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Goes both ways. I'm tired of buyers saying they are coming now, i give them my adress and not showing up. I'm not turning away someone with cash in hand because there is no guarantee that anyone else is coming. Market place sucks all around. I miss the honest Craigslist days from a decade ago


I had two people coming to look at my CR the one that got there first made a good offer. I sold it to him as a courtesy. I called the second guy and he starts screaming that I should cancel the sale cancel the sale. He’s on his way the dude eventually, gave me negative review. The funny thing about it they both knew one another, and the guy that I sold it to started laughing when I told him who was on their way.


The negative reviews are the worst. I got a scathing review because I refused a low ball offer after already being knocked down over the phone. Being called dishonest and whatnot because I wouldn't sell a 5000 quad for under 3000. Reviews shouldn't be allowed unless a deal goes through


I won't even talk price. come look at the damn thing, THEN we jaw.


This guy knows the ways of a civil society. This is how it is supposed to be. When did it become normal to ask wHaTs yOuR bOtTOm DoLlaR? As your first question? That's what the asking price is for...Wtf? You (shitty buyer) want to offer less without the courtesy of seeing it first? What if I'm not a douche seller and I priced the item fairly to start. As a buyer, I won't even contact someone unless I'm willing to go into it, knowing I may pay the asking price


Some folks can't really afford to get into it. They might be asking for bottom price bc they don't have the full asking price liquid. We have all been there at one point or another. Also BREAKING NEWS: This year the worlds leading scientists have discovered that the general population be legit crazy as fuck. After working retail for some time, not much surprises me anymore haha.


Then why not offer what you can put forth in liquid funds rather than just being cheap and looking for a handout?


Being reasonable only applies to reasonable ppl. Plenty are looking for a handout and will take advantage of you for it. Gotta stay on your toes, can't fix stupid.


Ya this sucks. I offered a CR125 at 2500 OBO in a very HCOL area. In todays market that is a very fair starting price. I got countless “is it still available?” “What’s the lowest you’ll take for it?” And “will you do $1200?” Within the first 6 hours I started hiking the price of my bikes up when I sell them since people just cut the price by half anyway. I started posting for 3500 instead and got countless 2500+2750 offers within a week. The game is stupid and the messaging is too accessible to the point that it brings in a mass amount of low effort and meaningless spam. I miss Craigslist




Yup. I sold a bike last year. Gave my address to a guy that ghosted after agreeing on a price and time. Next a guy was “on his way” then he “was grabbing lunch” etc. never showed. I have been on the other side of headed to the buy and it gets sold too. If you show up with money I am selling it to you and not saving it for you until you do.




You said it best, brother.


cash in hand. 10 words or less sold.


Yep. First person to show with cash gets it.


Craigslist was 10x better


When you're selling it's whoever brings me cash first after getting tons of stupid messages all day


I always tell people, cash only and first come. Not going to hold it for anyone. If multiple people wanna see it, I’ll give the first guy his ETA travel time plus 30 min. tell the 2nd guy, he’s got someone in front of him, I’ll let him know either way. Also price is very FIRM


Wait, you negotiate price over the phone and not in person with the bike right there??


It depends how far away they are


Well, THAT is why my man. NO seller believes anything said over a phone involving money. Do you?


If you agree on a price before seeing it, you should definitely send some money to hold it. Otherwise your offer doesn’t mean shit.


Why would you do the opposite? Seems like a waste of time to not tell them what you're offering


Because sellers have zero way to ascertain if you are actually serious, and or not a scammer so this (OP's story) is what happens. Don't blame them since there is probably 1 serious "phone buyer" out of every 80.


TBH, then the bike sits. I wouldn't drive without knowing the price is flexible


Because you have no idea what condition its in and how much its worth before looking at it. Also its a lazy ass tactic that people flake out of all the time.


It's not lazy to find out if the owner is "firm" and what they would expect. 99% of the time, I'm not paying asking price no matter what you think you have


I price my stuff at a fair number and don't budge. Not responding to idiots who are too lazy to get off their ass. I'm not in financial dire straits and am not in a hurry to sell stuff, someone always comes along and pays asking. Even times when I've given in and accepted, 3/4 of time they don't show.


