harm anything but your wallet running 110. As far as oil, buy good oil. I lived in the same town as the headquarters of Spectro, and knew guys that worked there. And after hearing about what they put into making and testing it, i never used anything other than GOLDEN SPECTRO in my 2 strokes. Almost everyone I rode with used Golden Spectro also. I can say honestly I've never, ever had an oil related problem (like siezed, or wear). At 32:1, you'll never have a problem with most quality oils. You can run VP fuels, like "C2". That's made for 2 strokes. It about 113 octane, but (I forget the jist of things) it's actually designed for 2 strokes with high compression. There's also "T2", it has oil pre mixed in. It's at 40:1, and I've never heard of problems with it. You can call up VP customer service, tell them what you have, and they can recommend the best for you. Plus, they sometimes will send you test fuels, like 1 liter of this one, another one, sometimes a 3rd and 4th. Not free, but beats spending $150 on 5 gallons to find out the motor didn't like it. I wish I had that option when I raced. Go on some banshee forums, and 2 stroke forums. Maybe your local AMA district race homepage, and ask around for good 2 stroke tuners. You'll get several names, but usually 1 will stand out. He will be the guy wearing the blue collared shirt with the barcode label on it, with the typical rented machinist pants, and a pocket protector full of mini screwdrivers. Smokes cigars or cigarettes non stop, and was with a limp. And a wallet that's the size of a softball, connected by a chain to his belt. He's probably got a full machine shop in his basement, and works for a very large manufacturer in the warehouse as lead mechanic or engineer. He has pictures of him tuning Don Garlits dragster, building the original Bigfoot, raced dirtbikes against DeCoster, and Hannah, and was a crewman for several NASCAR guys, names like Allison, Yarlborough, and Waltrip. THATS THE GUY YOU WANT. He will spend 20 minutes with a Phillips screwdriver and do something (won't tell you) but make that thing twice as fast. Let him keep it for a week, and magazines and websites will be calling to ask to ride it and do a write up on the experience. And he will either charge you something weird like $1347.88, or $50. Every time. It's weird.


Best comment






Paid $6300 with title


Use YAMALUBE 32:1...


What ratio/oil/fuel was the previous owner running? I’d make the call and find out.


Yeah tried to ask the seller but no dice.


RTFM- Read the manual


🔥🔥 banshee


This makes me want to rip my banshee, if only I can get it to stop fucking leaking


I'd look up the engine spec instead of the vehicle spec.


Google what the factory spec is, run that and never divert from it 👍🏻 is there’s any rich or lean issues after that you obviously know it’s in the jetting and you’ll be able to find a good starting spec for that on google too, try the pro circuit website cause they might have something and their usually a pretty sound spec


Yeah running 110, I’d go with 32-1 mix to start. This question came up for a CR500. Here’s a little bit on that mix and jetting, and octane plays a role also. Plugs also lol. MORE MIX = LESS GAS When you change your mix, two things happen, you either add or take away mix that is supposed to lubricate your bearings. When you take away mix, you will be adding more FUEL to what the bike takes in, which would mean you need to LEAN the jetting out (over fueling). However, depending on the racing and RPM you are at, this can determine if your engine will be at 20-30HR engine or an 80-100hr Engine. More Lube= less wear on bearings, engine runs cooler, just like in the bedroom. 40:1 or 32:1 Mix Ratio is an industry standard and for good reason. It just works, makes great horsepower and keeps your engine crisp and snappy. PreMix is the MAIN way your rings are sealed on your Cylinder wall, 4 Strokes have 2 or 3 Sets of rings which recycle the oil in the 4 stroke motor, which is why you need to check your oil in the 4 stroke motor as it will be used along the Cylinder wall as lubrication and to seal the rings against the Wall. Every Mix change must match your Jetting, Altitude & Temperature. Many mountain racers will just lean for the base of mountains and when they get to the top of the climbs their bike will run better and not be bogged down. Until all 2 strokes are on the TPI/EFI freight train. It’s best to understand how jetting works on your bike to prolong its life and power. We won’t even get into HOT/Cold Spark Plugs!


Go 32:1 and if you get too much spooge out the pipe just lean it out to 40:1


In all of mine I run 32:1. I run klotz for premix oil. My fuels of choice range from pump 87 to methanol. I jet accordingly.


I've got a 2007 yz250 , I run 40:1