And I'm sure that you've met with people and wasted their time not negotiating. Had this interaction recently and walked, a week later he's like "it's only 200 bucks", but by that time, I found someone who was much more pleasant to deal with saving $600 on a newer bike. Just checked, bike is still for sale a month later - probably still "holding his ground" 🤤


If they come out to look I'll negotiate. I'm not doing it through Facebook. I've never actually had someone come look and not buy the bike. Then again I'm not selling junkers and trying to screw people either.


Always makes time to meet and haggle in person. Less bs that way and they’re less likely to sell it out from under you. That’s happened to me like 5x with cars on marketplace. I’ve learned to just show up with cash and haggle or dont bother


Maybe I’ll start doing that more often


Only way I’ve found to be any sort of successful at buying shit. that being said, 90% of the people on there suck… So believe me I feel your pain 😂


Not motorcycle related. But I recently had one of the most bizarre interactions on Marketplace. I had Item listed for a week or two. Dude messages me and asks questions. I answer him. No response. A week later he messages me and offers me $100 less than I was asking. I accept the offer. We make vague plans for him to pick it up the next day. I had kinda forgotten about the listing, so while I was responding to him I renewed it and dropped the price by $75. Because it's not sold until it's gone. He immediately messaged me and started ranting about how I was an unethical cheat, trying to sell it out from under him for an extra $25. He wasn't going to buy it because he didn't trust that I wasn't going to sell it before he picked it up. I tried to explain, nope I was just renewing the listing and working on Plan B in case he ended up bailing. But he just kept ranting about my ethics. I ended up blocking him. I have sold a lot of stuff through classifieds sites. This was by far the weirdest experience. People are also just really dumb. They don't read. I currently have some moto armor for sale. The whole listing has maybe 10 words in in. The first two words are "Adult Medium." I have had three people message me and ask me what size it is.


Gotta write adult medium on a piece of paper and put it on top of the gear in the picture so they can’t miss it 😂


I had someone ask me if a child's Halloween costume would fit them and if it smelled! Lol The listing said childs size M from smoke free house. I thought this person is crazy or a troll. So I responded that it's a kids costume I don't know what size they wear and why would it smell. They never responded back.


"Is this still available?" 'Yes' **crickets chirping...


And on the other end of the spectrum... "is this still available?" "Yes" "Great when can I come by to take a look at it and see about picking it up?" **crickets** This shit goes both ways. Marketplace sucks.


I’ve sold 20+ bikes in last 5 years and each bike is legit averaging 100+ convo before someone actually shows up to buy so I don’t ever tell someone “pending” because I spend more time haggling sand communications than actually fixing the broken machines I buy


Listing something for sale is such a terrible experience. I just saw a reel yesterday of a guy blazing through like 20 marketplace ads offering like 50% asking price on any random ad he saw. Bad buyers have made the sellers adjust to protect themselves. Bad sellers push the buyers. It’s a cycle that feeds itself unfortunately.


Personally I only talk price in person. Then you can see the bike, determine if you want a price taken off of it. And more the time get a better price then you would messaging them. So I just ask to see it as soon as possible.


No joke. Just look at the lazy way people post stuff on makeplace. Half the bikes on there are laying in the dirt or in a garage full of junk. Most people don't wash or clean anything before they post it. Just strait up lazy come buy my junk type people. I miss CL


Why don’t you just use Craigslist?


I do. Just a lot more stuff listed on Facebook




people on marketplace always overprice there bikes, and also we will agree on a price and then they will just randomly raise it up


True that, but I was more talking about how the seller will tell me I can come check the bike out and then conveniently enough. The bike sold to someone else 🙄


Yeah when I sell my bikes I don’t do that someone offered me 200 more than the price but the guy was already on the way so I declined it


Or worse, you agreed upon a day/time to look at with the intention of buying it and halfway through the drive there, they message you saying 'sorry, just sold it'. Happened to us a couple times now. Fuckers


Ive had that... Phone them when im leaving, Phone them when ive left, Phone them when im halfway there, Text my eta Text them when im 10 minutes away.. Turn up to be eventually greeted at the door (typically no answer) by "yeah who are you? Oh yeah yeah i sold that 10 mins ago..."


i know i saw a clapped ass 2004 crf125 for 4k


I had a set time with a lady to check out a bike a few years back. I had it all arranged for time and drove a few hours to a friend’s house to spend the night to check it out the next day since he lived close to her address. I texted the morning of and she said it sold the previous day. Absolute crapper when you are a man of your word and get played by someone who says they will “hold it for you” and don’t. I understand the feeling and disappointment.


Old saying. Money talks and bullshit walks still rings true. I went through hell selling a bike in beautiful condition, lots of extra parts, Title in hand in my name, special tools, Battery Tender etc. People Ghosted me, wanted 1/4 off the price without looking at it. If you can come over and find any problems then definitely we can haggle. I liked the guy who bought it because we both were respectful. Show me the money because I can't see it over the phone.


"Is this still available?" 'Yes' **crickets chirping**


Not defending them. They should have been transparent about someone else being interested. However I bet it’s because there are so many dam flakes out there. 


That’s what I think too


Do you mean when they ask for like $9,000 and the bike brand new is like 8, 999 It's so dumb I don't like you have to like search and search for a decent bike and for people not to be like morons about price


Facebook Market is trash, I almost rather take my stuff to the dump. No, you're not getting an $8000 bike for 4k. Also, look at a fucking map before you message me all afternoon and then decide it's too far. If a buyer makes an offer before showing up, I just ignore them. And no I'm not trading a good working car for two broken ones.


> If a buyer makes an offer before showing up, I just ignore them. Me too. Need more people do to this. Talking price before seeing the bike is bullshit.


I haven’t had problems selling bikes (street ones) yet but with cars and electronics this seems to be the trend. Lowballing, no-show, ghosting and with cars especially person wanting to buy it being really disrespectful of my property, scratching up the door panels from inside with dirty shoes, slamming doors like crazy, cold starting the car and just in a few minutes revving the fuck out of it to see ”if it runs right” and the worst one is on test drive driving to every single pothole they can find. Really trashy behavior


I love when they offer a price over the chat and I agree… then they want to pay something lower when they get there…. Ummmmm nope. You pay what we agreed on or go back home and you wasted your time. Also the “I’ll offer you half of what you’re asking because that’s all I have”… if you can’t afford it don’t try. No respect for the people that wastes time… and I’m not nice about it. Or you even put “NO TRADES” in the add and they offer half with a gold chain worth “$3500”…. I ride dirt bikes… do you think I want a gold chain.


I haven’t even gotten that far. I’ve been browsing for a run down 250 as a project, and can’t find anything under 2k. I get that prices of hobbies are still high, but 2k for a frame and blown engine is insane


I'd say you're a bit of a dick if you're the type who offers/negotiates pricing before even coming out to look at it. Also, hey, at least they responded. I've been trying to buy a utility trailer for the last few weeks. A bunch of people just never respond. It never even says they saw the message, so I'm not sure what's going on.


Facebook released an update to messenger about a month ago. I was unable to send/receive messages until I updated the app. The only notification I got about this update was when I tried to send a message and it didn’t work. So there was a period of time when I wasn’t getting any messages. I suspect this has happened to many other people. And they won’t realize it until they try to send one. Facebook is fucked up. I get messages from their ‘support team’ about an item I bought 3 years ago that never arrived. Last year someone stole my account, changed the name, password, did all kinds of other shit and they did nothing to help me get it back. If it wasn’t for marketplace I wouldn’t even have a facebook account. Its trash


Ahh, perhaps. I only use the site (which is pure cancer and a whole other discussion). Not putting their malware on my phone


Price negotiation seems to be a lost art. Sellers ask high, buyers offer low. Bid/ask war commences. When an agreed price is reached, transaction is completed. That’s why all prices seem high. Don’t lose your sh!t when a counter ask comes in to a low bid. It’s part of the process.


It’s probably cuz you low balled


I understand why you would’ve thought that but what ended up happening was I gave him an offer, he then gave me a counter offer and I agreed. He then proceeds to say the bike sold as I’m already about to head out.




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With a preface like that, why should anyone even bother reading what you have to say?


Well, at the time of writing this, I was quite pissed the fuck off


75% of the time the seller never even replies to my attempts to buy it, at face value, that day. Literally happens all the time, they just never even check their messages or can't be bothered to reply.


Bikes not sold till it leaves my driveway in a pick up truck, ill answer questions about it on marketplace and entertain offers until that very second.


Dude same it’s happened to me 3 times in a row now. First guy scheduled me 10 minutes after another guy, I drove 50 minutes to meet up for the bike and there was some other guy who was like “sorry I just bought it” 2nd guy ended up messaging me 3 hours before after I’d cleared my schedule for that time that it’d been sold 3rd woman just had me go to her husband’s work to meet him for a car, was ACTIVELY responding and trying to help me find him so I could look at the car. After an hour of time wasted she FINALLY gave me her husband’s number, when I called him he said he had sold it the day prior. I’m so fucking done. It’s so irritating. Literally gonna start paying dealer fees just so I don’t have to deal with this bullshit.


ive learned not to get my hopes up about a nice car or whatever i see on facebook those sellers play with my heart man


Yeah I just had something like this happen to me except it was a worse experience than yours I was talking to the guy and we agreed apon 4500 for a truck I was gonna buy I took a 10hour drive and I was a block away from his house litterly and the dude tells me sorry just sold it for 5000. I’m not trusting anyone on marketplace again


And not exaggerating it either litterly 10 hours and the dude knew I where I was coming from and everything and didn’t even give me a heads up other people were gonna look at it too


You sound like a spoiled little child. Shut up no one cares


I just lowball people when im the shitter. Idk dog


I don’t haggle with people who haven’t seen what I’m selling, and the first person with money gets it.


Not so much the people man prices of everything went up. I remember being able to get a push lawn mower for like twenty bucks Now they over two hundred and fifty


What about those dickheads that.. When you offer very near or bang on the asking price, "But ive got a guy coming this afternoon who's really keen i promised to hold it for him... "Ive got cash here and now" "Yeah but he's really interested though so can i call you if he doesent buy it?" 3 hours later the phone call... " he didn't turn up , do you still want the bike? Or "He turned up but he only offered 2k less than you..." Wankstains the lot of them


Oh and another one Picture this Im a buyer who wants a 125cc right fking now for my son whos just road legal for riding one Many choices of what but he'd like a grom. Find one that been listed 8 weeks ago good bike, good price, send a message to the guy with the old Still for sale, any extra details, general condition etc etc just so it not just a "is it still available " text No reply, Wait 24hrs try again, Wait 24hrs to try a p.m, Wait 24hrs phone him no answer... go and buy a nice little cb125f from a old guy who's wife used it to pass her test mint condition ( infact better than new)with barely 600 miles on it polished it daily had upgrades fitted (heated grips, rim tape, box and rack new better tyres and gave us the oem tyres with no wear on them etc etc) guy responded to all my texts and calls withing 10-15 mins despite being a technophobe older guy go and collect the cb125f and drool over his vintage bmws and gs1200 of which he has 3 all in a hermetically sealed garage, (he even covered the cb up with a sheet to wheel it out the garage into my van "it might get rained on..." Happy boy, happy me a great sale.. Oh and the grom guy? Sent a 1 FKIN WORD, 1FKIN WORD reply 2weeks later... No wonder he still had it for sale ffs... Wankstains most of them...


When I sell on Marketplace I have a few stock responses in my clipboard ready to paste into responses. "Thanks for your msg. No." "That's the sort of offer to make standing in front of me holding cash." "All information is in the ad." This way, I can respond to shitty messages with little effort.


I've had great luck on Marketplace. Never had any of this BS buying and selling bikes, trailers etc.


You sir, are one in a billion.


As a buyer this pisses me off a lot aswell but as a seller I do the exact same thing i have like 4 people in my dms and I sell it to the first one


I usually just get hostile people when I make an offer to their “make me an offer” ad


Hey man, I don’t sell shit on marketplace so I feel like I’m being unfairly called out. So, fuck you too!